The Coming Conservative Landslide...

Seawytch are you really that dense? God help you and those like you. I wish you could see reality of things but I guess your controlled by your democrats. I for one am not obligated or controlled by any party and can certainly see how bad things have gotten under this administration. If you can't see it, then I can only feel sorry for you.

I got BINGO!!

I love playing neocon Bingo. :)
Mittens? For President? You got to be fuking kidding me. Who would vote for that idiot? YOU? LMAO.

Why you voting against your own self interest?

I will not vote for anybody who will increase the debt, sense this is against my own self interest......Therefore a vote for Obama is most against your own self interest. By the way what did Obama do for you?
Gear up for the excuse, if it does happen, the Dem's will be whining about it and blame it on voter ID laws.
They are starting this excuse on MSNBC,
It's funny that the numbers they are quoting at 1 to 2 % of people that will be prevented from voting, is exactly the number of voter fraud, that has happened slowly over the course of 40 or so years.
We sure don't want laws that will stop the dead from voting or forged signatures. :)

"1 to 2 % of people that will be prevented from voting, is exactly the number of voter fraud."

Provide any link, even a right wing one that supports the above lie.
It's your story. Tell it any way you want to. I cling to the notion that Obama will be a one-term President because nobody in America is stupid enough to vote for him twice.
Better hope conservatives show up at the polls to support Romney. With lukewarm support of Romney and Tea Party candidates struggling for reelection it could cause the Republicans to lose in both the House and Senate

The Presidency is safely in Democratic hands

There you have it.

A wet dream in print.
Republicans lead the generic Congression ballot polling by a whopping 10%.

Republicans rarely lead the generic Congressional ballot.

Democrats are going to be trashed again.

Shellack the Sequel in '12.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote

Some need remedial attention. I am here to help!

Democraps were dealt an historic shellacking in '10. Little has changed.

'Monday, April 16, 2012

Republicans, as they have for nearly three years now, continue to lead Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot, this time for the week ending Sunday, April 15.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 36% would choose the Democrat instead. This is the largest gap between the two parties since the beginning of 2011. It also doubles the gap found a week ago when the Republican led by five points, 45% to 40%.'
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It's amazing that the OP would consider a Mitt Romney victory a Conservative Victory.

I sure as hell don't know who's gonna win in November, but I continue to wonder why national polls are constantly used to debate the odds of both presidential and congressional races.

Since electoral votes are what matters in the presidential race, seems to me the only numbers to watch are the polls in the swing states; and since congressional elections are limited to specific geographic areas, only polls in those specific geographic areas matter. So national polls aren't even in the same league as geographic polls, other than for standard rhetorical bluster.

Or am I missing something?


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