The Coming “January 6” Train Wreck


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Coming “January 6” Train Wreck

With the DOJ's first sentencing, the legal realities are disappointing the left's lust for blood.
22 July 2021 ~~ By James Bovard
The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters. Perhaps the least likely outcome is that the coming train wreck will restore faith in American democracy.
The Justice Department declared last week, “The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.” The feds are sorting through “237,000 digital tips, 1 million Parler videos and images comprising 40 terabytes of data scraped from the Internet — roughly equivalent to 10 million photos, 20,000 hours of video, or 50,000 filing cabinets of paper documents,” theWashington Post reported. Investigators are also sorting through “cell tower data for thousands of electronic devices that connected to the Capitol’s interior distributed antenna system,” information provided by phone companies, Google, and other data aggregation companies. The problem will be compounded because many government employees are slow readers.
More than 500 protestors have already been charged in federal court, but their trials will likely be delayed at least until next year. Federal judge John Bates recently warned that evidence snafus could result in judges “going on the warpath.” If judges conclude that the Justice Department is unreasonably keeping January 6 defendants locked up (often in solitary confinement) too long, judicial edicts could unravel prosecutors’ long-term plans.
Federal cases against January 6 protestors are being built on what one savvy electronic evidence consultant called a Towre of Babel nightmare.” While federal agents gloated at the 300,000 plus tips that poured into the FBI with regards to January 6 protestors, prosecutors are obliged to sift the hairballs and provide each defendant and their lawyers with potentially exculpatory evidence. The biggest data dump on record will likely spur a deluge of inadvertent or intentional withholding of evidence. The Justice Department recently notified defense lawyers that they would have to “build a system to receive the data” the feds delivered. The prosecution is also whining because a federal judge prevented them from relying on a private contractor to organize secret grand jury evidence.
The Justice Department may be delaying release of the bulk of the more than 14,000 hours of video surveillance from inside the Capitol on January 6 in an attempt to preserve Biden’s “domestic terrorism” storyline of that day’s events. Even before Trump supporters poured into the Capitol that day, Democrats were accusing them of sedition for filing legal challenges to the 2020 election results, including popular Twitter hashtags such as #GOPSeditiousTraitors and #TreasonAgainstAmerica. After the mob delayed congressional proceedings for six hours, congressional leaders compared the interruption to the 9/11 attacks, Pearl Harbor, and the War of 1812. The Justice Department may also be foot-dragging on releasing evidence because it is reluctant to disclose what role, if any, federal informants or undercover agents had in instigating or propagating violence that day.
Federal judge Randolph Moss, when he sentenced Hodgkins, declared that his action will make it “harder for all of us to tell our children and grandchildren that democracy stands as the immutable foundation of our nation.” Unfortunately, judges seem nonchalant when American democracy is subverted instead by federal agencies. After FBI Assistant General Counsel Kevin Clinesmith admitted falsifying key evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump presidential campaign, federal judge James Boasberg gushed with sympathy at the sentencing hearing: “Mr. Clinesmith has lost his job in government service—what has given his life much of its meaning.” Scorning the recommendation of the federal prosecutor (who said the “resulting harm is immeasurable recommendation” from Clinesmith’s action), Boasberg gave Clinesmith a wrist slap—400 hours of community service and 12 months of probation. The Justice Department Inspector General documented many other abuses of power and deceit by FBI officials in the Hillary Clinton or Trump investigations, but not a single FBI official has spent a day behind bars.
Will Justice Department prosecutors be caught in a Catch-22, pressured by the White House to harvest as many scalps as possible but crippled by the lack of proof that most of the accused were guilty of anything besides trespassing or willfully and knowingly parading” in the Capitol? Political pressure for high-profile convictions resulted in disastrous courtroom defeats for federal attorneys prosecuting Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian standoff at Waco, and other cases. If juries rebuff prosecutors on more than a few January 6 cases, then the entire political storyline could quickly collapse.
Federal prosecutor Mona Sedky is calling for harsh punishment for January 6 defendants because of “the need to preserve respect for the law.” But at this point, “respect for the law” is a loss leader in this process. That won’t be remedied when people realize that taking selfies can result in a federal sentencing enhancement.

The coming trials will go down as the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communist "Great Purge Show Trials".
Unfortunately we all know that PMS/DSA Democrat Communists have murdered more political opponents and innocent Americans than all of the Jan 6 “Insurrectionists”.
Meanwhile I'm sure that the FBI is working to hide their role in the "1/6 Insurrection".
One has to wonder what the PMS/DSA Dem Commies "long-term plans" are. Do they have some scheme that goes beyond simply prosecuting these cases? Are they trying to lay the groundwork for some new approach to free speech and freedom of assembly cases, something that would allow prior restraint of unfavored speech? Or just what? That would be a violation of the First Amendment to our Constitution and Free Speech.
The steady march of PMS/DSA Democrat left-wing tyranny has found a new avenue for systematically disarming the American citizens. After all, you can do whatever you want to someone who has no way of fighting back.
Joey Xi Bai Dung has told us, the time in which a citizen militia could take down the federal Goliath is past. Cluster drones, satellite tracking, F-15's and abominations such as spaced based laser cannons, missiles, and tactical nukes will be used against America citizens that resist, if he is pushed.

