The Congressional Hearings Into Russian Meddling - What Has Really Been Learned So Far?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I debated whether to try to attach this to another thread, but due to its size and broad scope, and all threads I could find focusing mainly on bickering the smaller details of just Comey this or Trump that, I decided this should be started as a separate thread as a central resource of just what has been discovered and resolved known so far about the hearings and investigations in Washington.

Preamble: What was the reason for these investigations?
  • To determine whether the Russians were mischievous in attacking our election system and to what degree they succeeded.
  • To determine whether president Trump or any of his campaign staff had colluded with the Russian Federation in any joint effort to affect the 2016 election.
  • Yes, it is the joint opinion of all intelligence agencies combined that the Russians absolutely tried to get into and gain access to certain aspects of our election structure, but that they were not successful to any significant degree of harm and no voter outcomes were affected. SO HILLARY DID NOT LOSE BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIANS.
  • After ten months of investigation and interviews, there has been no evidence that president Trump or any of his staff colluded with the Russians. Some of them had contacts with Russian individuals, but these all appear to be resulting from the ordinary dispensation of either personal affairs (business), or their professional duties for the position they hold.
So the investigation is over, right? I mean, last year, candidate Trump expressed concerns over voter fraud and vote tampering and was laughed at. It was argued that our system was secure, and indeed, after recounting two states, the results were borne out! But that is not to say the system is not under attack.

Then there is the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Investigation. What is he investigating? WHY is he still investigating if our intelligence has already resolved the role of the Russians, the extent of their harm, and the freedom of White House staff from any wrongdoing?

