The Chavez TRUTH


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is among the greatest leaders in the world - a man of the people for the people. America would do well to turn to the example of this great man who, despite ridiculous attacks by the economic tyranny of the United States the western world, remains a bastion of TRUTH and PROSPERITY and a THREAT to the lies of the American system. With Bush gone, Chavez and Obama will prove great friends and mutual leaders of a new world order that is finally coming to the people of the Americas!

Keep fighting the good fight Hugo - and everyone go watch this latest great film from Oliver Stone - the greatest director alive today!

[ame=]YouTube - Oliver Stone's South of the Border - Official Trailer[/ame]
Chavez is a little petty tyrant with a lot of oil.

Maybe if there hadn't been an assasination attempt, we could be getting his oil right now and letting him kiss up to US instead of Castro.:confused:
Chavez is nothing but a stinky little terrorist and big buddies with one of the biggest U.S. enemies, IRAN. Now they both want to suck up to their muslim buddy Obama who was elected by the biggest collection of idiots on the planet.
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is among the greatest leaders in the world - a man of the people for the people. America would do well to turn to the example of this great man who, despite ridiculous attacks by the economic tyranny of the United States the western world, remains a bastion of TRUTH and PROSPERITY and a THREAT to the lies of the American system. With Bush gone, Chavez and Obama will prove great friends and mutual leaders of a new world order that is finally coming to the people of the Americas!

Keep fighting the good fight Hugo - and everyone go watch this latest great film from Oliver Stone - the greatest director alive today!

YouTube - Oliver Stone's South of the Border - Official Trailer

When are you moving to Venezuela?
Why did Chavvy stop selling deeply discounted heating oil to U.S. homeowners in the northeast?
Because it's summer ?

Here's a better question.
Why didn't Exxon sell deeply discounted oil to the poor in the N.E.

Want the answer ?
Because the scumbags in DC, all 535,plus Missa Basgetball an Da Nubian princess, own stock in those companies and selling low wouldn't be profitable. Can't have that !

The guy that won Ohio is only worth about 300 million.
Why did Chavvy stop selling deeply discounted heating oil to U.S. homeowners in the northeast?
Because it's summer ?

Here's a better question.
Why didn't Exxon sell deeply discounted oil to the poor in the N.E.

Want the answer ?
Because the scumbags in DC, all 535,plus Missa Basgetball an Da Nubian princess, own stock in those companies and selling low wouldn't be profitable. Can't have that !

The guy that won Ohio is only worth about 300 million.

Let me rephrase my question. "Why did the Chavman sell discounted heating oil in the first place".

Re: Exxon- tens of millions of people own stock in the company. And if you have a dime in mutual funds then you most likely do too.

When are you moving to Venezuela?
What an idiot, you wouldn't know the truth if it slammed into you at 100 mph. Where do people like you get indoctrinated, I mean you almost have to be a willing participant to your own stupidity to even make comments like those in the OP.

3 August 2009

Open!Source!Center Analysis

This OSC product is based exclusively on the content and behavior of selected media and has not been coordinated with other US Government components.

