The Brave New World and Goodbye

I'm not saying it is. However, a declining fertility rate means we will need more immigrants.

That's exactly it.

As a nation, if we want to improve our fertility rate, we need to stop making children such a burden.
I'm not religious, you fucking ignorant clod.

Laughing......then I guess the judge who was overturned by the Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia didn't quote the bible in his legal justification for upholding the State's ban on interracial marriage.

Because *you* aren't religious.

If only history worked that way.

Conservatives have been pushing their christian sharia on the rest of us for a VERY long time. No one gives a shit if you support white christian nationalism for non-religious reasons.
Laughing......then I guess the judge who was overturned by the Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia didn't quote the bible in his legal justification for upholding the State's ban on interracial marriage.

Because *you* aren't religious.

If only history worked that way.

Conservatives have been pushing their christian sharia on the rest of us for a VERY long time. No one gives a shit if you support white christian nationalism for non-religious reasons.

You ascribing a JUDGES ruling to me is laughable. I ain't that judge, dumbass.
So you kill them instead.

You're an idiot.

I have never had an abortion. Its not my decision to make for anyone else.

You can try to use the law to FORCE women to carry their rapist's baby......or can try to lighten the burden on parents so that more women CHOOSE to have children.

Being a conservative authoritarian......I'm gonna take a wild guess which you support.
You ascribing a JUDGES ruling to me is laughable. I ain't that judge, dumbass.

I ascribe a conservative judge's ruling to the history of conservatives in America trying to pushing their religion on people as part of their support of white christian nationalism.

Interracial marriage bans. Gay marriage bans. The criminalization of homosexuality. The banning of books. The criminalization of abortion. The banning of contraception.

All of these are *explicitly* consistent with conservative values. As demonstrated by history.

That you try to make this about YOU is laughable. No one gives a shit WHY you're supporting white christian nationalism. Especially those whose rights you eagerly try to strip, or stand by and do nothing as your ilk removes them in your name.
As I have said, the New Right gleefully hacked off their moral legs a loooooong time ago.
They have nothing to stand on.
They are covered in shit and whining about the stench of others.
This is a group sociopathy, ready and willing to justify anything, without a second thought, without remorse or self reflection.

One of the reasons they are so emotionally attached to their cult leader.
I have never had an abortion. Its not my decision to make for anyone else.

You can try to use the law to FORCE women to carry their rapist's baby......or can try to lighten the burden on parents so that more women CHOOSE to have children.

Being a conservative authoritarian......I'm gonna take a wild guess which you support.

Nope. Unlike you I can think for myself. I have no problem at all with abortion up to the end of the first trimester.

After that if you decide you no longer want the child you carry it to term and let it be adopted.

And it would be abhorent to force a rape victim to bear her rapists child.
This is a group sociopathy, ready and willing to justify anything, without a second thought, without remorse or self reflection.

One of the reasons they are so emotionally attached to their cult leader.

Not just justify ANYTHING, but to make up elaborate conspiracies to excuse it.

Take J6. That was inexcusible. A literal attempt to prevent the peaceful transition of power and install the loser of an election through violence.

And yet here we are. Where they imagine it was Ray Epps and the FBI that actually attacked. Or that it was Antifa. Or that it was just a tour of the capitol. Or that the election was stolen, so any violence was justified.

There is no floor to what MAGA will support.

There. Is. No. Floor.
I ascribe a conservative judge's ruling to the history of conservatives in America trying to pushing their religion on people as part of their support of white christian nationalism.

Interracial marriage bans. Gay marriage bans. The criminalization of homosexuality. The banning of books. The criminalization of abortion. The banning of contraception.

All of these are *explicitly* consistent with conservative values. As demonstrated by history.

That you try to make this about YOU is laughable. No one gives a shit WHY you're supporting white christian nationalism. Especially those whose rights you eagerly try to strip, or stand by and do nothing as your ilk removes them in your name.

You mean how you try and push your green religion on others?

