Diamond Member
America was America from 1789 to 1933....nearly a century and a half. The Constitution was in effect, and served as a guide for our government.
The ascendency of the materialist 32nd President....ended the noble experiment of limited constitutional government, and of American history.
m = y2-y1/x2-x1 with a solution value of -1
1. Those of us born after the 1940s, pretty much all of us, live in the brave new United States....awesome in so many ways.....yet cultivating the seeds of its own destruction.
Slowly, from the presidencies of Woodrow Wilson through that of Franklin Roosevelt, the America envisioned by the Founders was put to death, a slow, lingering demise.
The heart of the republic, the Constitution, was ripped out as the savage Magua ripped out the beating heart of Colonel Munro.
a. Woodrow Wilson said the Constitution could be "stripped off and thrown aside."
b. Franklin Roosevelt demanded emergency powers: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.”
c. And under Roosevelt, a clique of five Justices, Louis Brandeis, Harlan Stone, Benjamin Cardozo, Owen Roberts and Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, conspired to end the Founders' plan: limited constitutional government.
And they did.
Prior to their actions, the federal government was constrained by Article 1, section 8, the enumerated powers, a list of specified uses for federal funds.
2. It was August 14, 1935 when FDR signed the Social Security Act. As it was unassociated with any of the enumerated powers, the question as to whether the government could dun Americans for that purpose was put to the courts for a test.
The court case that delivered the coup de grace to the United States Constitution was Helvering v. Davis.
"Helvering v. Davis, (May 24, 1937)...a decision by theUnited States Supreme Court, which held that Social Security was constitutionally permissible as an exercise of the federal power to spend for the general welfare, .... It affirmed a District Court decree that held that the tax upon employees was not properly at issue, and that the tax upon employers was constitutional." Helvering v. Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a. Be clear: this decision was a direct contravention of the judicial understanding of the phrase "general welfare."
In one fell swoop, this rogue court destroyed the idea that the federal government was, in any way, limited in its spending authority.
Associate Justice Owen J. Roberts., writing in 1951, said in effect: "We voted against the Constitution to save the Court."
4. Article 1, section 8 begins as follows: "Section 8:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
After this introduction, come seventeen enumerated power.
[The phrase appears in the preamble, "...to promote the general welfare...." but this is rarely used to find the loophole for spending authority.]
The ascendency of the materialist 32nd President....ended the noble experiment of limited constitutional government, and of American history.
m = y2-y1/x2-x1 with a solution value of -1
1. Those of us born after the 1940s, pretty much all of us, live in the brave new United States....awesome in so many ways.....yet cultivating the seeds of its own destruction.
Slowly, from the presidencies of Woodrow Wilson through that of Franklin Roosevelt, the America envisioned by the Founders was put to death, a slow, lingering demise.
The heart of the republic, the Constitution, was ripped out as the savage Magua ripped out the beating heart of Colonel Munro.
a. Woodrow Wilson said the Constitution could be "stripped off and thrown aside."
b. Franklin Roosevelt demanded emergency powers: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.”
c. And under Roosevelt, a clique of five Justices, Louis Brandeis, Harlan Stone, Benjamin Cardozo, Owen Roberts and Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, conspired to end the Founders' plan: limited constitutional government.
And they did.
Prior to their actions, the federal government was constrained by Article 1, section 8, the enumerated powers, a list of specified uses for federal funds.
2. It was August 14, 1935 when FDR signed the Social Security Act. As it was unassociated with any of the enumerated powers, the question as to whether the government could dun Americans for that purpose was put to the courts for a test.
The court case that delivered the coup de grace to the United States Constitution was Helvering v. Davis.
"Helvering v. Davis, (May 24, 1937)...a decision by theUnited States Supreme Court, which held that Social Security was constitutionally permissible as an exercise of the federal power to spend for the general welfare, .... It affirmed a District Court decree that held that the tax upon employees was not properly at issue, and that the tax upon employers was constitutional." Helvering v. Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a. Be clear: this decision was a direct contravention of the judicial understanding of the phrase "general welfare."
In one fell swoop, this rogue court destroyed the idea that the federal government was, in any way, limited in its spending authority.
Associate Justice Owen J. Roberts., writing in 1951, said in effect: "We voted against the Constitution to save the Court."
4. Article 1, section 8 begins as follows: "Section 8:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
After this introduction, come seventeen enumerated power.
[The phrase appears in the preamble, "...to promote the general welfare...." but this is rarely used to find the loophole for spending authority.]