Venezuela -- Chavez Moves to Silence Opposition Media

President Chavez's government is moving forcefully to silence critics by introducing a Media
Crimes bill that would give it sweeping authority to jail journalists, media executives, and
bloggers who report on anything that the government considers to be harmful to state interests.
It is simultaneously moving to shut down more than 200 radio stations, impose broadcasting
requirements on RCTV International, and position itself to take over opposition news station
Globovision. Tightening control over opposition outlets could make it more difficult for
Chavez to blame his favored scapegoat of the media for the country's problems, however.
Introduced at the National Assembly by Prosecutor General Luisa Ortega, the Media Crimes
bill significantly expands the government's ability to punish media critics for any action or
omission that it finds objectionable.
! The bill makes it illegal to report on anything deemed "harmful to public mental or
moral health" or to "the interests of the state," or anything that would "incite violence"
or "create panic." It also penalizes outlets for not reporting on events or situations that
would violate "the people's right to information." The bill targets journalists, media
executives, and even bloggers.
! Unlike the Radio and Television Social Responsibility Law, under which stations can
be fined or lose their broadcast license, the new bill sets prison sentences of six months
to four years for violations, and also applies to print media. Outlets with convicted
workers or owners cannot comment on the conviction in any fashion beyond posting a
notice (, 30 July).1
! The bill is almost certainly targeted at the government's long-standing media critics.
The government has regularly claimed that Globovision is "harming public health," and
has accused dailies El Universal and El Nacional of misrepresenting official actions,
which could be considered against state interests (VTV, 12 July, 16, 15 January).2 3
! The government also may go beyond its traditional targets. State-owned news agency
ABN has begun to complain about social networking sites, asserting that Twitter,
Facebook, MySpace, and blogs are new ways to communicate that "create terror" (1
The government is also moving forcefully against radio stations and RCTV International,
bringing Venezuela closer to a government monopoly on the media.
! Diosdado Cabello, who heads the National Telecommunications Commission
(Conatel), on 31 July announced the closure of 32 radio stations, the first of 240 the
government has vowed to close for allegedly not filing the appropriate Conatel
paperwork (VTV, 31 July; 4 July).5 6 He added that another 120 stations have
problems with their licenses (VTV, 31 July). 7
This OSC product is based exclusively on the content and behavior of selected media and has not been coordinated with other
US Government components.
! Chavez said that these frequencies would be "given to the people," presumably
referring to new community radio efforts (VTV, 21 July).8
! The government also recently imposed national broadcast requirements, including the
mandatory live relay of Chavez speeches, on RCTV International, the cable-only
successor to formerly top-rated opposition station RCTV that Chavez took off the air in
May 2007 (VTV, 9 July).9
The government has repeatedly threatened to close Globovision, but appears to be positioning
itself to take over rather than shut down the station.
! Cabello suggested that because one of the two owners listed on Globovision's original
cable concession is dead, the government has the right to reclaim his share (VTV, 16
June).10 If the station's other owner is found guilty on charges unrelated to the station -
- but widely viewed as another move to pressure the station -- the government could
take over his part of the concession as well, turning it into a government-owned entity.
! Chavez said that the government might drop its complaints if the station had "someone
in the management who might think rationally" (VTV, 12 June).11
! Globovision has four pending judicial proceedings. One case has already been decided
against it; the station could lose its license if found guilty a second time (El Universal
Online, 17 May).12
The Media Crimes bill is the most blatant example of the government's steady encroachment
on media freedom in an effort to establish a media monopoly and stifle freedom of expression.
Silencing his critics would allow Chavez to completely control the media message, but it
would also deprive him of his long-standing scapegoat of what he describes as the oligarchic
media. He may be willing to give this up in order to clamp down on the negative news
reporting and commentary, which have been hammering away at the country's economic
problems and Chavez's increasing authoritarianism for the past year. The government action
against its media critics would also eliminate the only forums available to Chavez's other
domestic critics, including local opposition elected officials, political parties, and university
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Chavez is a little petty tyrant with a lot of oil.


So why are liberals such as Oliver Stone spinning Chavez as a leader of the people?

I wonder how much Chavez paid Stone for this film?
Good catch there blue eyes. But then let's face it Oliver Stone is likely the only director in Hollywood more delusional than Michael Moore. His JFK movie supported a theory that even other JFK conspiracy theorists find retarded.
Almost certainly. Chavez only shutting down those media outlets that have the temerity to criticize him and his policies anyone willing to kiss his ass gets a free ride.

And Chavez quit selling deeply discounted oil in the North East because it was bankrupting his country.
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Almost certainly. Chavez only shutting down those media outlets that have the temerity to criticize him and his policies anyone willing to kiss his ass gets a free ride.

And Chavez quit selling deeply discounted oil in the North East because it was bankrupting his country.

And yet the left - including politicians in the Unites States, have the audacity to praise Chavez. What the hell has happened to this country when such stupidity is applauded by some calling themselves American??
You forget that in order to be a committed leftist you have to be at the very least mildly delusional...
Interesting choice of words by Chavez: "The optimism, faith, and hope". Sounds familiar?

Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is among the greatest leaders in the world - a man of the people for the people. America would do well to turn to the example of this great man who, despite ridiculous attacks by the economic tyranny of the United States the western world, remains a bastion of TRUTH and PROSPERITY and a THREAT to the lies of the American system. With Bush gone, Chavez and Obama will prove great friends and mutual leaders of a new world order that is finally coming to the people of the Americas!

Keep fighting the good fight Hugo - and everyone go watch this latest great film from Oliver Stone - the greatest director alive today!

...Stone's South of the Border - Official Trailer[/url]

Yes, this man has the same theory that our president is using: trickle up POVERTY.

His citizens are still poor. They have no freedoms. They have to listen to him because he owns all the stations [sound familiar to the internet 'confiscation' for national emergencies (he found out some one disagreed with him)]. their store shelves are empty because their 'dear leader' put in price fixes.
Libs: thinking you can get different results by doing the same thing, again, and again, and again....

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