It means....that conservatives traded their values for loyalty to a game show host.
I assume you speak on the other poster’s behalf? But even if not, making empty claims is easy. Like that nonsense.
Family values? You grabbed those by the pussy.
You’re conflating a claim made in a locker room banter sense with actual behavior. How silly of you.
Government transparency? Your ilk took the 5th.
When the current politically partisan DOJ acts like the stassi on behalf of the current regime, refusal to speak has nothing to do with the topic of “transparency.”
Fiscal responsibility? Trump holds that single term record for adding to the national debt.
You confuse which branch controls the budget.
Support of Law Enforcement? Tell that to the capitol police.
Yes. Support of law enforcement. Something you Dims flatly oppose. And the prior Administration had nothing to do with the violence of 1/6, anyway.
Support of our allies? Your ilk are calling for Biden to impeached in his opposition to Putin.
You don’t know who my ilk are. And nobody proposes impeaching Potato for opposition to Putin. Making shit up is no way to support your empty claim.
The constitution....that you guys called for the termination of?
None of us did. You take one stupid comment (and it was stupid) and try to malign all conservatives with it. Patently absurd of you.
Freedom? Your ilk are stripping rights, calling for 'patriotism' certification for jobs, and banning books by the score.
Zzz. We aren’t stripping rights. It’s easy to say empty crap like that. But your wicked light on substance. Some jobs probably ought to require relevant certification. And some books for school kids should get banned from grade schools. You know: crap like explicit sexuality.
What does the GOP stand for now? You've literally muddled your brand into meaningless incoherence. All to show loyalty to Trump.
Don’t fret. You guys wouldn’t vote for a Republican even if the GOP had a clearer brand. But fuck. You couldn’t articulate the Dim brand either. At least not one that accurately reflects its policies.
I would have thought your principles and values were worth more.
No you wouldn’t — or you wouldn’t be a filthy Dim.

Still, your faux analysis isn’t worth anything anyway since it’s all malarkey.
You mean how you try and push your green religion on others?


Laughing....note that you don't even disagree with anything I've said, instead trying to change the topic.

I accept your concession with the grace it deserves.
I assume you speak on the other poster’s behalf? But even if not, making empty claims is easy. Like that nonsense.

You’re conflating a claim made in a locker room banter sense with actual behavior. How silly of you.

Trump isn't defending himself in court for locker room banter. He's defending himself from accusations of forcible rape. That your ilk gleefully vote for the 'grab them by the pussy' man only demonstrates how little lip you give to 'family values' in support of Trump. 26 women have accused Trump of some form of sexual assault.

And you and yours would vote for him again!

If you want a real hoot, read Mike Pence's condemnation for Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal, the pearl clutching about how honor to the office, dignity of the white house.

Then enjoy Pence's response when Trump insisted he didn't rape Caroll because she 'wasn't his type', then claimed it was an official act as President of the United States.

There was nothing 'silly' about his silence. But it elegantly demonstrated the conservative commitment to 'family values'.

When the current politically partisan DOJ acts like the stassi on behalf of the current regime, refusal to speak has nothing to do with the topic of “transparency.”

Trump didn't hide paraphrases of his conversation with Zelinki on a top secret server because of his commitment to transparency. Nor did he try to block witness after witness from testifying to congress because of the conservative commitment to it.

Want me quote Representative Meadows on accountability and the power of House subpoenas.......and compare them to former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows when he was subpoena by the exact same House of Representatives?

Its a hoot!

