The comedy writes itself

Why would you have to give them to yourself? You’d have them just like everyone on earth has all the ”rights”. Men/Government doesn’t give you rights it can only take them away or sexier them.
Exactly why do you have to put "rights" in quotation marks? Is it because even you recognize they don't really exist? The government can give or take from you legal rights because it issues those. What other rights are you referring to and where do they come from?
So, you think the Founders were wrong in thinking our rights come from God and not man.

Isn't that right?

If the Founders thought otherwise, they would have been subservient to the crown no matter how they were treated just like how you lick the boots of the DNC no matter how it may negatively effect you and the country.
Actually, if the "founders" were Christians they would never have revolted because the Kings ruled by divine right.
To oppose your king is to oppose your god

I have yet to hear any Democrats say that.
Senate Democrats rejected an amendment by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) that would have clarified, for the purposes of maternal and infant-related program resources, that only women can be pregnant.
  • “Federal funding should reflect reality: only women can get pregnant. Unfortunately, it looks like my Democrat colleagues don’t trust ‘the science’ after all.” — Senator Rubio
Rubio made the case for his amendment and 5,500 years of recorded human history on the Senate floor.
You idiot.

The Founders are the ones who said our rights come from God and not man.

You do realize this, right?


The Founders? You mean the founding generation? You mean the men at the constitutional conventions? You men the men who framed teh constitution, or the people who gave the document power -- the people alive at that time?

Do you even know what you are talking about?
The founding fathers made this a Christian nation. We became a world power in 200 years. Then liberals came along and took God out of our government. Now we are running out of ammunition to supply Ukraine with. God said a nation under him would be great.
The Founders? You mean the founding generation? You mean the men at the constitutional conventions? You men the men who framed teh constitution, or the people who gave the document power -- the people alive at that time?

Do you even know what you are talking about?
/—-/ The founders simply outlined the rights endowed by our creator. They didn’t grant them. They told the government what they couldn’t do to us.
But they also wanted separation of church and state. They realized you couldn’t have one group claim to have all the answers and still have a free society. They’d seen what religious wars did to Europe.
In the 1960's we had separation of church and state and we peaked at that point. What happened is that the church was removed as a pole for morals. Which was not perfect as we know. So now with an anything goes social justice and sexually nation which is in decline now in part because of it, the godless church is chiming in that they are in league with government and the church that was will be eventually exterminated.
In the 1960's we had separation of church and state and we peaked at that point. What happened is that the church was removed as a pole for morals. Which was not perfect as we know. So now with an anything goes social justice and sexually nation which is in decline now in part because of it, the godless church is chiming in that they are in league with government and the church that was will be eventually exterminated.
The separation is meant to be absolute in theory, if not in practice.
You idiot.

The Founders are the ones who said our rights come from God and not man.

You do realize this, right?

They were creating a source greater than the monarchy which believed that their reign was due to Heavenly divinity, or the divine right of kings.
The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of,from the will of God.

Divine right of kings - Wikipedia divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of,from the will of God.
This is why the Constitution has the claim about rights being given by God......
You're the one who believes in a mystical sky daddy and his zombie son who embued you with magical rights that you need a government and a military to help you protect. Makes total sense. Completely rational, A to Z.
/——/ Believe what you want, but you live under the protection of a Judeo-Christian nation with the mightiest military in the history of the world. You sound like a petulant child pissing on those who make it possible to live in a free country.
/——/ Believe what you want, but you live under the protection of a Judeo-Christian nation with the mightiest military in the history of the world. You sound like a petulant child pissing on those who make it possible to live in a free country.
We’re under the protection of a nation with no constitutional religious mandate.
Your cowardice and inability to answer simple questions about things you seem to imply are easily understood, makes me laugh.
Your perpetual addiction to being completely and deliberately dishonest makes me laugh. At you. Plenty of company in that.

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