But very quickly, the hearings turned from their stated intent to a rather focused one on President Trump and his dealings with Comey. What is the central issues driving this?
  • General Flynn's dismissal after finding he was not wholly forthcoming on his past dealings with Russia and Turkey. Not that there was anything necessarily illegal in them, but his lack of full disclosure publicly embarrassed the Vice President. Due to the allegations, an FBI investigation into Flynn's activities was launched.
  • President Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey. Comey had been the subject of many questionable actions beginning with his quixotic findings and conclusions regarding the Hillary email case starting on July 5. 2016 and then again on Oct. 27, 2016. In addition, other conflicting statements and activities during subsequent interviews as well as with Attorney General Lynch.
The central arguments were whether Trump's firing of Comey was politically motivated because Comey was investigating a former member of Trump's Cabinet. The argument is whether a cover-up of impropriety was involved, or some other misuse of executive power.
  • Comey's firing does not affect any investigation because those doing the investigation are not changed by Comey's firing.
  • No improper activity has ever been turned up on Flynn.
So, the central issue remaining seems to be the circumstances of Comey's firing and the series of incidents between the two that lead up to the firing. Why?
  • Without a doubt, the FBI Director serves at the behest of the President who can fire a Director at anytime for any reason. But it is rather unusual for an FBI Director to be fired, Comey was only a few years into his 10 year term; was the President trying to obstruct an investigation into himself or Flynn?
  • The White House gave a rather conflicting explanation for the basis of Comey's firing, and no FBI director had been appointed to replace him.
  1. Director Comey was himself the source of at least one of the covert leaks to the newspapers. He did this premeditatedly to both protect himself but to especially harm the president with the desire to force a Special Counsel Investigation. Not only does this raise the issue of legality in leaking confidential government records, but it brings to the fore whether 18 US Code § 4 was violated by Comey, a felony in seeing a crime and not reporting it in a timely manner. If Comey did not see a crime, then what was the basis for his notes and the reason for leaking these to the press to embarrass the president and force a Special Counsel other than purely political?
  2. Many of the major leaks and scoops to major news agencies over the months all harshly pursued both on television and in print calling for up to the impeachment of the president including reports by CNN and The New York Times have all been lies and fabrications. Comey himself as a person with access to the highest level of intelligence information made this very clear in confirming this.
  3. Attorney General Loretta Lynch interfered into the Clinton email investigation putting pressure on Comey to deemphasize the nature of it.
  4. Comey didn't go along with the alleged 'pressure' from Trump that Trump hoped that he would see fit to let Flynn go with a bit of grace and compassion after all his service to the country, that he had suffered enough; after all, the whole matter with Flynn only came to bear after an illegal unmasking and public revealing of his name (a felony violation of the Espionage Act), itself still not investigated, yet, Comey went along with the avowed pressure from Lynch over the Clinton scandal. Comey agreed to make untrue statements about the Clinton investigation yet would not agree to make TRUE statements about Trump! The basis of Trump's desires was simply that since Comey had told him on three occasions that he himself was not personally under investigation, that he simply make a public statement to that effect in order to clear his name and take media heat off of him. And why did Comey take detailed notes on his meetings with Trump yet took none with his meetings with Lynch?
  5. President Trump talks and acts like a New York State Real Estate Developer, highly aggressive, does not understand the importance of precise language or care. He is used to the world of business where the guy at the top wields absolute authority and doesn't yet understand the nuances of the Executive Branch. But rather than Comey help and point out his discomfort or the potential conflicting nature of the appearance of his requests, just let the president flail in the wind, rushing to his car to take covert notes on the meeting. Perhaps this is what Trump meant in any discussions he had asking Comey where he stood in watching Trump's back? Maybe Trump had these discussions in private not to pressure Comey but to NOT to pressure him? In the world of business, one usually does not hire a close executive if he is unsure of his loyalties in working united towards a common goal, in this case, not to cover up anything but to merely not add to the fracas of political and media attacks? And it seems clear that not only did Trump have these doubts, but after a time they were finally borne out to be true.
  6. The Russian Collusion story long promulgated by both Hillary Clinton, many of the Democratic Party and Media as the basis of all this is now looking even weaker than ever.
  7. Hundreds of hours and millions of words later, all of the shrill media hype over the past month adds up to essentially NOTHING.
  8. Learned so far: The FBI like the IRS, has been turned into a political battleground, the Executive Branch hurt by constant, unprecedented leaks mostly false, and the media has largely cheered all attempts to overthrow the democratically-elected leader of the country.
  9. All of this investigation was started by allegations by the Democrats but went along with by the Republicans. As the party in power, they didn't have to do this.
  10. The Democrats say all of this was started by Trump firing Comey, long held objectionable and questionable by both sides, now having largely finished with Trump, they now wish to move onto investigating Jared Kushner.
  11. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN HAS BEEN LEAKED TO THE PRESS ABOUT TRUMP EXCEPT THE ONE THING TRUMP WANTED: THAT HE WAS NOT PERSONALLY UNDER INVESTIGATION. And now Comey, Democrats and the media have used his efforts to pursue that very end as the basis for investigating him!
  12. Comey made a post hoc attempt to construct an obstruction case that wasn't there to begin with.
  13. There has been no proof of corrupt behavior.
  14. The President is constitutionally mandated with the authority to have input and influence over his own Executive Branch.
  15. Comey said that it was not his place to decide if Trump had committed obstruction---- when that is EXACTLY his job as the top Law Enforcement officer in the land! By saying that, he hopes to avoid any potential liability in committing a felony under 18 US Code § 4 for withholding knowledge of the commission of a crime. So either Trump has never committed any obstruction or Comey is himself a felon.
  16. If asked to do something illegal or immoral, the choice of the FBI Director is to either resign or to carry out the directives, not to say you really don't know what that was all about! And that months later he thinks he was being told to do this or that? Comey made it clear that he both disobeyed and intended to disobey whatever directive he believe the President was leading him to, and that is insubordination. Then to say that he was stunned and not able after hours, days and weeks to bring himself to clarify or contest what he believed he was being asked? Unable to contest Lynch's requests but willing to mislead the public in the Hillary affair? This is a man charged with leading the FBI in national security in matters of ISIS and the likes. Trump was fully justified in his belief that Comey was unable to fully carry out the duties of the Director and had no choice but to let him go.
  17. Since James Comey met privately with and gave a data dump to Investigator Robert Mueller, that now brings to light whether the Mueller investigation has been compromised.
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Something smells...seems like the ruling class stinks to high heaven. Nothing new there.

I suspect Trump is not what stinks but the ruling class will do what it can to make it appear he does, to cover for their criminal and corrupt actions.
I'm invoking the Benghazi Benchmark. This means Trump daily colluded with Putin and gave a stand down order to Comey to immediately stop his counterattack against Russia.