These poor folk are being made examples of. Just like the DC police (sorry bastards the lot of them) and FIB/CYA/DoH corrupt bureaucrats planned.

The left had cows over water boarding our enemies but you have no trouble with american citizens being horrendously treated in the DC jail.

you think you're safe. LoL

You are definitely on to something.....



The Coming “January 6” Train Wreck

With the DOJ's first sentencing, the legal realities are disappointing the left's lust for blood.
22 July 2021 ~~ By James Bovard
The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters. Perhaps the least likely outcome is that the coming train wreck will restore faith in American democracy.
The Justice Department declared last week, “The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.” The feds are sorting through “237,000 digital tips, 1 million Parler videos and images comprising 40 terabytes of data scraped from the Internet — roughly equivalent to 10 million photos, 20,000 hours of video, or 50,000 filing cabinets of paper documents,” theWashington Post reported. Investigators are also sorting through “cell tower data for thousands of electronic devices that connected to the Capitol’s interior distributed antenna system,” information provided by phone companies, Google, and other data aggregation companies. The problem will be compounded because many government employees are slow readers.
More than 500 protestors have already been charged in federal court, but their trials will likely be delayed at least until next year. Federal judge John Bates recently warned that evidence snafus could result in judges “going on the warpath.” If judges conclude that the Justice Department is unreasonably keeping January 6 defendants locked up (often in solitary confinement) too long, judicial edicts could unravel prosecutors’ long-term plans.
Federal cases against January 6 protestors are being built on what one savvy electronic evidence consultant called a Towre of Babel nightmare.” While federal agents gloated at the 300,000 plus tips that poured into the FBI with regards to January 6 protestors, prosecutors are obliged to sift the hairballs and provide each defendant and their lawyers with potentially exculpatory evidence. The biggest data dump on record will likely spur a deluge of inadvertent or intentional withholding of evidence. The Justice Department recently notified defense lawyers that they would have to “build a system to receive the data” the feds delivered. The prosecution is also whining because a federal judge prevented them from relying on a private contractor to organize secret grand jury evidence.
The Justice Department may be delaying release of the bulk of the more than 14,000 hours of video surveillance from inside the Capitol on January 6 in an attempt to preserve Biden’s “domestic terrorism” storyline of that day’s events. Even before Trump supporters poured into the Capitol that day, Democrats were accusing them of sedition for filing legal challenges to the 2020 election results, including popular Twitter hashtags such as #GOPSeditiousTraitors and #TreasonAgainstAmerica. After the mob delayed congressional proceedings for six hours, congressional leaders compared the interruption to the 9/11 attacks, Pearl Harbor, and the War of 1812. The Justice Department may also be foot-dragging on releasing evidence because it is reluctant to disclose what role, if any, federal informants or undercover agents had in instigating or propagating violence that day.
Federal judge Randolph Moss, when he sentenced Hodgkins, declared that his action will make it “harder for all of us to tell our children and grandchildren that democracy stands as the immutable foundation of our nation.” Unfortunately, judges seem nonchalant when American democracy is subverted instead by federal agencies. After FBI Assistant General Counsel Kevin Clinesmith admitted falsifying key evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump presidential campaign, federal judge James Boasberg gushed with sympathy at the sentencing hearing: “Mr. Clinesmith has lost his job in government service—what has given his life much of its meaning.” Scorning the recommendation of the federal prosecutor (who said the “resulting harm is immeasurable recommendation” from Clinesmith’s action), Boasberg gave Clinesmith a wrist slap—400 hours of community service and 12 months of probation. The Justice Department Inspector General documented many other abuses of power and deceit by FBI officials in the Hillary Clinton or Trump investigations, but not a single FBI official has spent a day behind bars.
Will Justice Department prosecutors be caught in a Catch-22, pressured by the White House to harvest as many scalps as possible but crippled by the lack of proof that most of the accused were guilty of anything besides trespassing or willfully and knowingly parading” in the Capitol? Political pressure for high-profile convictions resulted in disastrous courtroom defeats for federal attorneys prosecuting Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian standoff at Waco, and other cases. If juries rebuff prosecutors on more than a few January 6 cases, then the entire political storyline could quickly collapse.
Federal prosecutor Mona Sedky is calling for harsh punishment for January 6 defendants because of “the need to preserve respect for the law.” But at this point, “respect for the law” is a loss leader in this process. That won’t be remedied when people realize that taking selfies can result in a federal sentencing enhancement.

