The Corona Virus Plague

Jay Zepher

Active Member
Aug 21, 2020
Decision time again. The plague nears an end and time comes for the nation to decide which path it will follow.
Did chance really dictate the unleashing of this disease?
Biblically, plagues can be specific responses related to the behavior of the people they targeted.
In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh refused to let the Jews go and therefore the Egyptians were specifically targeted by the numerous resulting plagues, culminating in the death of all the first born not under the blood, but the supposition, at least theatrically, was that Pharaoh targeted the first born of Israel and God therefore targeted the first born of Egypt.
In the future, according to the bible, the kingdom of the beast sheds the blood of Christians and God gives the people of that kingdom blood to drink by turning the seas into blood.
Point: there is a reciprocal relationship between the plagues and the offenses.
Today, look at the nature of this plague. People are NOT allowed to be CLOSE to one another.
Now, I am not going to suppose what that means, nor infer anything here. Only that this too looks too specific to be chance, at least for anyone aware of biblical themes and prophecy and of course if you even believe in God as portrayed in the bible.
True, it is all too easy to say these things and point them out in times of fear and crisis as everyone looks for answers while the more clear-minded among us give us very good advice for how to stay safe.
Just know that God is watching. If you believe in God you must have asked yourself why did He allow COVID to happen. Even if He did not send it He surely must've known it would come, knowing all things, and as He can do all things, He surely could have stopped it but did not. But that's a whole other topic that you can apply to every tragedy in history.
Again, I will not suppose anything here. But that God knows, is watching, and yes, could've stopped it. And why not?
Then, as COVID ends, know that this was a warning, as 911 was. Nearly twenty years from then to COVID. The next and final warning will most likely come in less than ten.
I really do hope that the nation and the world in whole this time, not any one person as any one person isn't responsible for the whole, makes the right decision.
Well, anyway, there is this thing called sin.
As far as plagues go the C-19 virus is a piker compared to both the Black & Bubonic plagues. I mean even the common flu virus takes out many times more victims than the lite weight C-19 virus. There may be @ least two SUPER plagues coming to our planet in the future with one of those plagues even taking out a third of all the marine life on earth.
Yes. This is just the beginning, a warning, since though highly contagious, COVID is not deadly for most people. The Obama administration had even better luck with H1N1 (swine flu), dodging that bullet, though as much as 284,000 people got infected worldwide. There will be more and deadlier viruses in the future and I doubt science will be able to keep up or handle them all.
Decision time again. The plague nears an end and time comes for the nation to decide which path it will follow.
Did chance really dictate the unleashing of this disease?
Biblically, plagues can be specific responses related to the behavior of the people they targeted.
In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh refused to let the Jews go and therefore the Egyptians were specifically targeted by the numerous resulting plagues, culminating in the death of all the first born not under the blood, but the supposition, at least theatrically, was that Pharaoh targeted the first born of Israel and God therefore targeted the first born of Egypt.
In the future, according to the bible, the kingdom of the beast sheds the blood of Christians and God gives the people of that kingdom blood to drink by turning the seas into blood.
Point: there is a reciprocal relationship between the plagues and the offenses.
Today, look at the nature of this plague. People are NOT allowed to be CLOSE to one another.
Now, I am not going to suppose what that means, nor infer anything here. Only that this too looks too specific to be chance, at least for anyone aware of biblical themes and prophecy and of course if you even believe in God as portrayed in the bible.
True, it is all too easy to say these things and point them out in times of fear and crisis as everyone looks for answers while the more clear-minded among us give us very good advice for how to stay safe.
Just know that God is watching. If you believe in God you must have asked yourself why did He allow COVID to happen. Even if He did not send it He surely must've known it would come, knowing all things, and as He can do all things, He surely could have stopped it but did not. But that's a whole other topic that you can apply to every tragedy in history.
Again, I will not suppose anything here. But that God knows, is watching, and yes, could've stopped it. And why not?
Then, as COVID ends, know that this was a warning, as 911 was. Nearly twenty years from then to COVID. The next and final warning will most likely come in less than ten.
I really do hope that the nation and the world in whole this time, not any one person as any one person isn't responsible for the whole, makes the right decision.
Well, anyway, there is this thing called sin.