Conservatives don't believe in shit. They've wiped their ass with essentially their entire platform. All in loyalty to a game show host.
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Trump isn't defending himself in court for locker room banter. He's defending himself from accusations of forcible rape.
Then why did you make the reference to grabbing pussy? The two things aren’t synonyms. Try to keep your story straight.
That your ilk gleefully vote for the 'grab them by the pussy' man only demonstrates how little lip you give to 'family values' in support of Trump.
Unlike you libtards, we recognize dopey locker room banter for what it is. And it is not related to family values. Also, I’m not a Republican because of some vague notion like the words “family values,” anyway.
26 women have accused Trump of some form of sexual assault.
He’s a public figure. He’s an easy target for the making of accusations. Crazy Jean made he claims after waiting for a couple of decades. Not exactly a prompt outcry. Her account is ridiculous
And you and yours would vote for him again!
I did in fact. And I would again. Just because you’re easily distracted and accept nonsens as fact, doesn’t mean I have to share that mental illness with you.
If you want a real hoot, read Mike Pence's condemnation for Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal, the pearl clutching about how honor to the office, dignity of the white house.
I didn’t read it. I don’t need to. Bubba was a proven scumbag. Dna evidence. After he lied about it. He even lied in a sworn deposition.
Then enjoy Pence's response when Trump insisted he didn't rape Caroll because she 'wasn't his type', then claimed it was an official act as President of the United States.
Jean is a crazy person. And she isn’t particularly pretty. Being pretty, of course, isn’t a requirement for rapists. That’s true. It’s more of a crime of violence and domination than a simple sex crime. by contrast, Trump certainly has shown that his sexual appetites aren’t about violence; but all about looks.
There was nothing 'silly' about his silence. But it elegantly demonstrated the conservative commitment to 'family values'.
Huh. Wtf are you talking about?
Trump didn't hide paraphrases of his conversation with Zelinki on a top secret server because of his commitment to transparency. Nor did the white house try to block witness after witness to

Want me quote Representative Meadows on accountability and the power of House subpoenas.......and compare them to former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows when he was subpoena by the exact same House of Representatives.

Its a hoot!

You’re frothing a lot. It shows in how your ability to communicate deteriorates.
Conservatives don't believe in shit.
I believe in shit. I see it almost every time liberals, Democrats, progressives and when our Potato? Brandon, attempt to discuss serious issues intelligently. It’s an impossibility for you clowns.
They've wiped their ass with essentially their entire platform.
Nonsense. Your limited list of cherry picked items don’t establish the universal proposition you attempt to cobble together.

The liberal Democrat platform is the real steaming pile of shit. I don’t buy it. But I “believe” it because we all have to deal with its stench.
Some random Japanese guy no one has ever heard of suggests old Japanese people in Japan should be encouraged to off themselves, and you apply one of the worst generalization fallacies of all time to apply this to the Left in the US!

There is not one thing inappropriate about that. OP is totally correct. There is no difference.

If you don't like it, you can always consider converting. Maybe you can even have a chance of getting to Heaven some day
Trump isn't defending himself in court for locker room banter. He's defending himself from accusations of forcible rape. That your ilk gleefully vote for the 'grab them by the pussy' man only demonstrates how little lip you give to 'family values' in support of Trump. 26 women have accused Trump of some form of sexual assault.

And you and yours would vote for him again!

If you want a real hoot, read Mike Pence's condemnation for Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal, the pearl clutching about how honor to the office, dignity of the white house.

Then enjoy Pence's response when Trump insisted he didn't rape Caroll because she 'wasn't his type', then claimed it was an official act as President of the United States.

There was nothing 'silly' about his silence. But it elegantly demonstrated the conservative commitment to 'family values'.

Trump didn't hide paraphrases of his conversation with Zelinki on a top secret server because of his commitment to transparency. Nor did he try to block witness after witness from testifying to congress because of the conservative commitment to it.

Want me quote Representative Meadows on accountability and the power of House subpoenas.......and compare them to former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows when he was subpoena by the exact same House of Representatives?

Its a hoot!

Conservatives don't believe in shit. They've wiped their ass with essentially their entire platform. All in loyalty to a game show host.
a lot of this is fake news

liberals are certainly gullible, aren't they? Believe anything cnn tells them to believe...
Use this as your avatar:


It encapsulates what people like you are supporting in Ukraine.
is that photo from Ukraine?

or where?
a lot of this is fake news

liberals are certainly gullible, aren't they? Believe anything cnn tells them to believe...

Notice you don't actually disagree with me on any point.

What part exactly was 'fake news', Newsmax?

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