I say that the CONstitution is a con game because it neither grants rights nor protects rights. Men interpret the meanings of the CONstitution to benefit their opinions and beliefs. These same men use the CONstitution to control the actions of the masses.
The 'Bill of Rights' is the most important part of the CONstitution, yet they can be suspended by the government. This means they are privileges and not 'rights'. Rights cannot be manipulated or taken; privileges can.
Buck111 yes and no.
If people take away rights of others, they also lose those rights.
There is a natural law in place, of Reciprocity or the Golden Rule.
Since everyone wants their rights, they end up having to respect the same for others.
Look at free speech, the minute one person starts denouncing or censoring the free speech of others,
ten more jump up and denounce that person and cut off their free speech.
If one person goes too far with free will and step on the free will and consent of others,
there is a protest or petition, and either that person gets blocked or people take action to solve the conflict.
But it doesn't go without invoking some due process or grievance process to address the imbalance,
injustice or disruption of the peace.
The laws check themselves. Why?
Because all people have
* judicial freedom to speak our opinions and interpret laws and right and wrong by freedom of speech
* legislative freedom to write our own contract and policies and establish agreements among ourselves
by freedom of the press and written information and education
* executive freedom to exercise our beliefs and interests equally as long as we don't interfere
or impose unfairly on the same of others
And where we agree to work together we can respect each other's
* right to assemble and petition EACH OTHER (as the people are the Govt)
for redress of grievances, ie due process of laws.
So we can have equal protections of the laws where people AGREE it is mutual responsibility and contract.
Yes, people abuse the contract, and you can see, other people rise up and police that abuse.
We just have to agree to enforce it consistently, save our resources for good, and quit wasting it policing
abuses that we can prevent and correct together.
Why? Because we all want our rights, and don't want other people violating them.
We all want the same things, but just don't trust each other's groups.
So why don't we agree to let all groups operate independently,
support each other in managing our own beliefs and programs,
and we can all get what we want without imposing on what others want!