@ JZ; Thanks for pointing out the 'revolving door first born slain' scenario for somehow I missed it over all these decades. I must have read those passages a hundred forty eleven times over the years & just could not connect the cause & effect together. Yeah our Ancient Of Days seems to show up when least expected(Red Sea/S&G etc. fiascos) & for the unexpecting carries a H-E-A-V-Y PUNCH! Take care till next time!
Imagine how humanity had died off under the weight of overpopulation had not bubonic plague saved us from ourselves! This was our great chance to Save The Planet (from us) and governments, in their lust for absolute control, blew it!
Imagine how humanity had died off under the weight of overpopulation had not bubonic plague saved us from ourselves! This was our great chance to Save The Planet (from us) and governments, in their lust for absolute control, blew it!
No such thing as overpopulation. Get in a car and travel across the country and its easy to see. It is so eveident.
However . . once you hear the overpopulation lie over and over. It soon becomes your reality. A few cities have been become cramped with too dense of humanity. Then disease there spreads. Meanwhile the rest of the country is near vacant and empty
..the bible is not evidence/etc ......has nothing to do with the bible
No such thing as overpopulation. Get in a car and travel across the country and its easy to see. It is so eveident.
However . . once you hear the overpopulation lie over and over. It soon becomes your reality. A few cities have been become cramped with too dense of humanity. Then disease there spreads. Meanwhile the rest of the country is near vacant and empty

Of course there is no overpopulation currently. Definitely a reading comprehension issue, however.

There is no overpopulation at the moment because bubonic plague reduced the human herd by about 50%. Had that 50% bred on undaunted as was the fashion at the time we'd be asshole deep in people. Well, not really because before that point there would have been mass starvation due to humans covering all arable land.

Bubonic plague saved the planet from us as Covid could do if we just quick screwing around with asinine control decrees designed primarily to suppress your will to enjoy life as God (or Gaia or Buddha or who/whatever) intended.
..the bible is not evidence/etc ......has nothing to do with the bible
Well, if you don't believe in God, or at least in the biblical God, then of course you will believe that the bible is not evidence for anything, but if you do, and I posted what I did more or less for those who already do, then you cannot overlook what it teaches us and how it does apply to today, but then again, that's assuming you're a believer who not only reads it but also analyzes what it says because so many people just read it without really trying to understand what it means. When as a teenager I first read the catholic version of the often overlooked bible Book of Revelation, called the apocalypse in the catholic version, (accompanied with an interpretation by a priest), I thought, "what's he talking about? This interpretation makes no sense - This is not talking about Nero and things that happened two thousand years ago because many of these things did not happen then." But afterward I read Hal Lindsey's book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," and suddenly everything about the book of revelation made sense. I also realized that John, the author of the Book of Revelation, used similar language descriptions and characterizations of old testaments prophets like Daniel to show that he was depicting the same events they prophesized, events yet to occur.
But it does amaze me how there are some people who will casually dismiss the bible that says so much about near future events and yet embrace people like Nostradamus who had a few questionable predictions of our time, not that anyone on this message board does.
From my own interpretation now of the book of Revelation, I see the key players from the book as the people of today:
Kingdom of the Beast - Europe
Babylon - America (I know many bible scholars would disagree with this, but more and more America is looking like it.)
Kings of the East - China (with a 200 million man army, said John two thousand years ago. There was not even that many people in the whole world back then. But today, China can easily form a 200 million man army)
..the bible is not evidence/etc ......has nothing to do with the bible
Well, if you don't believe in God, or at least in the biblical God, then of course you will believe that the bible is not evidence for anything, but if you do, and I posted what I did more or less for those who already do, then you cannot overlook what it teaches us and how it does apply to today, but then again, that's assuming you're a believer who not only reads it but also analyzes what it says because so many people just read it without really trying to understand what it means. When as a teenager I first read the catholic version of the often overlooked bible Book of Revelation, called the apocalypse in the catholic version, (accompanied with an interpretation by a priest), I thought, "what's he talking about? This interpretation makes no sense - This is not talking about Nero and things that happened two thousand years ago because many of these things did not happen then." But afterward I read Hal Lindsey's book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," and suddenly everything about the book of revelation made sense. I also realized that John, the author of the Book of Revelation, used similar language descriptions and characterizations of old testaments prophets like Daniel to show that he was depicting the same events they prophesized, events yet to occur.
But it does amaze me how there are some people who will casually dismiss the bible that says so much about near future events and yet embrace people like Nostradamus who had a few questionable predictions of our time, not that anyone on this message board does.
From my own interpretation now of the book of Revelation, I see the key players from the book as the people of today:
Kingdom of the Beast - Europe
Babylon - America (I know many bible scholars would disagree with this, but more and more America is looking like it.)
Kings of the East - China (with a 200 million man army, said John two thousand years ago. There was not even that many people in the whole world back then. But today, China can easily form a 200 million man army)
that's just your opinion..the countries you mentioned = just opinion