Trump lied about an audiotape to sow confusion about the attacks and to throw investigators off the trail.

I will repeat these "facts" at least once a week for the next four years. I will alternate with topics about TrumpCare destroying America and throwing 93 million Americans off their health insurance.
Yes, it is the joint opinion of all intelligence agencies combined that the Russians absolutely tried to get into and gain access to certain aspects of our election structure, but that they were not successful to any significant degree of harm and no voter outcomes were affected. SO HILLARY DID NOT LOSE BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIANS.

The part you have wrong is that it was determined that the Russians were NOT successful in changing voter outcomes.

ALL AGENCIES INVESTIGATING, said that whether outcomes changed due to the Russian interference WAS NOT PART OF THEIR INVESTIGATIONS.

NO ONE determined voter outcomes were NOT affected.
  • After ten months of investigation and interviews, there has been no evidence that president Trump or any of his staff colluded with the Russians. Some of them had contacts with Russian individuals, but these all appear to be resulting from the ordinary dispensation of either personal affairs (business), or their professional duties for the position they hold.

Again, this is wrong...the only investigation going on for 6 months was the FBI's investigation....all the committees in the House and Senate investigating did not START until AFTER the intelligence summary that was given to congress in confidential form and the public in an unclassified version in january of 2017....that was 6 months of the FBI, and then the others began.

This was very early on in a counter intelligence investigation....counter intelligence investigations usually last YEARS before they are done.

It was in MARCH when the Trump campaign got pulled in to the investigation and added to the counter intelligence investigation, the FBI ADDED a criminal investigation in to Trump Campaign team coordinating with the Russians to influence the election and Comey announced this in the hearing...

so you are looking at 3-4 months of a criminal investigation in to colluding at this point in time. President Trump was not yet part of the criminal collusion investigation...they began at the bottom lowly workers and are working their way all investigations begin at square 1, then work their way up.

In May, Pres Trump became part of the investigation for obstruction after he fired Comey, which is separate from the criminal investigation in to the Trump team.
One big thing: The DNC still refuses to have the hacked server examined by law enforcement. That's a pretty big tell, imo.
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This is just a big wall of bullshit. If you believe the Russians hacked our election but they did it and it had zero impact. Then the hack was for nothing. And also we know that the fake news had no impact because news has no effect on anything either.
  • General Flynn's dismissal after finding he was not wholly forthcoming on his past dealings with Russia and Turkey. Not that there was anything necessarily illegal in them, but his lack of full disclosure publicly embarrassed the Vice President. Due to the allegations, an FBI investigation into Flynn's activities was launched.
Flynn broke several laws, that were ILLEGAL when it comes to him having to register as a foreign agent, he also lied to the FBI, and Pence and the press secretary and they came out and lied to us, the American people on National television, AND Flynn possibly broke the Logan Act when he called the Russian Ambassador the day the Obama Administration issued sanctions and threw the Russian agents out of the US that were involved in the influence, when Flynn told the Russians NOT TO WORRY ABOUT THE SANCTION President Obama issued, that Trump would end them when he became President. (We have ONE president at a time in this nation and Flynn and Trump CHOSE to back stab him)

Our intelligence agencies could not figure out why the Russians had not retaliated against our sanctions and kicking them out....the RUSSIANS HAD ALWAYS retaliated, so our intel agencies tried to figure out WHY there was no tit for tat, no retaliation and that is when they went in to their standard surveillance files for the Russian Ambassador to figure out what was going on and this is HOW they found the conversation with Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, and Flynn back stabbing the US President....among other things that we are told are classified...

But the acting attorney general went to the Trump team Lawyers and explained to them on two to three occasions on what Flynn had done and why all that he was doing was wrong and also put Flynn in a position to be black mailed by the Russians.... we do not know all of those reasons, because they are classified, we only know some of them...

Trump failed to let Flynn go even AFTER he was told of Flynn's risk and lying to pence and the press secretary and the American people... it was not until the conversation of Flynn with the Ambassador and his convo about lifting sanctions that were just issued for the Russians involvement in to our election was LEAKED by someone, to the Press, that Trump made up a story that he was firing Flynn for lying to Pence and Shawn about talking with the Ambassador about the sanctions.
President Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey. Comey had been the subject of many questionable actions beginning with his quixotic findings and conclusions regarding the Hillary email case starting on July 5. 2016 and then again on Oct. 27, 2016. In addition, other conflicting statements and activities during subsequent interviews as well as with Attorney General Lynch.
Trump's firing of the FBI Director was for one reason only, to curb and change the direction of the FBI investigation in to the Russian hacking, and NOT due to his wrong doings with Hillary Clinton or how UNFAIR he treated Hillary Clinton.

