The Coronavirus Is Deadliest Where Democrats Live


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
From the Failing New York Times

Even COVID19 hates Dems...


The staggering American death toll from the coronavirus, now approaching 100,000, has touched every part of the country, but the losses have been especially acute along its coasts, in its major cities, across the industrial Midwest, and in New York City.


Democrats are far more likely to live in counties where the virus has ravaged the community, while Republicans are more likely to live in counties that have been relatively unscathed by the illness, though they are paying an economic price. Counties won by President Donald Trump in 2016 have reported just 27% of the virus infections and 21% of the deaths — even though 45% of Americans live in these communities, a New York Times analysis has found.
I am absolutely shocked the NYT actually printed a candid article.

One in a million. I’m sure we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming.

It’s a very interesting article, basically population density is the difference, but not all of it.

The Japanese didn't have much of a problem and there's 37 Million people in Tokyo. It's more an obesity, high blood pressure, and personal hygiene problem with Democrats.
For what reason?

Well let’s see... densely populated coastal cities with lots of immigration vs more sparsely populated areas filled with people who “cling to God and guns.”

Nope, can’t see a reason why here.

A lot of people have made that assumption, but there are places in the world more densely populated that have not seen the same level of infection, like Mumbai, for instance.
For what reason?

Well let’s see... densely populated coastal cities with lots of immigration vs more sparsely populated areas filled with people who “cling to God and guns.”

Nope, can’t see a reason why here.

A lot of people have made that assumption, but there are places in the world more densely populated that have not seen the same level of infection, like Mumbai, for instance.

The comorbidity chart I saw the other day would probably overlay well with the NYC deaths. Asthma was a big factor, heart disease, etc.
Stop posting ignorant horseshit.
It's not just in New York....

"There are some states that did draconian policies and you see them, and they have spikes," DeSantis, a Republican, said during a press conference in Jacksonville, calling out Democrat-run states.

"They have massive spikes in places like Illinois, I mean Michigan has had a lot of problems -- Michigan is half of Florida's size," he said. "They've got, like 5,000-plus fatalities. We have about [2,100,] 2,200 fatalities and we're twice their size."

"Do you do a New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania approach -- which is take a COVID-positive patient out of the hospital and force them back into the nursing home, or do you do what Florida did and said, actually, you cannot return a COVID-positive patient back to the nursing home," DeSantis said.

"And the difference is -- when you send the COVID-positive patient back to the nursing home, it spreads in the nursing home to the most vulnerable people in our society -- massive infections, obviously huge numbers of fatalities," he said.
Numbers lie apparently.

Numbers are only fabricated when you have New York "raking up" numbers that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus death itself. People have died from natural causes, but yet, the New York state officials are adding them in, because it occurred during the pandemic.

Stop posting ignorant horseshit.

There is nothing in Florida that comes even close to population density, mass public transportation and international exposure of NYC, where most of the cases are.

Numbers lie apparently.

Dummy, what number do you suppose refutes that NYC has way more international travel, way higher population density and subways full of elbow to elbow passengers?

You have to be detached from reality to compare pandemic spread potential here vs Florida.
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Numbers lie apparently.

Numbers are only fabricated when you have New York "raking up" numbers that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus death itself. People have died from natural causes, but yet, the New York state officials are adding them in, because it occurred during the pandemic.

Oh fuck you.

I'm here, working at NYC hospital and have a good friend that runs a police precinct. Why don't you come down here and tell us whats in the bodybags mr.keyboard pusher.

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