The coming trials will go down as the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communist "Great Purge Show Trials".
Unfortunately we all know that PMS/DSA Democrat Communists have murdered more political opponents and innocent Americans than all of the Jan 6 “Insurrectionists”.
Meanwhile I'm sure that the FBI is working to hide their role in the "1/6 Insurrection".
One has to wonder what the PMS/DSA Dem Commies "long-term plans" are. Do they have some scheme that goes beyond simply prosecuting these cases? Are they trying to lay the groundwork for some new approach to free speech and freedom of assembly cases, something that would allow prior restraint of unfavored speech? Or just what? That would be a violation of the First Amendment to our Constitution and Free Speech.
The steady march of PMS/DSA Democrat left-wing tyranny has found a new avenue for systematically disarming the American citizens. After all, you can do whatever you want to someone who has no way of fighting back.
Joey Xi Bai Dung has told us, the time in which a citizen militia could take down the federal Goliath is past. Cluster drones, satellite tracking, F-15's and abominations such as spaced based laser cannons, missiles, and tactical nukes will be used against America citizens that resist, if he is pushed.

Who are these leftists that are disappointed? One up, one down, and he confessed, he was wrong and carried away and given time for punishment. Outcome suits the center, just fine.

The Coming “January 6” Train Wreck

With the DOJ's first sentencing, the legal realities are disappointing the left's lust for blood.
22 July 2021 ~~ By James Bovard
The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters. Perhaps the least likely outcome is that the coming train wreck will restore faith in American democracy.
The Justice Department declared last week, “The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.” The feds are sorting through “237,000 digital tips, 1 million Parler videos and images comprising 40 terabytes of data scraped from the Internet — roughly equivalent to 10 million photos, 20,000 hours of video, or 50,000 filing cabinets of paper documents,” theWashington Post reported. Investigators are also sorting through “cell tower data for thousands of electronic devices that connected to the Capitol’s interior distributed antenna system,” information provided by phone companies, Google, and other data aggregation companies. The problem will be compounded because many government employees are slow readers.
More than 500 protestors have already been charged in federal court, but their trials will likely be delayed at least until next year. Federal judge John Bates recently warned that evidence snafus could result in judges “going on the warpath.” If judges conclude that the Justice Department is unreasonably keeping January 6 defendants locked up (often in solitary confinement) too long, judicial edicts could unravel prosecutors’ long-term plans.
Federal cases against January 6 protestors are being built on what one savvy electronic evidence consultant called a Towre of Babel nightmare.” While federal agents gloated at the 300,000 plus tips that poured into the FBI with regards to January 6 protestors, prosecutors are obliged to sift the hairballs and provide each defendant and their lawyers with potentially exculpatory evidence. The biggest data dump on record will likely spur a deluge of inadvertent or intentional withholding of evidence. The Justice Department recently notified defense lawyers that they would have to “build a system to receive the data” the feds delivered. The prosecution is also whining because a federal judge prevented them from relying on a private contractor to organize secret grand jury evidence.
The Justice Department may be delaying release of the bulk of the more than 14,000 hours of video surveillance from inside the Capitol on January 6 in an attempt to preserve Biden’s “domestic terrorism” storyline of that day’s events. Even before Trump supporters poured into the Capitol that day, Democrats were accusing them of sedition for filing legal challenges to the 2020 election results, including popular Twitter hashtags such as #GOPSeditiousTraitors and #TreasonAgainstAmerica. After the mob delayed congressional proceedings for six hours, congressional leaders compared the interruption to the 9/11 attacks, Pearl Harbor, and the War of 1812. The Justice Department may also be foot-dragging on releasing evidence because it is reluctant to disclose what role, if any, federal informants or undercover agents had in instigating or propagating violence that day.
Federal judge Randolph Moss, when he sentenced Hodgkins, declared that his action will make it “harder for all of us to tell our children and grandchildren that democracy stands as the immutable foundation of our nation.” Unfortunately, judges seem nonchalant when American democracy is subverted instead by federal agencies. After FBI Assistant General Counsel Kevin Clinesmith admitted falsifying key evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump presidential campaign, federal judge James Boasberg gushed with sympathy at the sentencing hearing: “Mr. Clinesmith has lost his job in government service—what has given his life much of its meaning.” Scorning the recommendation of the federal prosecutor (who said the “resulting harm is immeasurable recommendation” from Clinesmith’s action), Boasberg gave Clinesmith a wrist slap—400 hours of community service and 12 months of probation. The Justice Department Inspector General documented many other abuses of power and deceit by FBI officials in the Hillary Clinton or Trump investigations, but not a single FBI official has spent a day behind bars.
Will Justice Department prosecutors be caught in a Catch-22, pressured by the White House to harvest as many scalps as possible but crippled by the lack of proof that most of the accused were guilty of anything besides trespassing or willfully and knowingly parading” in the Capitol? Political pressure for high-profile convictions resulted in disastrous courtroom defeats for federal attorneys prosecuting Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian standoff at Waco, and other cases. If juries rebuff prosecutors on more than a few January 6 cases, then the entire political storyline could quickly collapse.
Federal prosecutor Mona Sedky is calling for harsh punishment for January 6 defendants because of “the need to preserve respect for the law.” But at this point, “respect for the law” is a loss leader in this process. That won’t be remedied when people realize that taking selfies can result in a federal sentencing enhancement.