Trump told the Russians that the investigation would be over soon and less of a distraction when he met with them in the oval office the day after he fired Comey, and that Friday he interviewed with Lester Holt and without any doubt, Trump made it clear that the asst attorney general's opinion on the Hillary unfairness treatment was NOT the reason he fired Comey, that he fired Comey due to the investigation in to the Russians and in to his campaign team coordinating with them.
Yes, it is the joint opinion of all intelligence agencies combined that the Russians absolutely tried to get into and gain access to certain aspects of our election structure, but that they were not successful to any significant degree of harm and no voter outcomes were affected. SO HILLARY DID NOT LOSE BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIANS.

The part you have wrong is that it was determined that the Russians were NOT successful in changing voter outcomes.

ALL AGENCIES INVESTIGATING, said that whether outcomes changed due to the Russian interference WAS NOT PART OF THEIR INVESTIGATIONS.

NO ONE determined voter outcomes were NOT affected.
Are you still trying to hang on that lie?
We need to create a name for folks that refuse to believe that Russia didn't change one single vote. Something like Birther.
  • After ten months of investigation and interviews, there has been no evidence that president Trump or any of his staff colluded with the Russians. Some of them had contacts with Russian individuals, but these all appear to be resulting from the ordinary dispensation of either personal affairs (business), or their professional duties for the position they hold.

Again, this is wrong...the only investigation going on for 6 months was the FBI's investigation....all the committees in the House and Senate investigating did not START until AFTER the intelligence summary that was given to congress in confidential form and the public in an unclassified version in january of 2017....that was 6 months of the FBI, and then the others began.

This was very early on in a counter intelligence investigation....counter intelligence investigations usually last YEARS before they are done.

It was in MARCH when the Trump campaign got pulled in to the investigation and added to the counter intelligence investigation, the FBI ADDED a criminal investigation in to Trump Campaign team coordinating with the Russians to influence the election and Comey announced this in the hearing...

so you are looking at 3-4 months of a criminal investigation in to colluding at this point in time. President Trump was not yet part of the criminal collusion investigation...they began at the bottom lowly workers and are working their way all investigations begin at square 1, then work their way up.

In May, Pres Trump became part of the investigation for obstruction after he fired Comey, which is separate from the criminal investigation in to the Trump team.

Care4None, you keep giving information, unfortunately, none of it is ever true.
  • After ten months of investigation and interviews, there has been no evidence that president Trump or any of his staff colluded with the Russians. Some of them had contacts with Russian individuals, but these all appear to be resulting from the ordinary dispensation of either personal affairs (business), or their professional duties for the position they hold.

Again, this is wrong...the only investigation going on for 6 months was the FBI's investigation....all the committees in the House and Senate investigating did not START until AFTER the intelligence summary that was given to congress in confidential form and the public in an unclassified version in january of 2017....that was 6 months of the FBI, and then the others began.

This was very early on in a counter intelligence investigation....counter intelligence investigations usually last YEARS before they are done.

It was in MARCH when the Trump campaign got pulled in to the investigation and added to the counter intelligence investigation, the FBI ADDED a criminal investigation in to Trump Campaign team coordinating with the Russians to influence the election and Comey announced this in the hearing...

so you are looking at 3-4 months of a criminal investigation in to colluding at this point in time. President Trump was not yet part of the criminal collusion investigation...they began at the bottom lowly workers and are working their way all investigations begin at square 1, then work their way up.

In May, Pres Trump became part of the investigation for obstruction after he fired Comey, which is separate from the criminal investigation in to the Trump team.

Care4None, you keep giving information, unfortunately, none of it is ever true.
She is notorious for that, but we still love her.
Are you still trying to hang on that lie?
We need to create a name for folks that refuse to believe that Russia didn't change one single vote.

