The Collapse of the American Empire?

He claims that the Democratic Party blocked Bernie Sanders. He believes that Sanders, if he was the Democratic Party nominee, would have beaten Trump.
I agree with him. Everyone knew Hillary was a corporatist warmongering crook. This is why she lost.
See? The qualities women aren't allowed to posses get males to residents.
No one likes a warmongering crook. Bernie and Trump are not warmongering crooks.

There goes your dumb sexist theory.
Gripping intellect.
American empire ? The USA has never and will never be like the Europeans who actually had real empires.
As if Guam, Puerto Rico, The Philippines and Wake Island just never happened.
Oh, puh-leeze... the US toyed with 'empire' in the years following the Spanish-American War, but we eventually gave most of that $hit back.

The one or two things we've hung on to are flyspecks compared to the British Empire or French Empire or German Empire or others.

Flyspecks which have grown accustomed to our oversight and whose populations either want our protection or are divided on the subject.

Empire... uhhhhhh... yeah... sure.
He claims that the Democratic Party blocked Bernie Sanders. He believes that Sanders, if he was the Democratic Party nominee, would have beaten Trump.
I agree with him. Everyone knew Hillary was a corporatist warmongering crook. This is why she lost.
See? The qualities women aren't allowed to posses get males to residents.
No one likes a warmongering crook. Bernie and Trump are not warmongering crooks.

There goes your dumb sexist theory.
Gripping intellect.
Lacking intellect.
Johan Galtung predicted the collapse of the american empire in 2020. he was off by just 4 years!
America isn't an Empire. Its a Republic.

If it were up to me I'd kick all the territories to the curb. Let them take care of themselves and get them out of our hair.
He claims that the Democratic Party blocked Bernie Sanders. He believes that Sanders, if he was the Democratic Party nominee, would have beaten Trump.
I drove my 90 year old pops to the voting at 430 am to get in line early. An "old' lady in her early seventies saw the ol man and led us to the front of the line with a few other geezers and he could " write in" Bernie Sanders. I, in my infinite wizdumb, wrote in Colonel FC Sanders. Hey' I was trying to support the military. If they were smart enough to write he may have had a chance at it !
If America can survive Fort Sumter, we can sure-as-hell survive our present divisive environment.

Of course, the rest of the country may have to drag the worst of the Leftists out of their Safe Spaces long enough to talk to them. :21:

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