The Big Lie rocks on


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Poor Trump Cult members. They just took another hit, this time from the blue state of Nevada and it's REPUBLICAN Secretary of State. That's what so perplexing about all of this. Trump's big lie has been shot down repeatedly by Republican Secretaries of State, Republican governors, Republican controlled boards of election, Trump appointed judges, the courts and last but not least the Supreme Court of the United States which is controlled by Republicans, many of whom were appointed by Trump.

Since, as he claims over and over, the 2020 election was "stolen" from him, and with Republican state legislators working overtime to reduce Democrat voting, Trump ought to be chomping at the bit to run again in 2024. Hopefully he will; it would be a God send to his Democrat opponent President Biden. The people, not only Democrats, have figured him out; there ain't a grain of truth in his whole body! Bigly!!!

Poor Trump Cult members. They just took another hit, this time from the blue state of Nevada and it's REPUBLICAN Secretary of State. That's what so perplexing about all of this. Trump's big lie has been shot down repeatedly by Republican Secretaries of State, Republican governors, Republican controlled boards of election, Trump appointed judges, the courts and last but not least the Supreme Court of the United States which is controlled by Republicans, many of whom were appointed by Trump.

Since, as he claims over and over, the 2020 election was "stolen" from him, and with Republican state legislators working overtime to reduce Democrat voting, Trump ought to be chomping at the bit to run again in 2024. Hopefully he will; it would be a God send to his Democrat opponent President Biden. The people, not only Democrats, have figured him out; there ain't a grain of truth in his whole body! Bigly!!!
Hey manlover, there's a Trump memorabilia site where you can get some fresh posters of your boyfriend....
The Kraken filed a "petition to dismiss" in one or her civil lawsuits that only a complete and utter MORON would have believed what she's been saying ... it was satire, and protected under the 1st Amendment ...

Poor Trump Cult members. They just took another hit, this time from the blue state of Nevada and it's REPUBLICAN Secretary of State. That's what so perplexing about all of this. Trump's big lie has been shot down repeatedly by Republican Secretaries of State, Republican governors, Republican controlled boards of election, Trump appointed judges, the courts and last but not least the Supreme Court of the United States which is controlled by Republicans, many of whom were appointed by Trump.

Since, as he claims over and over, the 2020 election was "stolen" from him, and with Republican state legislators working overtime to reduce Democrat voting, Trump ought to be chomping at the bit to run again in 2024. Hopefully he will; it would be a God send to his Democrat opponent President Biden. The people, not only Democrats, have figured him out; there ain't a grain of truth in his whole body! Bigly!!!

I know you struggle with Trump addiction, but I do appreciate you reminding everyone that DemoKKKrats stole the 2020 election.

Birthers are still sure that Obama was born in Kenya. Russiagate fanatics are still sure Trump was a Russian asset. 9/11 truthers will die thinking Bush planned the 9/11 attacks. There is a massive number of people that are positive Bush stole the election from Gore.

It would not surprise me to see the OP falls into one of those cults as well. Electiongate is not going anywhere. That you think this is unusual or somehow new is just partisan blindness. Both sides do this shit and never recant. The very fact there is a phrase that gets attached to these things ( _____gate) tells you how common they are.

The only reason that Trump's little side cult is an issue is the Jan 6 riot. That is over, those that think the election was stolen are not going anywhere just like those that still demand to this day that Bush stole his elections are not going anywhere. No one should be surprised at that.
What this palooka is screaming is ...
"Stahhp! Stahhp! We know how terrible Trump is, please stop reminding us about it!"

No I am laughing at you nutter. The left blamed Reagan for over 40 years and I laughed at people for that. Now, they have finally found a new person to blame all the woes of the earth on, so now I laugh at them.

I was over the election the first week of November and you lefties and righties are still crying. I turned from watching Trump screw up America to Biden screwing up America and both do it well.

I did notice how you didn't dispute living inside your head rent free. You can cry and whine and let Trump live inside your head all you want and I'll continue to laugh at you.
The Big Lie rocks on

I'll be looking forward to your disproving the "great Lie," Astrosital, seeing that your "proof" of the lie is CNN, foremost in perpetrating the lie, and the state of Nevada, which says nothing of the many other states!

But I understand the great need to keep trying to ridicule the subject as you really have no evidence to discount it!

