The Biggest Non-existant News Story


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
When they passed Obamacare, it was a huge story. Healthcare is 1/5th the economy. So I expected today's House passage of the new American Healthcare Act to fix and replace it to be a big news story too! Not so.

I usually get my news off Bing. No mention of the story that I could find until many hours later and then, it was buried.

Watching CBS, during a commercial break, no mention of the House bill being passed. They covered trivial events instead.

At the end of The Big Bang Theory, they flashed a screen from the producer. It was a smear against Trump showing a programming rating card from 2006 indicating that Trump's TV show Apprentice didn't draw as many viewers as Two and A Half Men, followed by the remark (paraphrasing): How's Trump going to meet terrorists and world crises when he can't even beat Two and A Half Men?

Is this insanity or what?
The sad fact is we are dealing with two factions. Not that they are perfect, but think of the GOP as the adults. The democrats are like children. When the children are in office, they party and play and live on ideals making a huge mess of the house. Then the adults come home and have to clean up the mess.

After Carter, Reagan had to come in and clean up his mess. He got the economy going great by the end of his term and Clinton reaped the credit for the results.

By the time Clinton was done, after 8 years of ignoring foreign threats, the economy was heading back into the tank and GW barely sat down before 9/11 hit us. GW was far from ideal, but between those two, by the time he was out, our debt was high and things were not good.

Obama comes in and uses his two terms blaming Bush for everything, partying and golfing, nepotism, and corruption. Spent money like there was no tomorrow. Most of it went to his buddies. Things are worse than ever and the world stage was left a disaster. Worse, during his last days, Obama left land mines to further trip up Trump.

Now that Trump is in, now he has to fix yet another liberal mess, from China, North Korea, Syria, ISIS, Iran and Russia, to a tanked economy and collapsing healthcare system. Obama got rich, while Trump donates his salary to charity.
The sad fact is we are dealing with two factions. Not that they are perfect, but think of the GOP as the adults. The democrats are like children. When the children are in office, they party and play and live on ideals making a huge mess of the house. Then the adults come home and have to clean up the mess.

After Carter, Reagan had to come in and clean up his mess. He got the economy going great by the end of his term and Clinton reaped the credit for the results.

By the time Clinton was done, after 8 years of ignoring foreign threats, the economy was heading back into the tank and GW barely sat down before 9/11 hit us. GW was far from ideal, but between those two, by the time he was out, our debt was high and things were not good.

Obama comes in and uses his two terms blaming Bush for everything, partying and golfing, nepotism, and corruption. Spent money like there was no tomorrow. Most of it went to his buddies. Things are worse than ever and the world stage was left a disaster. Worse, during his last days, Obama left land mines to further trip up Trump.

Now that Trump is in, now he has to fix yet another liberal mess, from China, North Korea, Syria, ISIS, Iran and Russia, to a tanked economy and collapsing healthcare system. Obama got rich, while Trump donates his salary to charity.
What a load, FDR had to clean up after Hoover, Carter had to clean up after Nixon and Ford, Clinton had to clean up after Bush sr., Oblama had to clean up after Bush jr...
The sad fact is we are dealing with two factions. Not that they are perfect, but think of the GOP as the adults. The democrats are like children. When the children are in office, they party and play and live on ideals making a huge mess of the house. Then the adults come home and have to clean up the mess.

After Carter, Reagan had to come in and clean up his mess. He got the economy going great by the end of his term and Clinton reaped the credit for the results.

By the time Clinton was done, after 8 years of ignoring foreign threats, the economy was heading back into the tank and GW barely sat down before 9/11 hit us. GW was far from ideal, but between those two, by the time he was out, our debt was high and things were not good.

Obama comes in and uses his two terms blaming Bush for everything, partying and golfing, nepotism, and corruption. Spent money like there was no tomorrow. Most of it went to his buddies. Things are worse than ever and the world stage was left a disaster. Worse, during his last days, Obama left land mines to further trip up Trump.

Now that Trump is in, now he has to fix yet another liberal mess, from China, North Korea, Syria, ISIS, Iran and Russia, to a tanked economy and collapsing healthcare system. Obama got rich, while Trump donates his salary to charity.
What a load, FDR had to clean up after Hoover, Carter had to clean up after Nixon and Ford, Clinton had to clean up after Bush sr., Oblama had to clean up after Bush jr...

Carter had to clean up after Nixon and Ford??? Hate to tell ya, Carter certainly dropped the ball. Why do you think Carter was so thankful Obama came a friggen history book.
People actually watch those brainless, post modern sitcoms? CBS was actually not broadcast on Cablevision for a contract dispute and nobody gave a shit, except the issues with New England Patriot coverage.

Indeed the MSM is distraught that Obamacare has been repealed by the House. Still have the Senate to go. I wonder if the MSM will cover The Donald signing the repeal of Obamacare! :p Transsexual Blinky Maddow had tears in its eyes and tried to demonize the brave patriots who voted to repeal Obamacare.
The sad fact is we are dealing with two factions. Not that they are perfect, but think of the GOP as the adults. The democrats are like children. When the children are in office, they party and play and live on ideals making a huge mess of the house. Then the adults come home and have to clean up the mess.

After Carter, Reagan had to come in and clean up his mess. He got the economy going great by the end of his term and Clinton reaped the credit for the results.

By the time Clinton was done, after 8 years of ignoring foreign threats, the economy was heading back into the tank and GW barely sat down before 9/11 hit us. GW was far from ideal, but between those two, by the time he was out, our debt was high and things were not good.

Obama comes in and uses his two terms blaming Bush for everything, partying and golfing, nepotism, and corruption. Spent money like there was no tomorrow. Most of it went to his buddies. Things are worse than ever and the world stage was left a disaster. Worse, during his last days, Obama left land mines to further trip up Trump.

Now that Trump is in, now he has to fix yet another liberal mess, from China, North Korea, Syria, ISIS, Iran and Russia, to a tanked economy and collapsing healthcare system. Obama got rich, while Trump donates his salary to charity.
"The sad fact is," that you even tune in or give credence to any prog/leftist/liberal/DEMOCRAT wing propaganda media machine outlet.

I listen to exactly... NONE of it.

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