“The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling”

Wresting the school system from the enemy will require a certain amount of unsavory behavior.

Not necessarily. The unions might decide to get ugly, in which case they would get what they deserve, but if enough people care, their power can be broken through legal means.

All that need be done is provide other pathways for parents to use.

We are a home school family.

There is no tax break for those who don't use the government schools.

And there's this:


My daughter goes to a private school, but even there we get no tax breaks either. And, last year, they had a terrible math teacher. Gone this year, but that teacher had been a public school teacher.
Cool Story....sounds like the public schools got rid of that teacher and your so-called private school snapped them up.

Yeah, because they lied on their CV. Kind of like you do when you claim to have been in the military.
History disputes the notion that "government schools" cannot do a good job. Traditionally, American schools focused on five core subjects: English, foreign language, mathematics, science, and history, with Latin often substituted for the foreign language. If only...

In the 1930's only 25% of American students earned a high school diploma, and while many didn't because of economic conditions, an equal number simply couldn't meet the academic requirements, which were rigorous. A High School Diploma was something to be proud of and as with today's college degree, many people continued schooling at night well into their 20's to capture that valuable credential. My parents and most of their siblings earned their HS diploma's at night in the 30's.

The decline of American public schools can be tied effectively to one major policy decision - often made without consideration of its predictable ramifications: The granting of collective bargaining rights (including the right to strike) to public school teachers.

Not only did the cost of "education" explode within a decade after this disastrous policy choice, but becoming a teacher became a lifetime sinecure, complete with good pay, enviable benefits, lifetime job security, outrageous retirement packages (starting at the preposterous age of 52 or so), and the ability to perpetually nibble away at the workload and demands of the position.

Bringing teachers into the economic middle class, with much more "free time" than other careers, resulted in their unions becoming more politically powerful than even the AFLCIO, Teamsters, UAW, or the dreaded SEIU. There are more teachers at the Democratic National Convention than any other "profession." By a huge margin.

And rather than working with "management" to improve EDUCATION over the years, their emphasis has been on taking on the latest fads in education, piling on pointless feel-good initiatives, and pushing questionable social engineering philosophies, to the detriment of...EDUCATION, if you must know. So our kids now have gobs of "self esteem," they know all about deviant sexual practices and how to prevent STD's by the time they are in fifth grade, they know that Christopher Columbus was a genocidal monster and that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, but they couldn't find Spain on a map if you limited it to the Iberian fucking peninsula.

There is nothing inherently wrong with government schools. They do great in other countries. But where American-style unions prevail (that is, unions that see themselves as adversarial to Management), schools suck.

"government schools"

don't actually exist.

We have PUBLIC SCHOOLS which are organized and maintained by LOCAL COMMUNITIES

That means that RED towns create their own public schools

so they hire conservative christians to brainwash students with religion and fear and hate

ignoring topics like SCIENCE and HISTORY and MATH

and THAT is why GUMMINT SKOOLS are failing....

too many conservatives fuking it up.
Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

There are no Government schools...………..

Sometimes the brain damage reveals it self without any comment being necessary.

Which school is a government school

Are you trying to annunciate public schools

Again which ones are government owned
History disputes the notion that "government schools" cannot do a good job. Traditionally, American schools focused on five core subjects: English, foreign language, mathematics, science, and history, with Latin often substituted for the foreign language. If only...

In the 1930's only 25% of American students earned a high school diploma, and while many didn't because of economic conditions, an equal number simply couldn't meet the academic requirements, which were rigorous. A High School Diploma was something to be proud of and as with today's college degree, many people continued schooling at night well into their 20's to capture that valuable credential. My parents and most of their siblings earned their HS diploma's at night in the 30's.

The decline of American public schools can be tied effectively to one major policy decision - often made without consideration of its predictable ramifications: The granting of collective bargaining rights (including the right to strike) to public school teachers.

Not only did the cost of "education" explode within a decade after this disastrous policy choice, but becoming a teacher became a lifetime sinecure, complete with good pay, enviable benefits, lifetime job security, outrageous retirement packages (starting at the preposterous age of 52 or so), and the ability to perpetually nibble away at the workload and demands of the position.

Bringing teachers into the economic middle class, with much more "free time" than other careers, resulted in their unions becoming more politically powerful than even the AFLCIO, Teamsters, UAW, or the dreaded SEIU. There are more teachers at the Democratic National Convention than any other "profession." By a huge margin.

And rather than working with "management" to improve EDUCATION over the years, their emphasis has been on taking on the latest fads in education, piling on pointless feel-good initiatives, and pushing questionable social engineering philosophies, to the detriment of...EDUCATION, if you must know. So our kids now have gobs of "self esteem," they know all about deviant sexual practices and how to prevent STD's by the time they are in fifth grade, they know that Christopher Columbus was a genocidal monster and that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, but they couldn't find Spain on a map if you limited it to the Iberian fucking peninsula.

