The Coming Grapes of Wrath (an Ode to the DNC)


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I see all the Hard Left Tards reaching a crescendo with their drums beating hot after the coattails of Trump.


And I see a lot of conservatives taking the bait and arguing back.


What will happen will happen. Trump has either wanted this or has made it easier for the Dems to do it through his own relentless prodding and terminal obstinance. But I see it as a No-Win situation for the Left. No matter how the impeachment garbage plays out, several things are now a certainty, none of which are good for the Democrats.
  1. The more the Democrats push the issue, the more they open Pandora's Box for Trump and the GOP to reveal their facts and findings on how the democrats, Obama, Hillary, Biden, the FBI, et al., all conspired against Trump to change the election from before he was even elected! And that is, after all, been their whole spiel from the start: election integrity. Turns out the Democrats are a far greater threat to that integrity than those they attack.
  2. They are trying to ruin Trump for trying to PURSUE a criminal investigation that was IN THE INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES even if he partly benefited from it as well, while trying to hide the fact they are fighting to hide that they were trying to STOP a criminal investigation only because it WASN'T in their interests.
  3. Trump won't be removed. Facts revealed, their base demoralized yet again, Trump's base infuriated, the public now better informed, Trump wins again in 2020. I've already shown why that's inevitable in other threads. The Left's entire campaign is based on THREE STATES (4 cities). They cannot win with just those and they won't be taking any of Trump's.
  4. Biden was their best hope. He is now spoiled meat regardless and won't be getting the nomination. And Bernie never had a chance. That leaves only Crazy Woo Woo Warren or one other. Will they try Hillary again?! That is pathetic.
  5. All this against a popular president who has been doing very good for the country in general. All the Trump rancor has really been THEIR doing, not the nations. Four years of massive TDS.
  6. The more the Left make the case against Trump, the more it will fall apart because at its heart are nothing but lies, obfuscation, exaggerations and hypocrisy.
  7. Trump might be an ass, but he always has that ring of sincerity lacking all other candidates. He loves his country and is trying to make it better. His biggest crime is not being a very good well-polished Washington politician.
  8. The more the Democrats are left to talk, the more their agenda will be seen by voters as severely contrasting with that of mainstream America:
  • An obsession with illegal aliens, gays and minorities ahead of and over the average American causing a downward spiral of the Middle Class.
  • A preoccupation with making defenseless normal, law-abiding people despite their having never done a single thing to warrant it.
  • Changing fundamental laws since the inception of this nation with themselves as the sole benefit.
  • Increased government size, cost and control over people's lives. READ: socialism.
  • Promises to make free so many things they know they never intend to do, and only could do by taking 99% of your income all as taxes then giving it back to you incrementally as "free government stuff!" READ: The Netherlands.
  • Ever-increasing desire to make themselves a ruling mob class with the other 90% of the country having no say, voice or representation.
  • The inimitable desire to pursue globalization and one world government which will inevitably sacrifice the sovereignty of our nation as well as jack up the cost of food, energy and everything in their blind thirst to effect climate change and carbon credits over the ruled masses.
  • Many key swing states are very much against this impeachment talk.
  • And finally and most of all, their hatred of all who are successful and have realized the American Dream to become well off (except them, because they take their wealth from you the taxpayer rather than generating it on their own). Call it identity politics, people who DON'T NEED THEM--- the goal to vilify and cripple all who are wealthy (except them) and who create factories, industries and jobs.
So if you don't see me out there fighting with the Tards much over the election or the "impeachment" effort, you'll know why. It's not like you'll change their minds, prove anything or get them to admit wrong. Let the impeachment thing play out--- --- --- it isn't the great feather they think it will be and it won't play out the way they hope. The reward will be seeing them build themselves up greatly again only to have the floor fall out. No one can beat the Democrats like they can beat themselves! Even if the democrats win, they will lose. They have made their rope. Now it is just a matter of standing back and watching them trip over the noose in their zeal and hang themselves with it!
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