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Just look at what democrats make fun of to find what they fear the most.
No I am laughing at you nutter. The left blamed Reagan for over 40 years and I laughed at people for that. Now, they have finally found a new person to blame all the woes of the earth on, so now I laugh at them.

I was over the election the first week of November and you lefties and righties are still crying. I turned from watching Trump screw up America to Biden screwing up America and both do it well.

I did notice how you didn't dispute living inside your head rent free. You can cry and whine and let Trump live inside your head all you want and I'll continue to laugh at you.
Everyone has already come to terms with how terrible Reagan was and how harmful his policies were to the country. And this was the case in real-time for disgraced, twice-impeached, one-term, former President Trump.
Everyone has already come to terms with how terrible Reagan was and how harmful his policies were to the country. And this was the case in real-time for disgraced, twice-impeached, one-term, former President Trump.

You've got soggy popped corn for brain cells.

Reagan and Trump were America's finest hour, Diarrhea Boy!

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I'll be looking forward to your disproving the "great Lie," Astrosital, seeing that your "proof" of the lie is CNN, foremost in perpetrating the lie, and the state of Nevada, which says nothing of the many other states!

But I understand the great need to keep trying to ridicule the subject as you really have no evidence to discount it!

So .. in issuing this challenge to prove there was not significant fraud in the Nevada election ... you fully admit you cannot prove there was ...

I see ...

Clinton carried Nevada in 2016, Rosen and Sisolak in 2018 and now Biden in 2020 ... all Democrats ...
No I am laughing at you nutter. The left blamed Reagan for over 40 years and I laughed at people for that. Now, they have finally found a new person to blame all the woes of the earth on, so now I laugh at them.

I was over the election the first week of November and you lefties and righties are still crying. I turned from watching Trump screw up America to Biden screwing up America and both do it well.

I did notice how you didn't dispute living inside your head rent free. You can cry and whine and let Trump live inside your head all you want and I'll continue to laugh at you.
Everyone has already come to terms with how terrible Reagan was and how harmful his policies were to the country. And this was the case in real-time for disgraced, twice-impeached, one-term, former President Trump.

Interesting opinion, I am surprised how great and powerful Reagan was. Hell, Democrats could never change his "harmful policies" even when Congress was held by Democrats. Maybe it was because Reagan followed such a terrible President in Carter. Dems are so weak and powerless! LOL!

And now for 40 years you nuts will be crying over Trump at least you might be able to move on from Reagan.

Poor Trump Cult members. They just took another hit, this time from the blue state of Nevada and it's REPUBLICAN Secretary of State. That's what so perplexing about all of this. Trump's big lie has been shot down repeatedly by Republican Secretaries of State, Republican governors, Republican controlled boards of election, Trump appointed judges, the courts and last but not least the Supreme Court of the United States which is controlled by Republicans, many of whom were appointed by Trump.

Since, as he claims over and over, the 2020 election was "stolen" from him, and with Republican state legislators working overtime to reduce Democrat voting, Trump ought to be chomping at the bit to run again in 2024. Hopefully he will; it would be a God send to his Democrat opponent President Biden. The people, not only Democrats, have figured him out; there ain't a grain of truth in his whole body! Bigly!!!
The Kraken filed a "petition to dismiss" in one or her civil lawsuits that only a complete and utter MORON would have believed what she's been saying ... it was satire, and protected under the 1st Amendment ...
This thread explains the leftists butthurt for five years! Truly amazing. I can only imagine there must be sexual gratification for every time they talk about Trump or say his name. Has to be the reason they keep saying his name

Poor Trump Cult members. They just took another hit, this time from the blue state of Nevada and it's REPUBLICAN Secretary of State. That's what so perplexing about all of this. Trump's big lie has been shot down repeatedly by Republican Secretaries of State, Republican governors, Republican controlled boards of election, Trump appointed judges, the courts and last but not least the Supreme Court of the United States which is controlled by Republicans, many of whom were appointed by Trump.

Since, as he claims over and over, the 2020 election was "stolen" from him, and with Republican state legislators working overtime to reduce Democrat voting, Trump ought to be chomping at the bit to run again in 2024. Hopefully he will; it would be a God send to his Democrat opponent President Biden. The people, not only Democrats, have figured him out; there ain't a grain of truth in his whole body! Bigly!!!
It's also fascinating how Trump continues to fleece the flock by collecting money from them. We know that he owes a shit pot full to banks, much of which comes due in 2024. It would be interesting to now how much the Trump Cult members on this forum have contributed to the loser.

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