The blue states dropping mandates are scared of the midterms

That is because you never worked in a hospital taking care of them.
Yet, most of them did not die. If the government has been as above board as they are supposed to be, over 90% of them would have been treated (effectively) at home and not have had to wait until they were so critical as to need a hospital.

The number of cases is meaningless unless you want to count the number of cases who were sent home and told there was nothing that could be done until they were critical. But that would have not been a narrative to scare the sheep into compliance.

The authoritarian left overplayed their hand.

This was a dry run to 100% fascism, next time they might do it right and they might be successful.
Those states that are ending mandates are doing so to assuage the constant opposition to the mandates, and for no other reason.
Not sure about this. A few weeks ago when my wife was worried she might have it there was a 3 week wait to find a test anywhere but her work, a VA hospital.

I agree we are all very tired of this

My husband and I just had tests done last week to attend a concert, a drive through test at a drug store, took less than 5 minutes. First covid test I ever had, only did it because good friends of ours wanted us to go with them.

The other joke is that the venue required either vaccine card or negative test, and guess what the only timeline restriction was on the test. Why is that when we know for a face that the shot is useless after about 4 months? So if you got your shots over a year ago, but had your card, you were good to get in, nothing else required. But you had to have your negative covid test within 72 hours of the event, when it states that it takes 3-5 days to even get your test results back. I actually emailed the general manager of the venue and asked why they just don't require tests for everyone since those with the shots can have and spread covid, also asked how I'm supposed to be tested within 72 hours when it takes 3-5 days to get results. He actually responded right away that they'd accept our negative results, to not worry about the timing. It's all a farce, none of it follows any logic or reasoning at all, they simply have these requirements of their website to not be publicly admonished and canceled. Pretty sad if you ask me.

Btw, crowded venue, no masks in sight.
For all My life, including the time period from December 2019 to the present, I have woken and lived My life the way I think it ought to be lived. From February to the present day, I have been told that I am some kind of a fascist, selfish, unAmerican asshole for not caving into the fear the Nazi's faction of this country perpetrated to control how I should wake up, live during the day, and how to go to bed.

I was censored, ridiculed, and some even tried to cancel Me.

All because of the "science".

The SCIENCE has NOT changed because it was never the science that was telling them to do these things.

They are getting a good look at the poll numbers and are scared of the slaughter that is coming in November and are trying to mitigate that.

It doesn't really matter how much water you carry for them, or how idiotically you deflect their motives. This is what is going down.
People take "the science" as best they can, make decisions, as best they can, and constantly reevaluate. When there is consensus between what the "scientists" say and how the public interprets "the science" policies are and will be made. We are further along the pandemic line. "The science" may not have changed. but people's understanding of "the science" in relation to adequate risk management, has changed, and it is very true, local conditions improving are effecting their decisions. One size fits all, is not going to cut it in the long term.
People take "the science" as best they can, make decisions, as best they can, and constantly reevaluate. When there is consensus between what the "scientists" say and how the public interprets "the science" policies are and will be made. We are further along the pandemic line. "The science" may not have changed. but people's understanding of "the science" in relation to adequate risk management, has changed, and it is very true, local conditions improving are effecting their decisions. One size fits all, is not going to cut it in the long term.
There is no legitimate 'consensus' in science. That is NOT how science works.
People take "the science" as best they can, make decisions, as best they can, and constantly reevaluate. When there is consensus between what the "scientists" say and how the public interprets "the science" policies are and will be made. We are further along the pandemic line. "The science" may not have changed. but people's understanding of "the science" in relation to adequate risk management, has changed, and it is very true, local conditions improving are effecting their decisions. One size fits all, is not going to cut it in the long term.
There is no consensus. The scientists, in this case, are the front-line doctors and they have been shown how they will be treated should they get out of line.

In the real world, there is no 'consensus' in science. That is not the scientific method nor the way science advanced understanding.

These states are not dropping the mandates on the basis of science, full stop. The polls for November are looking very poorly for Democrats, that is why these are happening. Full stop.

No amount of argument can change that.

A better argument MIGHT be that the left has finally seen that the people are simply not listening to them anymore and they have decided to not even bother with it.
The science was an indicator and always will be. We have a clearer view and the people are choosing to favor their odds of making it through a better known threat, in a more normalized manner. It does not have to do with midterms. Do you get up, think about how your personal day-to-day living decision will affect a midterm election. No. Neither does anybody else, no matter how much the pundits would like to influence you.
This was not a dry run on fascism. Get real.
Stop the Squeal. LOL
but the number of cases sure have

View attachment 602150
And yet blue states are dropping mandates while the polls drop.

You just prove what you try to deny. All you've demonstrated is that people
are fed up with covid restrictions and tales of doom and the political geniuses
on the left have gotten the message.

The states here and some nations of Europe that have said enough already have not succumbed to
a covid wave, and seem to be doing well.

So why are California, New York, New Jersey, etc. denying facts and grimly hanging on to
their covid doomsday scenarios?
Sheer ideological idiocy! We have no control over authoritarian monsters like Canada's PM Trudoh(!)
but maybe we can givee those people hope too.
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but the number of cases sure have

View attachment 602150

How's that "winter of severe illness and death" going? LOL

There is no consensus. The scientists, in this case, are the front-line doctors and they have been shown how A better argument MIGHT be that the left has finally seen that the people are simply not listening to them anymore and they have decided to not even bother with it.they will be treated should they get out of line.

In the real world, there is no 'consensus' in science. That is not the scientific method nor the way science advanced understanding.

These states are not dropping the mandates on the basis of science, full stop. The polls for November are looking very poorly for Democrats, that is why these are happening. Full stop.

No amount of argument can change that.

A better argument MIGHT be that the left has finally seen that the people are simply not listening to them anymore and they have decided to not even bother with it.
" A better argument MIGHT be that the left has finally seen that the people are simply not listening to them anymore and they have decided to not even bother with it." CORRECT. Like you just said in the bottom line of your post (totally in disagreement with your thesis) it actually has NOTHING to do with mid-term elections.
but the number of cases sure have
And? It's a V I R U S. It's doing what viruses DO. Lethality with Omicron is only a fraction of what Delta was and Delta is essentially gone. Your pandemic is over. If you scramble quickly enough, maybe your party can come up with another excuse to remove all security measures from the election this year.
The party is over libtards...even liberal San Francisco recalled the libs on their school board last night in over whelming numbers.....
Don't you just love the pendulum effect, when things swing back more your direction?

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