The Cartoon version of the Inauguration.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I don't think Saddam Hussein had his army amassed when he made public appearances like the democrooks just did. There were actually people cheering for Saddam as well.

Hopefully the GOP get's it's collective head out of it's ass, and does not let the democrroks stuff the ballot boxes again in 2022. Then when they sweep the board, pass a federal voter ID mandate and secure the polls from illegal ballots. I can not believe they dropped the ball this hard, and then kicked the fuckin thing right into the democrook end zone.

I don't think Saddam Hussein had his army amassed when he made public appearances like the democrooks just did. There were actually people cheering for Saddam as well.

Hopefully the GOP get's it's collective head out of it's ass, and does not let the democrroks stuff the ballot boxes again in 2022. Then when they sweep the board, pass a federal voter ID mandate and secure the polls from illegal ballots. I can not believe they dropped the ball this hard, and then kicked the fuckin thing right into the democrook end zone.
Are you sure the Republican civil war will be over by then? I predict a lot of primary challenges with the loser running an independent campaign and the Dems taking seats that they haven't had a chance at in decades.
As long as you keep believing that these two puppet parties are controlled by separate powers, and aren't funded by the same corporations and same billionaires, and that elections have been rigged since at least 2000, if not before, you will continue to live in your delusions.

Are you sure the Republican civil war will be over by then? I predict a lot of primary challenges with the loser running an independent campaign and the Dems taking seats that they haven't had a chance at in decades.
Did you post on the wrong thread by mistake?


yeah buddy


I don't think Saddam Hussein had his army amassed when he made public appearances like the democrooks just did. There were actually people cheering for Saddam as well.

Hopefully the GOP get's it's collective head out of it's ass, and does not let the democrroks stuff the ballot boxes again in 2022. Then when they sweep the board, pass a federal voter ID mandate and secure the polls from illegal ballots. I can not believe they dropped the ball this hard, and then kicked the fuckin thing right into the democrook end zone.
Are you sure the Republican civil war will be over by then? I predict a lot of primary challenges with the loser running an independent campaign and the Dems taking seats that they haven't had a chance at in decades.

I don’t think Trump is done fucking with the Republican Party

I could see him going third party and ruining their chances in 2024. Just like he ruined their chances in the Georgia Senate races
I don't think Saddam Hussein had his army amassed when he made public appearances like the democrooks just did. There were actually people cheering for Saddam as well.
Hopefully the GOP get's it's collective head out of it's ass, and does not let the democrroks stuff the ballot boxes again in 2022. Then when they sweep the board, pass a federal voter ID mandate and secure the polls from illegal ballots. I can not believe they dropped the ball this hard, and then kicked the fuckin thing right into the democrook end zone.

Funny how the media and left had a conniption when Trump wanted to have a couple of tanks at the 4th of July celebration a couple years ago as this YUGE waste of money then stood silent hypocritically when Biden wanted to close DC and station 25,000 troops in Washington to hold an empty inauguration to hide the fact that NO ONE VOTED FOR HIM!

The same people who said no one needs a gun and that walls DO NOT WORK for four years then surround the capitol with WALLS and fill it with guns!

Am I the only person who noticed that Biden was accompanied by a CHINESE GUARD all day yesterday who followed his every move, then when sworn into office, the guy that BLOCKED the evidence to protect Biden's election is also the guy who swore him into office and when swearing in Biden, DIDN'T ASK HIM IF HE SWORE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL THREATS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC?

Anyone else catch that?

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