what's your point?
Decision time again. The plague nears an end and time comes for the nation to decide which path it will follow.
Did chance really dictate the unleashing of this disease?
Biblically, plagues can be specific responses related to the behavior of the people they targeted.
In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh refused to let the Jews go and therefore the Egyptians were specifically targeted by the numerous resulting plagues, culminating in the death of all the first born not under the blood, but the supposition, at least theatrically, was that Pharaoh targeted the first born of Israel and God therefore targeted the first born of Egypt.
In the future, according to the bible, the kingdom of the beast sheds the blood of Christians and God gives the people of that kingdom blood to drink by turning the seas into blood.
Point: there is a reciprocal relationship between the plagues and the offenses.
Today, look at the nature of this plague. People are NOT allowed to be CLOSE to one another.
Now, I am not going to suppose what that means, nor infer anything here. Only that this too looks too specific to be chance, at least for anyone aware of biblical themes and prophecy and of course if you even believe in God as portrayed in the bible.
True, it is all too easy to say these things and point them out in times of fear and crisis as everyone looks for answers while the more clear-minded among us give us very good advice for how to stay safe.
Just know that God is watching. If you believe in God you must have asked yourself why did He allow COVID to happen. Even if He did not send it He surely must've known it would come, knowing all things, and as He can do all things, He surely could have stopped it but did not. But that's a whole other topic that you can apply to every tragedy in history.
Again, I will not suppose anything here. But that God knows, is watching, and yes, could've stopped it. And why not?
Then, as COVID ends, know that this was a warning, as 911 was. Nearly twenty years from then to COVID. The next and final warning will most likely come in less than ten.
I really do hope that the nation and the world in whole this time, not any one person as any one person isn't responsible for the whole, makes the right decision.
Well, anyway, there is this thing called sin.

Those stories are morality tales NOT history.
..the bible is not evidence/etc ......has nothing to do with the bible
Well, if you don't believe in God, or at least in the biblical God, then of course you will believe that the bible is not evidence for anything, but if you do, and I posted what I did more or less for those who already do, then you cannot overlook what it teaches us and how it does apply to today, but then again, that's assuming you're a believer who not only reads it but also analyzes what it says because so many people just read it without really trying to understand what it means. When as a teenager I first read the catholic version of the often overlooked bible Book of Revelation, called the apocalypse in the catholic version, (accompanied with an interpretation by a priest), I thought, "what's he talking about? This interpretation makes no sense - This is not talking about Nero and things that happened two thousand years ago because many of these things did not happen then." But afterward I read Hal Lindsey's book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," and suddenly everything about the book of revelation made sense. I also realized that John, the author of the Book of Revelation, used similar language descriptions and characterizations of old testaments prophets like Daniel to show that he was depicting the same events they prophesized, events yet to occur.
But it does amaze me how there are some people who will casually dismiss the bible that says so much about near future events and yet embrace people like Nostradamus who had a few questionable predictions of our time, not that anyone on this message board does.
From my own interpretation now of the book of Revelation, I see the key players from the book as the people of today:
Kingdom of the Beast - Europe
Babylon - America (I know many bible scholars would disagree with this, but more and more America is looking like it.)
Kings of the East - China (with a 200 million man army, said John two thousand years ago. There was not even that many people in the whole world back then. But today, China can easily form a 200 million man army)