The coming trials will go down as the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communist "Great Purge Show Trials".
Unfortunately we all know that PMS/DSA Democrat Communists have murdered more political opponents and innocent Americans than all of the Jan 6 “Insurrectionists”.
Meanwhile I'm sure that the FBI is working to hide their role in the "1/6 Insurrection".
One has to wonder what the PMS/DSA Dem Commies "long-term plans" are. Do they have some scheme that goes beyond simply prosecuting these cases? Are they trying to lay the groundwork for some new approach to free speech and freedom of assembly cases, something that would allow prior restraint of unfavored speech? Or just what? That would be a violation of the First Amendment to our Constitution and Free Speech.
The steady march of PMS/DSA Democrat left-wing tyranny has found a new avenue for systematically disarming the American citizens. After all, you can do whatever you want to someone who has no way of fighting back.
Joey Xi Bai Dung has told us, the time in which a citizen militia could take down the federal Goliath is past. Cluster drones, satellite tracking, F-15's and abominations such as spaced based laser cannons, missiles, and tactical nukes will be used against America citizens that resist, if he is pushed.

What's crazy is theyre making some prosiners check thier white privilege

What they did to that grandma in court is disgusting

Welcome to the former USA
The Sussmann trial opened pandoras box. It showed that the DNC and the FBI were linked and acting as one. This gives Creedence to the plot by Pelosi to have CHP waive unsuspecting Trump supporters in while on the other side of the building the FBI was using their staff to incite the crowd.

How did these officers not know what was going on through dispatch? WHo gave the order to keep them coming in?

Then to have Pelosi protect herself, The SAA, and CHP officers from being interviewed and kept from being called by the Jan 6 committee? TO many coincidences for it not to be an orchestrated event.
SO we have CHP waving in people on one side of the building and on the other FBI people were inciting. How does that happen if it is not orchestrated? Why weren't the police sealing the building? Nothing about Jan 6 makes sense from a law enforcement point of view.. Who gave the order to let people in when there is a riot? Why did Pelosi reduce police staff prior to Jan 6? Why did she not accept the troops Trump offered to secure the building? Why was the DNC and FBI working in concert? When so many coincidences happen in such a short time it is almost assured that this was orchestrated.. We can now connect the dots... Why did Pelosi disallow herself, CHP, and the FBI agents identified from being called under oath? That makes all of this extremely suspect..
Anyone have a photo of gas prices on January 6th, 2020? That would have more impact on Americans than some lame waste of taxpayer's money.
Sounds like magaturds are running scared from Democrats. When will they surrender like the weaklings they are?
Nope... Left wing moon bats have been exposed and now we can prove Jan 6 was a false flag event orchestrated by Pelosi and democrats. Thier time in power is very short and they are running scared by doing a Salem witch trial on TV to slander the Defendents who will be unable to mount a meaningful defense.
  • TO (sic) many coincidences for it not to be an orchestrated event.
  • Thier (sic) time in power is very short
  • "What's crazy is theyre (sic) making some prosiners (sic) check thier (sic) white privilege."

What they did to that grandma in court is disgusting?

What did they do to her?
Make her learn to spell?
Nope... Left wing moon bats have been exposed and now we can prove Jan 6 was a false flag event orchestrated by Pelosi and democrats. Thier time in power is very short and they are running scared by doing a Salem witch trial on TV to slander the Defendents who will be unable to mount a meaningful defense.
The Willard hotel was the command center for the capitol riot.
I dont recall Pelosi being anywhere near that.
The Willard hotel was the command center for the capitol riot.
I dont recall Pelosi being anywhere near that.
Explain why the CHP was battling a riot on one side of the building and on the other waving people in through open doors? Who has the authority to override commonsense protective postures? Not the Chief... Not the SAA, Pelosi is the only one in that chain of command that could have ordered that be allowed..

Now add to this the revelation that the DNC and the FBI were working in collusion. Then add that the FBI was caught inciting the riot.. The common point is Pelosi who was in command of the whole thing.. This was a false flag operation from the word go..
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