The Chinese, the election and the "Great Endumbening".


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The true genius of the of the Chinese horde that is sweeping over the US is not just an engineered biological attack on the flesh and blood of the US population as well as the world. It is also a targeted assault on the IQ’s of US citizens. There is little doubt that a generational cognitive decline presided over by America’s colleges and universities is a crucial element of cooperation with the People’s Republic of china to lower the intelligence of the average citizen.

The recent swindle of an American presidential election and the installation of a bribed Chinese agent, Joe Biden, should send shivers down the spines of reasonable minds all over the world. When the American people cannot recognize a planned coup to remove a recalcitrant, unconventional leader alerting the people to the dangers of relinquishing the economic power of the US to a billion-strong communist totalitarian dictatorship, it stands as proof that the Chinese have rolled over Washington without firing a shot on the heels of what can only be called a Great Endumbening of the people behind the walls.

The drop in US IQ’s becomes all the more evident when one considers that over the years the US Congress has handed the People’s Republic of China nearly complete control of the US pharmaceutical industry. What kind of collective brain damage would allow leadership to hand a state enemy the keys to the national medicine cabinet? How much responsibility will US congress take for a Chinese administered opioid and Fentanyl crisis brought on by years of Confucius lobbying filling the pockets of US congressmen and senators? The crack-addict son of the new president-select is just a bit player.

About half the US population gets its political information on entertainment shows and social media sites and so today, like many liberal arts colleges, the lines between reality and fantasy are so blurred as to be indistinguishable. While the Chinese prepare to turn the US constitution into firewood, many US voters are so preoccupied and distracted with idiocy like transgenderism and Critical Race Theory that it will be all over before they know what happened.

The People’s Republic of china is patient; it plays the long game. Rome fell but the US is plummeting thanks to a national media that serves snake oil in Chinese propaganda buckets. Hilaria Baldwin could someday be the first female US president.

If the people get Biden, they will deserve him.

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It is so often the dumbest people in the room that think they are the smartest...that's when it gets dangerous...when the stupid can't self reflect and think they are infallible in opinion and thought...when they allow emotion to rule their thought process...they begin to feel their way through life rather than think their way...which is fine until they get elected to office....

We need education reform in this nation....

We know how much it means to lose Trump but....
We get 13% of our drugs from China, not a lot really..
You are so full of crap....
That is the current stat check it out.

For all regulated drugs, China has 230 (13 percent) of the API manufacturing facilities, while the United States has 510 (28 percent), and the rest of the world has 1048 (59 percent).

The person accusing others of being shit filled actually have the brownest eyes in the room.
We get 13% of our drugs from China, not a lot really..
You are so full of crap....
That is the current stat check it out.
China produces raw material for almost every drug we are currently some homework before you spout off.....
China’s chokehold on drug manufacturing puts U.S. at risk | Guestview (
I can tell that capitalism is the bad guy when you Repubs need it to be.
We get 13% of our drugs from China, not a lot really..
You are so full of crap....
That is the current stat check it out.
China produces raw material for almost every drug we are currently some homework before you spout off.....
China’s chokehold on drug manufacturing puts U.S. at risk | Guestview (
Thank you....I'm too tired to argue with moony the tool from China....
It is so often the dumbest people in the room that think they are the smartest...that's when it gets dangerous...when the stupid can't self reflect and think they are infallible in opinion and thought...when they allow emotion to rule their thought process...they begin to feel their way through life rather than think their way...which is fine until they get elected to office....

We need education reform in this nation....

Young people are highly susceptible to the brainwashing by the Democrat Hate Machine aka Press/Hollywood.
The true genius of the of the Chinese horde that is sweeping over the US is not just an engineered biological attack on the flesh and blood of the US population as well as the world. It is also a targeted assault on the IQ’s of US citizens. There is little doubt that a generational cognitive decline presided over by America’s colleges and universities is a crucial element of cooperation with the People’s Republic of china to lower the intelligence of the average citizen.

The recent swindle of an American presidential election and the installation of a bribed Chinese agent, Joe Biden, should send shivers down the spines of reasonable minds all over the world. When the American people cannot recognize a planned coup to remove a recalcitrant, unconventional leader alerting the people to the dangers of relinquishing the economic power of the US to a billion-strong communist totalitarian dictatorship, it stands as proof that the Chinese have rolled over Washington without firing a shot on the heels of what can only be called a Great Endumbening of the people behind the walls.

The drop in US IQ’s becomes all the more evident when one considers that over the years the US Congress has handed the People’s Republic of China nearly complete control of the US pharmaceutical industry. What kind of collective brain damage would allow leadership to hand a state enemy the keys to the national medicine cabinet? How much responsibility will US congress take for a Chinese administered opioid and Fentanyl crisis brought on by years of Confucius lobbying filling the pockets of US congressmen and senators? The crack-addict son of the new president-select is just a bit player.

