Corey Booker treasure trove of bloopers continues.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Corey Booker said about his Dem party:
"How they are defined is by their reactions."
Therefore Booker is admitting the party is radical and defined by these childish and sociopathic reactions.
(see pics below)
I guess Spartacus sees himself as front and center of the parade twirling the rage parade baton as some pide piper of the angry mob.

Not Hillary, no Dem would ever run with Hillary as VP because they'd be affraid of getting knocked off during her anticipated take over move. *L*
It would be such an expected Clinton move that nobody would dare brave that situation.
Booker has admitted to doing worse than what Kavanaugh was wrongfully accused of as a college student...can you imagine the October surprise waiting for him with his predicted fledgling presidential aspirations?...buuuuaahahahahahaha!!!!!

we are witnessing the death of a political party......the dems had better wake up!
Relax....Booker isn't a proven felon who compromised national security and abandoned Americans to needlessly die like Hillary did.

If she and Obama did not manage to kill off the Democratic Party then nothing will...
Relax....Booker isn't a proven felon who compromised national security and abandoned Americans to needlessly die like Hillary did.

If she and Obama did not manage to kill off the Democratic Party then nothing will...
i am hearing rumours that the M&M company is working on a new version of thier product that will be based around the alien like shape of his head
I heard George Soros is thinking of developing a knock-off of the 'Tickle-Me Elmo' doll. It's rumored to be called 'Feel-Me- Up Spartacus' and could be out in time for Christmas. Supposedly your child lays the toy down in the bed beside them when they go to bed and at some point, without the child giving permission, Spartacus reaches out and starts feeling them up. :p

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