Absolutely Russia changed a vote!
I changed a vote.
I changed many votes.
But I am waiting for the people to step forward to honestly tell me they were voting for Hillary until they saw the leaked Podesta emails, WHICH WERE FACTUAL ANYWAY, not like they were fake news, lies, or tampered election machines, and it swayed them to vote Trump instead. Then I will show you an informed voter swayed by the facts. So far, I've never seen a one of these.
Then show me the states where enough of these votes occurred to throw the state over in favor of Trump.
Then it would have taken MANY states, to actually have thrown the election.

Why aren't we investigating something much more important, like why the latest attorney picked by Mueller is an avowed Trump-basher who said last April that he was out to get Trump? Could Mueller be doing anything more to discredit himself? It is like he is BEGGING Trump to fire him!
  • General Flynn's dismissal after finding he was not wholly forthcoming on his past dealings with Russia and Turkey. Not that there was anything necessarily illegal in them, but his lack of full disclosure publicly embarrassed the Vice President. Due to the allegations, an FBI investigation into Flynn's activities was launched.
Flynn broke several laws, that were ILLEGAL when it comes to him having to register as a foreign agent, he also lied to the FBI, and Pence and the press secretary and they came out and lied to us, the American people on National television, AND Flynn possibly broke the Logan Act when he called the Russian Ambassador the day the Obama Administration issued sanctions and threw the Russian agents out of the US that were involved in the influence, when Flynn told the Russians NOT TO WORRY ABOUT THE SANCTION President Obama issued, that Trump would end them when he became President. (We have ONE president at a time in this nation and Flynn and Trump CHOSE to back stab him)

Our intelligence agencies could not figure out why the Russians had not retaliated against our sanctions and kicking them out....the RUSSIANS HAD ALWAYS retaliated, so our intel agencies tried to figure out WHY there was no tit for tat, no retaliation and that is when they went in to their standard surveillance files for the Russian Ambassador to figure out what was going on and this is HOW they found the conversation with Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, and Flynn back stabbing the US President....among other things that we are told are classified...

But the acting attorney general went to the Trump team Lawyers and explained to them on two to three occasions on what Flynn had done and why all that he was doing was wrong and also put Flynn in a position to be black mailed by the Russians.... we do not know all of those reasons, because they are classified, we only know some of them...

Trump failed to let Flynn go even AFTER he was told of Flynn's risk and lying to pence and the press secretary and the American people... it was not until the conversation of Flynn with the Ambassador and his convo about lifting sanctions that were just issued for the Russians involvement in to our election was LEAKED by someone, to the Press, that Trump made up a story that he was firing Flynn for lying to Pence and Shawn about talking with the Ambassador about the sanctions.

You don't know any of that crap. Just your wishful thinking.
President Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey. Comey had been the subject of many questionable actions beginning with his quixotic findings and conclusions regarding the Hillary email case starting on July 5. 2016 and then again on Oct. 27, 2016. In addition, other conflicting statements and activities during subsequent interviews as well as with Attorney General Lynch.
Trump's firing of the FBI Director was for one reason only, to curb and change the direction of the FBI investigation in to the Russian hacking, and NOT due to his wrong doings with Hillary Clinton or how UNFAIR he treated Hillary Clinton.

Trump told the Russians that the investigation would be over soon and less of a distraction when he met with them in the oval office the day after he fired Comey, and that Friday he interviewed with Lester Holt and without any doubt, Trump made it clear that the asst attorney general's opinion on the Hillary unfairness treatment was NOT the reason he fired Comey, that he fired Comey due to the investigation in to the Russians and in to his campaign team coordinating with them.

Go chase a bug. You don't know nothing, and you just keep pathetically grasping at straws to build your straw house.
  • After ten months of investigation and interviews, there has been no evidence that president Trump or any of his staff colluded with the Russians. Some of them had contacts with Russian individuals, but these all appear to be resulting from the ordinary dispensation of either personal affairs (business), or their professional duties for the position they hold.

Again, this is wrong...the only investigation going on for 6 months was the FBI's investigation....all the committees in the House and Senate investigating did not START until AFTER the intelligence summary that was given to congress in confidential form and the public in an unclassified version in january of 2017....that was 6 months of the FBI, and then the others began.

