
Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
My questions, for how long can Putin keep supporting Iran and Alawites in "Syria"? what Israeli think about Putin´s support of Hezbollah and cooperation with Iran?

"This week the world witnessed yet another chemical attack in Syria. After horrendous footage from Khan Sheikhoun showed children suffocating from sarin gas and relatives crying over piles of dead bodies, Russia was forced to react. But while Washington used the attack as an excuse for missile strikes on a regime-held airbase in southern Syria, Moscow did the exact opposite - it used it as an excuse for more excuses. And the excuse was produced quickly: The ministry of defence announced that there was no chemical attack but that a rocket had hit a stockpile of "terrorists'" chemical weapons, which led to the release of the poisonous gas."

Syrian army breaks ISIL siege in Deir Az Zor airbase

Russia blocks U.S. resolution to probe chemical attack in Syria...

Russia vetoes U.S. resolution to probe chemical attack in Syria
Nov. 16, 2017 -- Russia used its U.N. Security Council veto power on Thursday to stop a U.S.-drafted resolution that would have extended an investigation into allegations that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people earlier this year.
Russia's veto came hours after President Donald Trump encouraged the U.N. Security Council to pass the resolution. "Need all on the UN Security Council to vote to renew the Joint Investigative Mechanism for Syria to ensure that Assad Regime does not commit mass murder with chemical weapons ever again," Trump tweeted. The vote would have prolonged a U.N. investigative panel that released a report Oct. 27 blaming Assad's forces for a chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians on April 4.

But Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, said the U.N. panel has "extremely systemic flaws" and denounced the effort to prolong it. "There was nothing balanced in the U.S. resolution," Nebenzia said, according to The New York Times. He later told reporters that Russia "condemns the use of chemical weapons by anyone" but that the panel's reporting thus far was "a joke -- complete nonsense."


Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia arrives for Security Council consultations at U.N. headquarters in New York City on September 15. On Thursday, Nebenzia vetoed a U.S. resolution to further investigate chemical weapons attacks in Syria.​

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blasted Russia for the veto. "The message to anyone listening is clear: In effect, Russia accepts the use of chemical weapons in Syria," she said, later telling Russia officials, "The next chemical weapons attack is on your heads." The resolution would have passed with 11 votes in favor of it and Bolivia against it. China and Egypt both abstained. According to Bloomberg, Russia's veto marked the 10th time it has used its veto power to defend Assad since a civil war broke out in Syria six years ago.

Russia vetoes U.S. resolution to probe chemical attack in Syria
Russia blocks U.S. resolution to probe chemical attack in Syria...

Russia vetoes U.S. resolution to probe chemical attack in Syria
Nov. 16, 2017 -- Russia used its U.N. Security Council veto power on Thursday to stop a U.S.-drafted resolution that would have extended an investigation into allegations that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people earlier this year.
Russia's veto came hours after President Donald Trump encouraged the U.N. Security Council to pass the resolution. "Need all on the UN Security Council to vote to renew the Joint Investigative Mechanism for Syria to ensure that Assad Regime does not commit mass murder with chemical weapons ever again," Trump tweeted. The vote would have prolonged a U.N. investigative panel that released a report Oct. 27 blaming Assad's forces for a chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians on April 4.

But Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, said the U.N. panel has "extremely systemic flaws" and denounced the effort to prolong it. "There was nothing balanced in the U.S. resolution," Nebenzia said, according to The New York Times. He later told reporters that Russia "condemns the use of chemical weapons by anyone" but that the panel's reporting thus far was "a joke -- complete nonsense."


Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia arrives for Security Council consultations at U.N. headquarters in New York City on September 15. On Thursday, Nebenzia vetoed a U.S. resolution to further investigate chemical weapons attacks in Syria.​

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blasted Russia for the veto. "The message to anyone listening is clear: In effect, Russia accepts the use of chemical weapons in Syria," she said, later telling Russia officials, "The next chemical weapons attack is on your heads." The resolution would have passed with 11 votes in favor of it and Bolivia against it. China and Egypt both abstained. According to Bloomberg, Russia's veto marked the 10th time it has used its veto power to defend Assad since a civil war broke out in Syria six years ago.

Russia vetoes U.S. resolution to probe chemical attack in Syria
What do you think trump will do, putin has crossed the red line here for sure

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