Human Rights Foundation accuses TBS' Samantha Bee of whitewashing Rwanda's dictatorial regime


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
She's Canadian, so human rights, due process, rule of law, civil liberties, meh, they aren't all that important to her. Canada has been in the Dark Ages for many decades so most here are too dense to understand basic principles of human rights, especially someone of her cerebral capacity.

As usual, as fate would have it, we spread our uninformed and arrogant to the rest of the world. See Exhibit A, Samantha Bee...

The Human Rights Foundation sent a scathing letter to far-left comedian Samantha Bee, accusing her of whitewashing Rwanda’s dictatorial regime during a recent segment on TBS' "Full Frontal" that celebrated the way the nation treats refugees.

"We are writing to express concern about how Rwanda’s dictatorial regime will likely exploit your segment ‘Rwandans and the UNHCR Are Treating Refugees with Empathy,’ to whitewash its long history of grave atrocities against refugees and refugee camps in the region following the country’s 1994 genocide, as well as its ongoing deadly repression against Rwandan dissident refugees living outside of Rwanda," the Human Rights Foundation wrote.

The segment in question featured the "Full Frontal" host visiting Rwanda, where she fawned over the country’s coronavirus vaccination process. Bee praised Rwanda for vaccinating refugees and even found a Rwandan to mock Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. She gave a quick recap of the nation’s history of accepting refugees and implied that Americans are racist because they feel Africa only creates problems for the rest of the world.

The Human Rights Foundation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that aims to promote and protect human rights across the globe.
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