The Green New Deal is destroying our country.
Go to the store. It's hard to find anything that doesn't cost at least $4.00. Biden is bragging about dropping the price of gas....but the price of everything in the stores is doubling and tripling. Stuff that used to cost last year $8 now costs $14-16 dollars. Eggs used to cost $2/doz now costs $5.
My electric bill was close to $200 this month. Last year it never got over $120.
Ladies.....if you think abortion on demand is worth all of this....knock yourself out....but don't complain to me. Go ahead and keep voting for Democrats because you think they'll protect you from Republicans. Most of them just say they're against abortion, they don't really believe it. Personally I think the idiots that made it an issue before the end of this election cycle don't have the sense to be in congress. The rest are moderates like myself.
The Planned Starvation of America - The Prepper Dome
Follow me It would appear that Alex Jones and Dave Hodges were serendipitously working on the same story. Someone who knew that I