This was very early on in a counter intelligence investigation....counter intelligence investigations usually last YEARS before they are done.

It was in MARCH when the Trump campaign got pulled in to the investigation and added to the counter intelligence investigation, the FBI ADDED a criminal investigation in to Trump Campaign team coordinating with the Russians to influence the election and Comey announced this in the hearing...

so you are looking at 3-4 months of a criminal investigation in to colluding at this point in time. President Trump was not yet part of the criminal collusion investigation...they began at the bottom lowly workers and are working their way all investigations begin at square 1, then work their way up.

In May, Pres Trump became part of the investigation for obstruction after he fired Comey, which is separate from the criminal investigation in to the Trump team.

Care4None, you keep giving information, unfortunately, none of it is ever true.
She is notorious for that, but we still love her.
I don't lie? I really don't! If I am writing it, I have read it and also read where the sources came from and have read what the opposition is saying about it.... I'm anal when it comes to stuff like is my friend, never do I stop at one article or one point of view on any given topic! (ask my hubby, it drives him nuts on all the research I do before even buying something!)
President Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey. Comey had been the subject of many questionable actions beginning with his quixotic findings and conclusions regarding the Hillary email case starting on July 5. 2016 and then again on Oct. 27, 2016. In addition, other conflicting statements and activities during subsequent interviews as well as with Attorney General Lynch.
Trump's firing of the FBI Director was for one reason only, to curb and change the direction of the FBI investigation in to the Russian hacking, and NOT due to his wrong doings with Hillary Clinton or how UNFAIR he treated Hillary Clinton.

Trump told the Russians that the investigation would be over soon and less of a distraction when he met with them in the oval office the day after he fired Comey, and that Friday he interviewed with Lester Holt and without any doubt, Trump made it clear that the asst attorney general's opinion on the Hillary unfairness treatment was NOT the reason he fired Comey, that he fired Comey due to the investigation in to the Russians and in to his campaign team coordinating with them.

Go chase a bug. You don't know nothing, and you just keep pathetically grasping at straws to build your straw house.
You know something toobfreak...
I took the time and answered point by point, at length, several of the comments you made in your original post...(unless you did not make them and just copied them from someone else?)and your only response is to try to belittle me, INSTEAD OF debating or refuting what I said... What's up with that....?

Now, in the real world, that is a sign of weakness coming from your side of the debate, and the inability to think while on your feet,

and truly an insult to political debate. :(
Go chase a bug. You don't know nothing, and you just keep pathetically grasping at straws to build your straw house.

The russians backdoored the election. We even caught Putin issuing the order. And the story of Russian hacking didn't come from Clinton, it came from the NSA. That Flynn was a security risk didn't come from Clinton it cames from Sally Yates at the FBI.
President Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey. Comey had been the subject of many questionable actions beginning with his quixotic findings and conclusions regarding the Hillary email case starting on July 5. 2016 and then again on Oct. 27, 2016. In addition, other conflicting statements and activities during subsequent interviews as well as with Attorney General Lynch.
Trump's firing of the FBI Director was for one reason only, to curb and change the direction of the FBI investigation in to the Russian hacking, and NOT due to his wrong doings with Hillary Clinton or how UNFAIR he treated Hillary Clinton.

Trump told the Russians that the investigation would be over soon and less of a distraction when he met with them in the oval office the day after he fired Comey, and that Friday he interviewed with Lester Holt and without any doubt, Trump made it clear that the asst attorney general's opinion on the Hillary unfairness treatment was NOT the reason he fired Comey, that he fired Comey due to the investigation in to the Russians and in to his campaign team coordinating with them.

Go chase a bug. You don't know nothing, and you just keep pathetically grasping at straws to build your straw house.
You know something toobfreak...
I took the time and answered point by point, at length, several of the comments you made in your original post...(unless you did not make them and just copied them from someone else?)and your only response is to try to belittle me, INSTEAD OF debating or refuting what I said... What's up with that....?