About half the US population gets its political information on entertainment shows and social media sites and so today, like many liberal arts colleges, the lines between reality and fantasy are so blurred as to be indistinguishable. While the Chinese prepare to turn the US constitution into firewood, many US voters are so preoccupied and distracted with idiocy like transgenderism and Critical Race Theory that it will be all over before they know what happened.

The People’s Republic of china is patient; it plays the long game. Rome fell but the US is plummeting thanks to a national media that serves snake oil in Chinese propaganda buckets. Hilaria Baldwin could someday be the first female US president.

If the people get Biden, they will deserve him.

The true genius of the of the Chinese horde that is sweeping over the US is not just an engineered biological attack on the flesh and blood of the US population as well as the world. It is also a targeted assault on the IQ’s of US citizens. There is little doubt that a generational cognitive decline presided over by America’s colleges and universities is a crucial element of cooperation with the People’s Republic of china to lower the intelligence of the average citizen.

The recent swindle of an American presidential election and the installation of a bribed Chinese agent, Joe Biden, should send shivers down the spines of reasonable minds all over the world. When the American people cannot recognize a planned coup to remove a recalcitrant, unconventional leader alerting the people to the dangers of relinquishing the economic power of the US to a billion-strong communist totalitarian dictatorship, it stands as proof that the Chinese have rolled over Washington without firing a shot on the heels of what can only be called a Great Endumbening of the people behind the walls.

The drop in US IQ’s becomes all the more evident when one considers that over the years the US Congress has handed the People’s Republic of China nearly complete control of the US pharmaceutical industry. What kind of collective brain damage would allow leadership to hand a state enemy the keys to the national medicine cabinet? How much responsibility will US congress take for a Chinese administered opioid and Fentanyl crisis brought on by years of Confucius lobbying filling the pockets of US congressmen and senators? The crack-addict son of the new president-select is just a bit player.

About half the US population gets its political information on entertainment shows and social media sites and so today, like many liberal arts colleges, the lines between reality and fantasy are so blurred as to be indistinguishable. While the Chinese prepare to turn the US constitution into firewood, many US voters are so preoccupied and distracted with idiocy like transgenderism and Critical Race Theory that it will be all over before they know what happened.

The People’s Republic of china is patient; it plays the long game. Rome fell but the US is plummeting thanks to a national media that serves snake oil in Chinese propaganda buckets. Hilaria Baldwin could someday be the first female US president.

If the people get Biden, they will deserve him.

You say ' About half the US population gets its political information on entertainment shows and social media sites'. You just described where this trump character gets his political information.
The true genius of the of the Chinese horde that is sweeping over the US is not just an engineered biological attack on the flesh and blood of the US population as well as the world. It is also a targeted assault on the IQ’s of US citizens. There is little doubt that a generational cognitive decline presided over by America’s colleges and universities is a crucial element of cooperation with the People’s Republic of china to lower the intelligence of the average citizen.

The recent swindle of an American presidential election and the installation of a bribed Chinese agent, Joe Biden, should send shivers down the spines of reasonable minds all over the world. When the American people cannot recognize a planned coup to remove a recalcitrant, unconventional leader alerting the people to the dangers of relinquishing the economic power of the US to a billion-strong communist totalitarian dictatorship, it stands as proof that the Chinese have rolled over Washington without firing a shot on the heels of what can only be called a Great Endumbening of the people behind the walls.

The drop in US IQ’s becomes all the more evident when one considers that over the years the US Congress has handed the People’s Republic of China nearly complete control of the US pharmaceutical industry. What kind of collective brain damage would allow leadership to hand a state enemy the keys to the national medicine cabinet? How much responsibility will US congress take for a Chinese administered opioid and Fentanyl crisis brought on by years of Confucius lobbying filling the pockets of US congressmen and senators? The crack-addict son of the new president-select is just a bit player.

About half the US population gets its political information on entertainment shows and social media sites and so today, like many liberal arts colleges, the lines between reality and fantasy are so blurred as to be indistinguishable. While the Chinese prepare to turn the US constitution into firewood, many US voters are so preoccupied and distracted with idiocy like transgenderism and Critical Race Theory that it will be all over before they know what happened.

The People’s Republic of china is patient; it plays the long game. Rome fell but the US is plummeting thanks to a national media that serves snake oil in Chinese propaganda buckets. Hilaria Baldwin could someday be the first female US president.

If the people get Biden, they will deserve him.

Trump supporfters like you give morons a bad name. You Nazis are the greatest threat to this country. You get your news from propaganda sites. You people want to take this country over just like Hitler did after he was elected. Take your shit and shove it up your ass.
I have this weird feeling that they are going to create another false flag. But this time they are going to blow up a Chinese temple and blame it on Pres. Trump and his supporters. Saying that they are spreading hate and scare rhetoric and conspiracies about the Chinese that it causes the deplorables to plot to kill all of the Chinese, in fear of them taking over. That congress and the senate will vote to amend the 1st amendment. And start removing conservatives' platforms from off of the internet.

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