I knew it.. You're into that Hal Lindsey claptrap.
..the bible is not evidence/etc ......has nothing to do with the bible
Well, if you don't believe in God, or at least in the biblical God, then of course you will believe that the bible is not evidence for anything, but if you do, and I posted what I did more or less for those who already do, then you cannot overlook what it teaches us and how it does apply to today, but then again, that's assuming you're a believer who not only reads it but also analyzes what it says because so many people just read it without really trying to understand what it means. When as a teenager I first read the catholic version of the often overlooked bible Book of Revelation, called the apocalypse in the catholic version, (accompanied with an interpretation by a priest), I thought, "what's he talking about? This interpretation makes no sense - This is not talking about Nero and things that happened two thousand years ago because many of these things did not happen then." But afterward I read Hal Lindsey's book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," and suddenly everything about the book of revelation made sense. I also realized that John, the author of the Book of Revelation, used similar language descriptions and characterizations of old testaments prophets like Daniel to show that he was depicting the same events they prophesized, events yet to occur.
But it does amaze me how there are some people who will casually dismiss the bible that says so much about near future events and yet embrace people like Nostradamus who had a few questionable predictions of our time, not that anyone on this message board does.
From my own interpretation now of the book of Revelation, I see the key players from the book as the people of today:
Kingdom of the Beast - Europe
Babylon - America (I know many bible scholars would disagree with this, but more and more America is looking like it.)
Kings of the East - China (with a 200 million man army, said John two thousand years ago. There was not even that many people in the whole world back then. But today, China can easily form a 200 million man army)
that's just your opinion..the countries you mentioned = just opinion

what's your point?

The Beast was Nero or Domitian.. Israel is the Whore of Babylon.
Well, I'm not really into Hal Lindsey, though as mentioned I did gain much insight from his book and I agree with many of his interpretations of bible prophecy, but also disagree as well with some of his interpretations.
However, just to point out here in case anyone didn't realize it, bible prophecy is a real thing. People actually study it in universities and not just religious universities.
Now, that's one thing.
And this is another. What I know that happens corresponds very much with what the bible says. These things that are not even written in the bible but adhere to it, I should say. There are some things I know that will happen in the future that I planned to write in my own book and that I started to, but as I am not an idiot I stopped because I know no one would believe it and I won't waste any effort on things that won't be believed or change anything. So that's that.

Anyway, at worst, saying people who say that are insane or, at best, misleading others is not all that discomforting if you realize this is actually the quiet before the storm and before people who call themselves Christians are all called insane.
Well, I'm not really into Hal Lindsey, though as mentioned I did gain much insight from his book and I agree with many of his interpretations of bible prophecy, but also disagree as well with some of his interpretations.
However, just to point out here in case anyone didn't realize it, bible prophecy is a real thing. People actually study it in universities and not just religious universities.
Now, that's one thing.
And this is another. What I know that happens corresponds very much with what the bible says. These things that are not even written in the bible but adhere to it, I should say. There are some things I know that will happen in the future that I planned to write in my own book and that I started to, but as I am not an idiot I stopped because I know no one would believe it and I won't waste any effort on things that won't be believed or change anything. So that's that.

Anyway, at worst, saying people who say that are insane or, at best, misleading others is not all that discomforting if you realize this is actually the quiet before the storm and before people who call themselves Christians are all called insane.

You know there were schools for prophets in Israel from the time of Samuel..

Hal Lindsey is a charlatan..

Most of Revelation took place in the first century AD.

Schools of the Prophets
The name given to bands of prophets or “sons of prophets” living together for instruction and worship under Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha. Little is known about these schools, but they seem to have been important religious institutions in Israel and references to them are frequent ( 1 Sam. 10:11; 19:19–20; 2 Kgs. 2:3, 5; 4:38; 6:1 ). Not all the “sons of the prophets” claimed to have a supernatural gift; they were …

All prophecy is Vāticinium ex ēventū ..

The kings of the East are Sohaemus and Antiochus .

