The blm co founder admits, "we are trained marxists."


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

“We actually do have an ideological frame[work],” Cullors said of her organization. “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.”

Meanwhile, the national organization’s official platform, published in 2015, contained a specific call to “[disrupt] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

At the local level, official Black Lives Matter chapters are essentially far-left front groups that use racial justice as a Trojan horse for leftist policy and ideology.

“We actually do have an ideological frame[work],” Cullors said of her organization. “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.”

Meanwhile, the national organization’s official platform, published in 2015, contained a specific call to “[disrupt] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

At the local level, official Black Lives Matter chapters are essentially far-left front groups that use racial justice as a Trojan horse for leftist policy and ideology.

Yes, but that is on a good day.
And why do I call BLM a fraudulent organization? Well let's start with their name. They clearly don't care about Black lives. The do care VERY MUCH about the 4 or 5 high profile Black DEATHS at the hands of police that they have masterfully exploited to gain power. But it gets better, they admit they are Marxists and their true goals? Not a peep about making Black lives better. No, they are dedicated to disruption of the family and promoting the advancement of Queers and Transgenders to high positions. Sounds like a bunch of frauds to me, what do you think?
It has long been the goal of Marxists to foment racial strife in the USA. They see racial diversity as one of the USA's biggest weaknesses. That's why the Democrat traitors push racial division. It's a divide and conquer tactic.
Amazing how these enemies of the state can come right out and confess to be enemies of the state, and snowflakes will defend them by saying they are wrong ...
It has long been the goal of Marxists to foment racial strife in the USA. They see racial diversity as one of the USA's biggest weaknesses. That's why the Democrat traitors push racial division. It's a divide and conquer tactic.
And we would be remiss if we didn't give credit to the founding Marxist who started BLM and this wave of divisiveness and hatred. Barack "The Transformer" Obama.

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