The Casualty List From The Kavanaugh Battle


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Casualty List From The Kavanaugh Battle

The Casualty List From The Kavanaugh Battle
After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism - perhaps for decades.
The shrieks from the gallery of the Senate chamber as the vote came in on Saturday, and the sight of that bawling mob clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court as the new justice took his oath, confirm it.
The Democratic Party has sustained a historic defeat. And the triumph is President Trump’s. To unite the party whose nomination he had won, Donald Trump pledged to select his high court nominees from lists prepared by such judicial conservatives as the Federalist Society. He kept his word..... Trump has achieved what every GOP president has hoped to do since the summer of ’68, when a small group of GOP senators, led by Bob Griffin of Michigan, frustrated and then foiled a LBJ-Earl Warren plot to elevate LBJ crony Abe Fortas to chief justice in order to keep a future President Nixon from naming Warren’s successor.

Democrats are in panic mode and are scared to death cause they are starting to realize that this could be the end of the Democratic Party.
Afro-Americans have woken up to the fact that the Democrats have used and abused them just for votes and are starting to turn their backs on the corrupt lying Democrats.
For the last 2 years, each side has been going at each other at levels never seen, so I don't expect the popular vote to change much in terms of who is winning arguments.
Everyone is entrenched, non voters too. I wouldn't be surprised if the non voter ranks swell. I mean, just take a look at the last 2 years and you have to step back and ask yourself, do I want to try to support this freak show of home brewed computer servers, porn stars, gang rape, classified emails, recusals, redactions, wiretaps, sending penis pictures to minors. I mean at some point you have to pull your head back and have a real look at this and ask. Who was running this country from 2009 to 2017?
I worry about Clarence Thomas. Black guys don't live so long. He strikes me as someone fighting hypertension.

Trump only has maybe a year left in this term to nominate another USSC justice. If someone retires or croaks in 2020, no nominee will be reviewed by the Senate until after the 2020 election.

RBG looks like she died a year ago, but she keeps hanging on.
I worry about Clarence Thomas. Black guys don't live so long. He strikes me as someone fighting hypertension.

Trump only has maybe a year left in this term to nominate another USSC justice. If someone retires or croaks in 2020, no nominee will be reviewed by the Senate until after the 2020 election.

RBG looks like she died a year ago, but she keeps hanging on.

Yeah well< She groped me in 1990 When I was on a trip to Washington so theres that too
Democrats are in panic mode and are scared to death cause they are starting to realize that this could be the end of the Democratic Party.

That big blue wave we keep hearing about is them vomiting in their own toilet bowls. Conservatives shall be out en force this fall to vote, vote, vote until they can barely make it home. Then sit and watch the votes come in.

State of the Union: UP UP UP.
Public Trump support: UP UP UP.
GOP popularity: UP UP UP.
Public's fed up with lying ranting crazy-ass Democrats: UP UP UP.
Likelihood of another Leftist ass kicking: UP UP UP.
And poor Faun thought conservatism just a fad.

I worry about Clarence Thomas. Black guys don't live so long. He strikes me as someone fighting hypertension.

Trump only has maybe a year left in this term to nominate another USSC justice. If someone retires or croaks in 2020, no nominee will be reviewed by the Senate until after the 2020 election.

RBG looks like she died a year ago, but she keeps hanging on.

You are correct, who ever expected Justice Scalia to die so unexpectedly. However, I put my money on RBG before Thomas.
I worry about Clarence Thomas. Black guys don't live so long. He strikes me as someone fighting hypertension.

Trump only has maybe a year left in this term to nominate another USSC justice. If someone retires or croaks in 2020, no nominee will be reviewed by the Senate until after the 2020 election.

RBG looks like she died a year ago, but she keeps hanging on.
Breyer is over 80 too.
If Trump gets to nominate one let alone two more Justices I'm investing in Extra strength Immodium AD stock, straight jackets, tranquilizers and rubber rooms for Dems. I'll become a quizzionaire!!!!


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