The BBC Reports Warning of Civil War in France


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Banana Republic
France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

In early polls French president Macron is losing to Le Pen whose platform is largely about immigrants.

"The letter has put President Emmanuel Macron’s government on the defensive just as it seeks to appear strong on security amid fears over rising incivility in France."

The majority of French polled support the warning from French soldiers:

"A poll by LCI for Harris Interactive found 58 percent of the French public support the letter whilst 49 percent would back the military if it decides to “act on its own to restore order”."

France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

Ah yes, fascist threats from right wingers. Same old chestnut for the last 100 years. *yawn*
France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

Ah yes, fascist threats from right wingers. Same old chestnut for the last 100 years. *yawn*

If you look at post #4 you will see this: "58 percent of the French public support the letter"

France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

Ah yes, fascist threats from right wingers. Same old chestnut for the last 100 years. *yawn*

If you look at post #4 you will see this: "58 percent of the French public support the letter"

So what? That doesn't mean they will peel their asses off the couch and join a civil war or even support one. This percentage is not a surprise. This right wing fascism always comes cloaked in populism. This "58%" is just the percentage that will toss off a silly idea for shiggles and attention and then go back to doing what they do every day, not the percentage that would join or support a civil war or any violence at all. Start a new poll, asking if they will happily bash in their next door neighbor's skull over these ideas. Report back with the results.
France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

Ah yes, fascist threats from right wingers. Same old chestnut for the last 100 years. *yawn*

If you look at post #4 you will see this: "58 percent of the French public support the letter"

I hope le pen wins
It's a widely known fact that muslims do NOT "assimilate" to whatever country they may migrate to. They are muslim and their law is sharia law, and that will never change with them, ever. They first build up their numbers, they claim islamophobia and that they're victims, then when they have enough numbers of them in one location, they get much bolder, start making demands, insisting they only follow sharia law, and then they get militant, start attacking people who dare come near their area, they rape women, tell the police not to enter their area, and of course start occasionally slaughtering people. The final stage is when they take over. That is their end game. To take over where ever they are, make sharia law the law of the land, and either execute or exile anyone who doesn't become a muslim. Jews, Christians, they'll be murdered on sight.

The world should realize by now after thousands of years dealing with muslims, that you do NOT let them in your nation to stay and set up shop. Their plan was, is and always will be, to TAKE OVER where ever they get a foothold. We are all INFIDELS to the muslims, and they'd just as soon saw our head off with a dull knife or pour gas on us and burn us alive in a cage as look at us. They are a cult of barbarians, and they should be forced to remain in muslim nations, period.
This is the rise of right wing fascism against democracy that is happening all over the world right now. We have been warned. Our new President has brought this front and center. I invite everyone to think more than 5 seconds into the future and consider if they want to live in a world where the militaries overthrow democracy whenever it pleases them. Try to take into account that the ideas over which this is done may be a bunch of stuff you don't believe in or want. Try to imagine being on the short end of that stick.
France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

Ah yes, fascist threats from right wingers. Same old chestnut for the last 100 years. *yawn*

If you look at post #4 you will see this: "58 percent of the French public support the letter"

So what? That doesn't mean they will peel their asses off the couch and join a civil war or even support one. This percentage is not a surprise. This right wing fascism always comes cloaked in populism. This "58%" is just the percentage that will toss off a silly idea for shiggles and attention and then go back to doing what they do every day, not the percentage that would join or support a civil war or any violence at all. Start a new poll, asking if they will happily bash in their next door neighbor's skull over these ideas. Report back with the results.

Actually the French were asked if they would support the military in a conflict in France:

"58 percent of the French public support the letter whilst 49 percent would back the military". See post # 4 above. It was a Harris poll if that helps you.

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Actually the French were asked if they would support the military in a conflict in France:
Yes i know. An easy thing to support from an easy chair. And lets be clear... "Military conflict"., in this case, means 9verthroing the French government and killing French citizens.

So lets see the poll results when we ask them if they would support the military rounding up and killing their own neighbors and overthrowing democracy. I think the poll results might be different, with a little clarity in the questions.
Looks like they're advertising jeans.


Nice butts. Why no ripped knees though? The police need protection? :102:
Have they tried calling their mommies yet?
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We need a revolution here in the US. One to overthrow the Socialists and reaffirm the Constitution.
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Actually the French were asked if they would support the military in a conflict in France:
Yes i know. An easy thing to support from an easy chair. And lets be clear... "Military conflict"., in this case, means 9verthroing the French government and killing French citizens.

So lets see the poll results when we ask them if they would support the military rounding up and killing their own neighbors and overthrowing democracy. I think the poll results might be different, with a little clarity in the questions.

You have an overactive imagination when you say "rounding up and killing their own neighbors". Many French are fed-up. Violence is a big problem and growing in France. If there were to be a "civil war" I suspect that it would be that existing violence would be met with violence. Some would probably be deported but I doubt anyone would be executed.

Macron as it stands is finished and a coup is not necessary to remove him from office. In a year there will be the French presidential elections and it looks like LePen will win.

This from France 24 news:

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France could be on the brink of civil war as warnings are delivered by French soldiers to the French government:

"A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public."

LOLOLOL....The wusses could not defend themselves when they were getting slaughtered...Don't expect the wusses to fight...lolol
Actually the French were asked if they would support the military in a conflict in France:
Yes i know. An easy thing to support from an easy chair. And lets be clear... "Military conflict"., in this case, means 9verthroing the French government and killing French citizens.

So lets see the poll results when we ask them if they would support the military rounding up and killing their own neighbors and overthrowing democracy. I think the poll results might be different, with a little clarity in the questions.
I hope the whole GD country explodes in terrifying violence.....Who cares about that liberal pussy country

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