There is nothing inherently wrong with government schools. They do great in other countries. But where American-style unions prevail (that is, unions that see themselves as adversarial to Management), schools suck.

"government schools"

don't actually exist.

We have PUBLIC SCHOOLS which are organized and maintained by LOCAL COMMUNITIES

That means that RED towns create their own public schools

so they hire conservative christians to brainwash students with religion and fear and hate

ignoring topics like SCIENCE and HISTORY and MATH

and THAT is why GUMMINT SKOOLS are failing....

too many conservatives fuking it up.

Thank you, this bimbo has to really be blond
Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

There are no Government schools...………..

Sometimes the brain damage reveals it self without any comment being necessary.

Which school is a government school

Are you trying to annunciate public schools

Again which ones are government owned

all public schools are maintained by their local communities....

looking at a political map of the USA I see a LOT MORE RED communities than blue.....

so conservatives are "maintaining public schools"

and they are failing

so they blame liberals.....
History disputes the notion that "government schools" cannot do a good job. Traditionally, American schools focused on five core subjects: English, foreign language, mathematics, science, and history, with Latin often substituted for the foreign language. If only...

In the 1930's only 25% of American students earned a high school diploma, and while many didn't because of economic conditions, an equal number simply couldn't meet the academic requirements, which were rigorous. A High School Diploma was something to be proud of and as with today's college degree, many people continued schooling at night well into their 20's to capture that valuable credential. My parents and most of their siblings earned their HS diploma's at night in the 30's.

The decline of American public schools can be tied effectively to one major policy decision - often made without consideration of its predictable ramifications: The granting of collective bargaining rights (including the right to strike) to public school teachers.

Not only did the cost of "education" explode within a decade after this disastrous policy choice, but becoming a teacher became a lifetime sinecure, complete with good pay, enviable benefits, lifetime job security, outrageous retirement packages (starting at the preposterous age of 52 or so), and the ability to perpetually nibble away at the workload and demands of the position.

Bringing teachers into the economic middle class, with much more "free time" than other careers, resulted in their unions becoming more politically powerful than even the AFLCIO, Teamsters, UAW, or the dreaded SEIU. There are more teachers at the Democratic National Convention than any other "profession." By a huge margin.

And rather than working with "management" to improve EDUCATION over the years, their emphasis has been on taking on the latest fads in education, piling on pointless feel-good initiatives, and pushing questionable social engineering philosophies, to the detriment of...EDUCATION, if you must know. So our kids now have gobs of "self esteem," they know all about deviant sexual practices and how to prevent STD's by the time they are in fifth grade, they know that Christopher Columbus was a genocidal monster and that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, but they couldn't find Spain on a map if you limited it to the Iberian fucking peninsula.

There is nothing inherently wrong with government schools. They do great in other countries. But where American-style unions prevail (that is, unions that see themselves as adversarial to Management), schools suck.

"government schools"

don't actually exist.

We have PUBLIC SCHOOLS which are organized and maintained by LOCAL COMMUNITIES

That means that RED towns create their own public schools

so they hire conservative christians to brainwash students with religion and fear and hate

ignoring topics like SCIENCE and HISTORY and MATH

and THAT is why GUMMINT SKOOLS are failing....

too many conservatives fuking it up.

Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

There are no Government schools...………..

Sometimes the brain damage reveals it self without any comment being necessary.

Which school is a government school

Are you trying to annunciate public schools

Again which ones are government owned

“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin
No where is that more evident than in government schools.

We allow Democrat/Leftist government to support an institution that injects neo-Marxism into our youth.

When will we learn that more money isn’t always the answer, and, in fact, has proven useful by the Left to use against real Americans.

14. “……the Obama administration lured states into adopting Common Core sight unseen, with promises it would improve student achievement. Like President Obama’s other big promises — “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — this one’s been proven a scam. …

Race to the Top was a $4 billion money pot inside the 2009 stimulus that helped bribe states into Common Core. …Are American children increasingly prepared…? We’re actually seeing the opposite. They’re increasingly less prepared. And there’s mounting evidence that Common Core deserves some of the blame.

…ACT scores released earlier this month show that students’ math achievement is at a 20-year low. The latest English ACT scores are slightly down since 2007, and students’ readiness for college-level English was at its lowest level since ACT’s creators began measuring that item…the latest round of international tests…showed U.S. fourth graders declining on reading achievement. …Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing. It’s more money right down our nation’s gigantic debt hole, another generation lost to sickening ignorance, another set of corrupt bureaucrats‘ careers and bank accounts built out of the wreckage of American minds. “
9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

As stated more than once in this thread, America is doomed if schools are not wrested back from the Liberals.
Indoctrination by government schools is designed to make certain that the Democrat Party keeps black Americans angry and convinced that America is racist.....
...of course it is one of their archived lies.

Here the NYTimes casts the dye, and the schools inflict it on their students.