King Sohaemus ruled the kingdom of Sophene on the east bank of the Euphrates. Antiochus ruled Commagene on the west bank of the Euphrates.
Well, I'm not really into Hal Lindsey, though as mentioned I did gain much insight from his book and I agree with many of his interpretations of bible prophecy, but also disagree as well with some of his interpretations.
However, just to point out here in case anyone didn't realize it, bible prophecy is a real thing. People actually study it in universities and not just religious universities.
Now, that's one thing.
And this is another. What I know that happens corresponds very much with what the bible says. These things that are not even written in the bible but adhere to it, I should say. There are some things I know that will happen in the future that I planned to write in my own book and that I started to, but as I am not an idiot I stopped because I know no one would believe it and I won't waste any effort on things that won't be believed or change anything. So that's that.

Anyway, at worst, saying people who say that are insane or, at best, misleading others is not all that discomforting if you realize this is actually the quiet before the storm and before people who call themselves Christians are all called insane.

You know there were schools for prophets in Israel from the time of Samuel..

Hal Lindsey is a charlatan..

Most of Revelation took place in the first century AD.

Schools of the Prophets
The name given to bands of prophets or “sons of prophets” living together for instruction and worship under Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha. Little is known about these schools, but they seem to have been important religious institutions in Israel and references to them are frequent ( 1 Sam. 10:11; 19:19–20; 2 Kgs. 2:3, 5; 4:38; 6:1 ). Not all the “sons of the prophets” claimed to have a supernatural gift; they were …

All prophecy is Vāticinium ex ēventū ..

The kings of the East are Sohaemus and Antiochus .

King Sohaemus ruled the kingdom of Sophene on the east bank of the Euphrates. Antiochus ruled Commagene on the west bank of the Euphrates.

The beautiful thing about bible prophecy (and saddest thing) is that you don't have to prove it to people who don't believe it. Time will tell.
Well, I'm not really into Hal Lindsey, though as mentioned I did gain much insight from his book and I agree with many of his interpretations of bible prophecy, but also disagree as well with some of his interpretations.
However, just to point out here in case anyone didn't realize it, bible prophecy is a real thing. People actually study it in universities and not just religious universities.
Now, that's one thing.
And this is another. What I know that happens corresponds very much with what the bible says. These things that are not even written in the bible but adhere to it, I should say. There are some things I know that will happen in the future that I planned to write in my own book and that I started to, but as I am not an idiot I stopped because I know no one would believe it and I won't waste any effort on things that won't be believed or change anything. So that's that.

Anyway, at worst, saying people who say that are insane or, at best, misleading others is not all that discomforting if you realize this is actually the quiet before the storm and before people who call themselves Christians are all called insane.

You know there were schools for prophets in Israel from the time of Samuel..

Hal Lindsey is a charlatan..

Most of Revelation took place in the first century AD.

Schools of the Prophets
The name given to bands of prophets or “sons of prophets” living together for instruction and worship under Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha. Little is known about these schools, but they seem to have been important religious institutions in Israel and references to them are frequent ( 1 Sam. 10:11; 19:19–20; 2 Kgs. 2:3, 5; 4:38; 6:1 ). Not all the “sons of the prophets” claimed to have a supernatural gift; they were …

All prophecy is Vāticinium ex ēventū ..

The kings of the East are Sohaemus and Antiochus .

King Sohaemus ruled the kingdom of Sophene on the east bank of the Euphrates. Antiochus ruled Commagene on the west bank of the Euphrates.

The beautiful thing about bible prophecy (and saddest thing) is that you don't have to prove it to people who don't believe it. Time will tell.

Most Bible prophecy was written after the fact.. Lindsey is taking advantage of Scofield heresy readers.
Most Bible prophecy was written after the fact.. Lindsey is taking advantage of Scofield heresy readers.

Both are heresy, as well as your nonesense.

All prophecy was written after the fact of the prophecy,
and only prophecy that dealt with the future generations was recorded.
Both are heresy, as well as your nonesense.

All prophecy was written after the fact of the prophecy,
only prophecy that dealt with the future generations was recorded.

Nope. Most prophecy was written after the fact and the only ones that have actually happened were NOT far into the future. Look at the book of Daniel. It wasn't written until 167 BC.

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