The Coming Split


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Coming Split

What should we do when a majority of Republicans want Trump, but the Republican Party says we can’t have him?
27 Dec 2022 ~~ By Dan Gelernter

Last week I wrote about Teddy Roosevelt and Donald Trump. My comparison wasn’t between the two men as presidents—though they had some similar personality traits—but between how the two men were treated by the Republican Party. The Republican Party of 1912 decided it would be better off renominating William Howard Taft, even though its voters would have preferred another Roosevelt term. The resulting split ushered in Woodrow Wilson and the first academic globalists, whose bright ideas laid the groundwork for a second world war on the eve of the conclusion of the first.
Of the three men who were candidates in 1912, Taft probably would have made the best president. Though TR took a muscular attitude towards American interests abroad, he eventually decided he had the power to lay claim to gigantic tracts of American land and to regulate the prices of private railroad tickets. His megalomania did substantial damage to individual liberty long before his cousin FDR had similar ideas.
Trump was the first president since Ronald Reagan (or some would argue, since earlier than that) who seemed to appreciate the dangers of unaccountable, unlimited, deep-state government. And I’m willing to bet he’d appreciate those dangers a lot more in a second term, having fallen victim to them himself in the 2020 election.
If you ask me, Trump’s presidency was much more “American” than it was “Republican.” That’s why it was such a success and why so many of us loved it. Now, if the Republican Party thinks it’s not big enough for Trump, it’s not going to be big enough for me either.
Do I think Trump can win as a third-party candidate? No. Would I vote for him as a third-party candidate? Yes. Because I’m not interested in propping up this corrupt gravy-train any longer. Mitch McConnell says that “providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians is the number one priority for the United States right now, according to most Republicans.” Most Republicans where? Inside his bank account?

Dan Gelernter has written a comprehensive historical comparison of past politics those of today.
The truth of the matter is that Republican politicians today as in the past would rather lose an election to Democrats, their brothers in crime, than win with Trump.
We are repeating the mistakes of the past.
There are some in the GOP who see Trump as a threat to the lobbyist money stream like Democrats. They don’t want that stream to dry up because, when you look at it, play-for-pay money is more important than the needs of the American people to politicians.
A symptom of this pay-for-play industry is the total out-of-control Southern Border. The GOP needs this crisis so they have something to use against the Democrats, which is unconscionable.
The border jumpers are today’s cotton picker—cheap labor for friends who line their pockets as a reward for keeping the border open.
Under the current system, winning elections is achieved by turning out voters, not by winning policy debates. In the Democrats case its counting the votes and purloining votes to win in close races.
Republicans must use every tool in the toolbox to maximize mail-in (and in-person) turnout in 2024.
It doesn't matter how you vote, as long as the Democrats control the counting of the votes/ballots... We saw that happen again in Arizona this past November.
Why not start a 3rd party? For fucks sake, it's been done time and time again in the history of this country, Teddy started the Bull Moose party when Republicans nominated William Howard Taft instead of him.

Come up with a cool name that honors the cult.
Pretty tough to imagine they won't fall in line and vote for the (R), because they have to save America from Evil and Satan and Hitler and the Commies 'n such.

I've seen a few people float the idea of Trump running third party, but against my better judgement, I'm going to assume he is more lucid than that.
I could see Trump running in your Forward party and getting the nomination

Will you ask him? :auiqs.jpg:
There won't be any national candidates for a while. It's starting locally.

And children are not allowed in the party. So he can stay with your GQP.
Well, we are all hanging on the edges of our seat for the Forward party to save us all from the fascists and communists.

I can hardly wait.

Say, why don't you run Mac?
Why not start a 3rd party? For fucks sake, it's been done time and time again in the history of this country, Teddy started the Bull Moose party when Republicans nominated William Howard Taft instead of him.

Come up with a cool name that honors the cult.
Why not just call it the trump party? That's what it has been for the last few years.
I agree with all except the way to win elections with our system is all about access to as many floating ballots as they can get their hands on & who does the counting once they are inserted into the stream.

Like Stalin did in the USSR, it's all come down to those that count the votes now determine the results & we put programmable, internet accessible machines in charge of counting.

We are a post-republic nation now
Teddy was a progressive. He was nothing like Trump.

"Theodore Roosevelt, almost four years removed from the White House and running for a third term as president, survived a gunshot wound to the chest during an assassination attempt in Milwaukee on this day in history, Oct. 14, 1912.

He was shot at 8:10 p.m. — yet stoically went on to deliver an 84-minute campaign speech that night with the round from a .38 revolver lodged inside the cavity of his chest.

Blood seeped from Roosevelt's body and soaked his white shirt with a large crimson stain as he spoke. . . . "

"It Takes More Than That to Kill a Bull Moose":
The Leader and The Cause*

. . . .



Trump would never have any intention of protecting labor while holding them to integrity, and enforcing anti-trust laws, and bringing the nation together, while also being humble, ever.
Ok, so the GOP can be called the Trump party and the democrats can be called the Inflationary Groomers.

Nazis did the "you're attacking children!" thing too.

Does it bother you at all, doing the same thing as the Nazis?

I don't think so. I think it pleases you very much.

You weren't always such a shit human. What changed you? Was it simple butthurt? Are you just a poster child for the banality of evil?
Nazis did the "you're attacking children!" thing too.

Does it bother you at all, doing the same thing as the Nazis?

I don't think so. I think it pleases you very much.

You weren't always such a shit human. What changed you? Was it simple butthurt? Are you just a poster child for the banality of evil?
I started to get turned off from opposing the DNC after Trump built the Jewish extermination camps, and then he started the world war and I thought, "No, I just can't anymore"

But then, I dunno, I just continued to refuse to vote democrat anyway
Pretty tough to imagine they won't fall in line and vote for the (R), because they have to save America from Evil and Satan and Hitler and the Commies 'n such.

I've seen a few people float the idea of Trump running third party, but against my better judgement, I'm going to assume he is more lucid than that.
Dont exclude Deep State status quo apologists such as yourself from that list

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