The black view on the 2020 presidential election

Wow....most blacks will vote democrat....Stop the presses!


And that's what he'd be saying to blacks who are republican today. It's not 1963 son.

You're right, it isn't. he fact that you THINK you speak for all blacks reveals your fear of the upcoming election.

Try shutting the fuck up white boy. Every time you whites get your asses busted you come up with the you don't speak for all blacks bullshit. If I was one of those mealy mouthed black sellouts, you'd be more than happy to say I speak for all blacks.
You don’t speak for all blacks, Dummy.

I would if I said trump was the greatest president of all time. And you don't speak for any blacks. So STFU.
Silly boy, you don't get to tell me to STFU.
There are certain American Blacks who are so great, who usually have Whitey in their ancestry, so brilliant. Then there are the 99.9999999% of the others.

Some America blacks are quite astute, leaders like the devout muslim Iron Mike Tyson, who has the courage to support his President.

Come on, how many times has Tyson been hit in the head?

Was Mike Tyson such a astute leader when he was sitting in prison for rape? Or was he just another violent black thug? For whites like you, he was a thug.
Rapists aren't thugs in your world?
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump


Dang, so which old WHITEY are you supporting?
Listening to how wonderful republicans are to Blacks, you have to wonder why there's not an exodus of Blacks to red states like Mississippi, Georgia etc. You know, states where republicans actively discourage Blacks being able to vote. One guy's been winning law suits against republicans suppressing the black vote, link below.
Election Crimes Bulletin: Iowa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin — Plus Huge News From Georgia

Riddle me this then, batman. Why are there MORE African Americans in red states like Mississippi and South Carolina than in ultraliberal bastions like solidly honky Vermont
Yes you do, and stating fact is not projecting hate. I am not concerned with what you say you take seriously. The mistrust of whites is based on behavior. A 400 year pattern of it. Not skin color.
I'll cede that 400 years- none the less, I stand by my assertion- why do white people mistrust black people? Is it too a behavior, or, based on observed behavior?
Well you really can't make the same equivalence no matter whether you like that being said or not. So when you live in a black dominated culture, get educated by a black dominated education system, learn black government, law, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, math, and science, and when you are consistently exposed to situations where you are the only white in a social setting with a majority black crowd, or must meet black expectations to even get a job, then you can talk about how blacks don't live as white people.
And I can do whatever I like, whether you like it or not- and I don't care what color you are-

This is the consensus of the black community.​
Blacks live in a white dominated culture. Whites do not live in a black dominated culture. So then you can't try making an equivalence and be sane.
I can do whatever the fuck I want- and I'm as sane as you.
Well you really can't make the same equivalence no matter whether you like that being said or not. So when you live in a black dominated culture, get educated by a black dominated education system, learn black government, law, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, math, and science, and when you are consistently exposed to situations where you are the only white in a social setting with a majority black crowd, or must meet black expectations to even get a job, then you can talk about how blacks don't live as white people.
I suspect no Black person has ever had to live as a white person. Would that be correct?

He's crying again. Always projecting his racism.

That's what you do. Try gaslighting elsewhere.

No, I don't hate people because of their skin color. Quit projecting your hate onto others and maybe someone will take you seriously. Otherwise, you're just making excuses.
Yes you do, and stating fact is not projecting hate. I am not concerned with what you say you take seriously. The mistrust of whites is based on behavior. A 400 year pattern of it. Not skin color.

No one takes you seriously. You're to be pitied.
IM2 will proudly support Racist Mike Bloomberg

I will vote for him before I will vote for trump.

You will vote for redlining, stop and frisk, they all look alike Bloomberg over someone who created Opportunity zones in minority neighborhoods.

The large majority of opportunity zones are in rural all white towns. trump is gutting civil rights and appointing racist judges. I will only vote for Bloomberg if he ends up being the nominee. And

There are certain American Blacks who are so great, who usually have Whitey in their ancestry, so brilliant. Then there are the 99.9999999% of the others.

Some America blacks are quite astute, leaders like the devout muslim Iron Mike Tyson, who has the courage to support his President.

So as long as they support tramp your fine with them being Muslim and black.
that's the goal of all political parties Einstein
Wow....most blacks will vote democrat....Stop the presses!


And that's what he'd be saying to blacks who are republican today. It's not 1963 son.

Lowest unemployment in history for blacks under President Trump.

The Hussein has record high unemployment for blacks. Is that putting blacks first?
Since Obama inherited a dead economy from a republican and cut black unem0ploymemnt by nearly 10 percent while trump has cut it by less than 1, try that malarkey with someone who doesn't know the facts.
Wow....most blacks will vote democrat....Stop the presses!


And that's what he'd be saying to blacks who are republican today. It's not 1963 son.

Lowest unemployment in history for blacks under President Trump.

The Hussein has record high unemployment for blacks. Is that putting blacks first?
Since Obama inherited a dead economy from a republican and cut black unem0ploymemnt by nearly 10 percent while trump has cut it by less than 1, try that malarkey with someone who doesn't know the facts.
Unemployment was 7.6% when Barry Hussein took office.

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