‘The carrot is no longer going to work’: CNN exec says in leaked email that US should rethink ‘carrot vs. stick’ vaccination drive

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Apparently CNN bobbleheads think they're dictating policy now? Heh heh.


''A CNN executive has hinted that there need to be more forceful measures to increase Covid vaccine uptake in the US, after grumbling about the issue in an email that he mistakenly sent to a conservative activist.

The peculiar message was revealed by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who showed a screengrab of the email in question.

The author of the email, identified by Carlson as CNN’s Washington bureau chief, wrote to a colleague: "This is the point re: carrot vs. stick. The carrot is no longer going to work..."

Although the Fox host didn’t identify him by name, CNN’s Washington bureau is currently headed by the network’s senior vice president, Sam Feist.

The suggestive commentary likely would have remained shielded from public scrutiny had the CNN bigwig in question not accidentally sent it to Charlie Kirk, a popular conservative activist and commentator.

Washington’s Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci recently raised eyebrows after suggesting that local mandates would eventually require most Americans to get vaccinated if they want to be part of society.''

Continued - ‘The carrot is no longer going to work’: CNN exec says in leaked email that US should rethink ‘carrot vs. stick’ vaccination drive
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Remember this?

''we have a really narrow window to tie in reopening policy with vaccination status...if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be....the CDC and the Biden administration needs to say that if you are vaccinated you can do all of these things, here are all of the freedoms that you can have because otherwise, if everything is reopened, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway"

That's the former head of Planned Parenhood, btw. Heh heh.
With regard to mention of Fauci in the article referenced in the OP...

''Washington’s Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci recently raised eyebrows after suggesting that local mandates would eventually require most Americans to get vaccinated if they want to be part of society.''

For friends who may have missed that exchange...

Rand Paul - “You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you’re saying that’s not gain-of-function?” :26:

Anthony Fauci - “That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially” :yapyapyapf:
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Ever notice how it's the bullies who try to beat you with a stick who get all emotional when you snatch that stick away from em and shove it up their rear ends?

I mean, they lose it.


They're not so tough.
Apparently CNN bobbleheads think they're dictating policy now? Heh heh.


''A CNN executive has hinted that there need to be more forceful measures to increase Covid vaccine uptake in the US, after grumbling about the issue in an email that he mistakenly sent to a conservative activist.

The peculiar message was revealed by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who showed a screengrab of the email in question.

The author of the email, identified by Carlson as CNN’s Washington bureau chief, wrote to a colleague: "This is the point re: carrot vs. stick. The carrot is no longer going to work..."

Although the Fox host didn’t identify him by name, CNN’s Washington bureau is currently headed by the network’s senior vice president, Sam Feist.

The suggestive commentary likely would have remained shielded from public scrutiny had the CNN bigwig in question not accidentally sent it to Charlie Kirk, a popular conservative activist and commentator.

Washington’s Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci recently raised eyebrows after suggesting that local mandates would eventually require most Americans to get vaccinated if they want to be part of society.''

Continued - ‘The carrot is no longer going to work’: CNN exec says in leaked email that US should rethink ‘carrot vs. stick’ vaccination drive

The carrot or stick worked when I was a Navy missile fire control radar instructor. The carrot was the on base Marine Club for lunch with an exotic female dancer and free ham sandwiches. The stick was getting kicked out of class and the entire program, and crying didn't help.
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Apparently CNN bobbleheads think they're dictating policy now? Heh heh.


''A CNN executive has hinted that there need to be more forceful measures to increase Covid vaccine uptake in the US, after grumbling about the issue in an email that he mistakenly sent to a conservative activist.

The peculiar message was revealed by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who showed a screengrab of the email in question.

The author of the email, identified by Carlson as CNN’s Washington bureau chief, wrote to a colleague: "This is the point re: carrot vs. stick. The carrot is no longer going to work..."

Although the Fox host didn’t identify him by name, CNN’s Washington bureau is currently headed by the network’s senior vice president, Sam Feist.

The suggestive commentary likely would have remained shielded from public scrutiny had the CNN bigwig in question not accidentally sent it to Charlie Kirk, a popular conservative activist and commentator.

Washington’s Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci recently raised eyebrows after suggesting that local mandates would eventually require most Americans to get vaccinated if they want to be part of society.''

Continued - ‘The carrot is no longer going to work’: CNN exec says in leaked email that US should rethink ‘carrot vs. stick’ vaccination drive

Coming from CNN is almost like getting directly from biden himself
Clicking on CNN links only feeds the beast. Anytime I pull up several links I scan them first to make sure I don’t click on a CNN link. There are always multiple sources linked to CNN articles, directly clicking CNN articles helps maintain their “weight”.

Media outlets that intentionally use fear tactics of punishment (big stick approach) shouldn’t even be used on animals much less people, unless we’re talking convicted felons, repeat offenders. Media tactics to change public behavior is nothing new, however, CNN promoting the use of threats for punishment will backfire on them with any attempt to force US citizens to accept an experimental phase messenger RNA dose delivery. They’ll change course yet again once that fails.

The LSM should go back to promoting free pot, free trips to Six Flags, and free money to snag in more desperate people. If a person in the US hasn’t had the jab by now, I’m relatively certain it’s due to not wanting it or wanting more information about long-term outcomes (large group of people btw) not just the “haven’t got around to it crowd” but adding a punishment factor is a fail all around.
Ever notice how it's the bullies who try to beat you with a stick who get all emotional when you snatch that stick away from em and shove it up their rear ends?

I mean, they lose it.


They're not so tough.
Imagine what they'd do IF they had the power. These bastards are EVIL.
I’m relatively certain it’s due to not wanting it or wanting more information about long-term outcomes (large group of people btw) not just the “haven’t got around to it crowd” but adding a punishment factor is a fail all around.
EXACTLY. And since even the vaccinated still can carry this virus and infect others, what the HELL is the government in such a rush for? I don't accept that these vaccines have been proven to be effective at the level that's being claimed but even if they were, I'm not sure why the PTB are surprised that people don't trust their word. I mean, all they've done for 4+ years is tell lies, slander, and attack anyone who disagrees with them.

They haven't even bothered to be subtle or careful in their methods. They've totally gone balls to the wall aggressive since Trump broke up their little kingdom in 2016. There's a price for that kind of open disinformation.
The communist democrats are teasing around the edges to get you used to the idea. Being stopped on the street and taken into custody for being unvaccinated or late on boosters. Release contingent only upon receiving the vaccination.
The communist democrats are teasing around the edges to get you used to the idea. Being stopped on the street and taken into custody for being unvaccinated or late on boosters. Release contingent only upon receiving the vaccination.

Unless they find that you voted for Trump, then it's a bullet in the back of the head.

Today is the 20th anniversary of the attacks on America by Islam.

What terrorist attack will the democrats engage in to celebrate?
Unless they find that you voted for Trump, then it's a bullet in the back of the head.

Today is the 20th anniversary of the attacks on America by Islam.

What terrorist attack will the democrats engage in to celebrate?
Biden's 911 address to the nation will center on respect for Islam.
"...if you are vaccinated you can do all of these things, here are all of the freedoms that you can have because otherwise, if everything is reopened, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway"

If that's an American saying that, we are in REALLY big trouble.

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