"Top Historians Slam NYT ‘1619 Project’ As It Infiltrates Public School Curriculum
  • Multiple historians slammed The New York Times Magazine’s “1619 Project,” which aims to “reframe” American history.
  • The historians noted they were not consulted about the project, and each provided historical evidence combating The NYT’s claims.
  • The project has already made its way into the public school curriculum in some areas."
  • Top Historians Slam NYT ‘1619 Project’ As It Infiltrates Public School Curriculum

Without the black vote, Democrats would never again win a national election.
Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

There are no Government schools...………..

Sometimes the brain damage reveals it self without any comment being necessary.

Which school is a government school

Are you trying to annunciate public schools

Again which ones are government owned

I remember the day Obooba spoke at my sons school, I took my kids aside that night and showed them photos of partial birth abortions so that they could know for sure what Obiiba was made of. One son cried and the other just lost all expression.

Thanks Obobla I taught my sons what you are
An education problem that must be solved without any consideration of skin color.

15. Arguably, demanding that the criminals and disrupters remain in school, in class, is the greatest bar to teaching and learning.

Here, the sad admission from a teacher:

“My students know they’re in charge — and there’s nothing I can do

In my school, law and order have gone the way of the slide rule.

I am a math teacher at a middle school in Flushing, Queens, and two months ago, I was helping one of my students work out an arithmetic problem when he called me a “f–kin’ asshole.” When I asked for an apology, he shoved a chair at me and stormed out.”

There must be some sort of remediation and consequence for students of this sort….and for their parents.
Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.
The first step would be to destroy the Teacher Unions hegemony.
The worst schools are in states without unions. Fact.
Horse shit.
Reagan suggested 'voting with one's feet'....moving when one is unhappy with the laws where they live.
The same can apply to government schools.

16. “…there might not be much left to do but vote with your feet. The term “Go Galt,” which comes from Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” refers to citizens retreating from a political system that basically takes their money and otherwise does them no good. …odds are the public school system isn’t doing you any favors. If you’re a poor kid in the inner city, the damage and injustice is obvious… “If you send your kid to a private school,” Slate’s Allison Benedikt wrote in a 2013 essay-gone-viral, you are “a bad person … ruining one of our nation’s most essential institutions.”

News flash: The public school system is already a mess, it’s getting messier, and it can only improve the old-fashioned way — through competition. “Time to "Go Galt" on the Public Schools | RealClearPolitics

Know who else 'votes with their feet,' making a judgment about government school?

17. “Public school teachers send their own children to private schools at a rate more than twice the national average–22 percent of public educators' children are in private schools compared to the national average of 10 percent.”

Why do public school teachers send their own children to ...
https://www.aei.org › carpe-diem › why-do-public-school-teachers-send-thei...


“A fifth of all school teachers with school-age children has placed a child in a private school, and nearly three out of ten have used one or more of the main alternatives to the traditional public school— private school, charter school, and homeschooling. What is more, the teachers who exercise choice are more likely to support school choice for others, avoid union membership, and oppose agency fees.” Teachers More Likely to Use Private Schools for their Own Kids - Education Next


“…37 percent of representatives and 45 percent of senators with school-age children sent their own kids to private school. Of the members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus with school-age children, 38 percent sent them to private school. Of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus with school-age children, 52 percent sent them to private school.” Where Do Public School Teachers Send Own Kids? | RealClearPolitics
Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

There are no Government schools...………..

Sometimes the brain damage reveals it self without any comment being necessary.

Which school is a government school

Are you trying to annunciate public schools

Again which ones are government owned

I remember the day Obooba spoke at my sons school, I took my kids aside that night and showed them photos of partial birth abortions so that they could know for sure what Obiiba was made of. One son cried and the other just lost all expression.

Thanks Obobla I taught my sons what you are

Obama spoke about abortion at your sons' school? When and where did this occur?
Homeschooling is a good option for those that can afford one parent staying home. The sad fact in america is that wages stink to high heaven for the vast majority of married people. 40 thousand dollars won't feed and clothe a family anymore. Double that is still not middle class or is lower middle class. More and more people are realizing kids cost money and are not having knee D's. Can't say we blame them.
Homeschooling is a good option for those that can afford one parent staying home. The sad fact in america is that wages stink to high heaven for the vast majority of married people. 40 thousand dollars won't feed and clothe a family anymore. Double that is still not middle class or is lower middle class. More and more people are realizing kids cost money and are not having knee D's. Can't say we blame them.

"Homeschooling is a good option for those that can afford one parent staying home."

I hope you understand that it is not wages that are making it difficult for a parent to be there,where they should be.....but government.

Taxation is the greatest bar to wealth accumulation.

And....which party is responsible for that?

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama
Nobody has ever said why public schools are so bad.

You must be a government school grad because you clearly lack the element of comprehension.

Try again...

“The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling”

Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

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