Now, in the real world, that is a sign of weakness coming from your side of the debate, and the inability to think while on your feet,

and truly an insult to political debate. :(

Frankly, I see very little "political debate" here. I see a lot of partisan bickering. I see a lot of intelligent discussion and analysis of matters republican by other republicans. I see a lot of attacking and defending Trump. I see a lot of attacking the DNC, but I SEE NO INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF THE Democratic Party BY OTHER DEMOCRATS! (that includes liberals, progressives, et al.). A curious absence. So I gauge my replies by how I see others reply to me (not meaning you particularly). And I get a lot of very RUDE very HATEFUL replies. I see a great many people here do nothing but insult others. Far far worse than tell them to go chase a bug. I see a great many people post lengthy quotes, links and other material as if they've gone to GREAT LENGTHS to research the topic, yet still come to patently absurd and ridiculous conclusions! Then there is the whole matter with the "Zones." I was just talking to someone else about the zones. I don't get the zones. I don't even much SEE the zones! Just where are they? If they are so important, they should be plain to see I would think. They seem all sort of jumbled together. So I mainly go by how others talk to me and others on a thread.

It's nothing personal. I'm very busy. Maybe I've been spending too much time here. I don't have time for this. If I have to parse my brain always wondering what zone a thread is in, looking up all of the vague and nebulous differences between them (Zone One is the easy one--- act normal like I'm used to acting), then maybe this isn't the place for me. I came here for serious, intelligent discussion and instead, 80% of it is more like a 4th grade school yard.

I understand Trump because my Uncle did business with him and my mother was in politics, plus other reasons. One being that I am a lot like him. I make my own rules and I live by them. And I am scruplelessly honest. What is going on in the country right now with the high crimes of the DNC being ignored/swept under a rug while investigations swirl in circles looking for a crack to enter in search of a speck of dirt on Trump are beyond the pale. This country wastes BILLIONS while the house burns. We deserve another 9/11 attack or something to maybe WAKE US THE FUCK UP, and start acting like one nation behind a common cause. People can't even agree on what America is supposed to be about anymore!

That is really fucked up.

I'm a retired CEO with business, engineering, science and legal experience, I own and run other "social" groups, professional and science-based, and I don't need this. It shouldn't take 990 rules just for people to meet and talk. A lot of people here really don't have any respect for others, especially those that differ with them. If it were up to me, I'd just throw them out of here. Many here either act like or really don't have a brain in their head! I wonder how they hold jobs. IF they have jobs and how they ever made it out of high school.

So I've tried to fit in and treat others the way they treat me. Not individually for the most part but generally, except certain people who are always over the limit. But I have my limits, I don't have much time to play around. I continuously evaluate the worth of my even staying here. And I try to be reasonable, as reasonable as possible in so complicated an environment with people either talking utter nonsense half the time or calling you names for no reason the rest of the time. Now its time to go make dinner. Hope that answered your question.
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  • After ten months of investigation and interviews, there has been no evidence that president Trump or any of his staff colluded with the Russians. Some of them had contacts with Russian individuals, but these all appear to be resulting from the ordinary dispensation of either personal affairs (business), or their professional duties for the position they hold.

Again, this is wrong...the only investigation going on for 6 months was the FBI's investigation....all the committees in the House and Senate investigating did not START until AFTER the intelligence summary that was given to congress in confidential form and the public in an unclassified version in january of 2017....that was 6 months of the FBI, and then the others began.

This was very early on in a counter intelligence investigation....counter intelligence investigations usually last YEARS before they are done.

It was in MARCH when the Trump campaign got pulled in to the investigation and added to the counter intelligence investigation, the FBI ADDED a criminal investigation in to Trump Campaign team coordinating with the Russians to influence the election and Comey announced this in the hearing...

so you are looking at 3-4 months of a criminal investigation in to colluding at this point in time. President Trump was not yet part of the criminal collusion investigation...they began at the bottom lowly workers and are working their way all investigations begin at square 1, then work their way up.

In May, Pres Trump became part of the investigation for obstruction after he fired Comey, which is separate from the criminal investigation in to the Trump team.

Care4None, you keep giving information, unfortunately, none of it is ever true.
She is notorious for that, but we still love her.
I don't lie? I really don't! If I am writing it, I have read it and also read where the sources came from and have read what the opposition is saying about it.... I'm anal when it comes to stuff like is my friend, never do I stop at one article or one point of view on any given topic! (ask my hubby, it drives him nuts on all the research I do before even buying something!)
Okay. That means your sources are wrong. Not surprising really. Fake news abounds on the left.

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