The BackStabbers...

Just curious. Were you born stupid? Or did you have to work on it?

Making Sense Of U.S. Foreign Aid To Egypt And Elsewhere - Forbes

The US even gave 3 billion a year to Pakistan so they could hide bin Laden on us. Hey I have an idea, lets bitch about US aid to Israel.

America has given alot of money to the Saudis, who spawned the 19 terrorists (or most of them) that were responsible for 9/11.

The US has never given Pakistan much more than 1 Billion a year. Pakistan was the US's foil against India which was Russia's friend.

Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers | Center For Global Development
Monty, stop whining. :boohoo:

Nobody cares what you have to say. Your repetitive propaganda shows just bow brainwashed you really are.
Why don't you go back another thousand years? The Liberty, of a generation ago, was a friendly-fire incident. I don't know why an American warship was even in the Med. Sea during those desperate six days. Pollard has paid dearly, and received the harshest sentence possible, compared to similar incidents.

Friendly fire my ASS! There was absolutely no way the IDF could have misidentified Liberty from the recon aircraft that flew two missions photographing her, or the multiple recon and attack sorties flown by the IDF over Liberty or the IDF gunboats that came within several hundred yards. The IDF had access to Jane's fighting ships, so that lame dog don't fly! The ensign on the mast, couldn't be identified by the IDF? The large Holiday flag that replaced it after the second air attack couldn't be identified by the IDF? The IDF couldn't decipher the "GTR5" painted on Liberty's hull? The IDF couldn't identify the silhouette of a WWII Victory class hull from Jane's? Bull Shit!

The IDF surveillance of Liberty went on from 0630 until they initiated hostilities at 1405; that's 7 1/2 hours for Dayan to get his attack plan formulated. The attacks by air from aircraft armed with 30mm cannon, rockets and napalm along 20mm and 40mm gunfire and torpedoing from the gunboats left the ship in ruin. When the order was given to prepare to abandon ship, the lifeboats that were lowered to the water were destroyed by fire from the IDF gunboats.

The aftermath of this wanton carnage BY the IDF AGAINST ITS ALLY, THE USA, resulted in Liberty dead in the water with 34 dead, 171 injured of the crew of 286 Americans. Are you absolutely sure you want to continue apologizing and covering up for Israel just like LBJ did back in the day? Where do your loyalties begin and end?

The IDF had zero evidence that there was an American ship ANYWHERE around the area.
Why would they knowingly attack. U.S ship when the sailors on board would identify them as Israeli ??

Either way, it was a tragic event and I wish it never happened....

"The IDF had zero evidence that there was an American ship ANYWHERE around the area."

Cite your source for that bit of sophistry, Popeye! If the IDF was certain of that fact as you erroneously claim, why did the IDF jam the transmissions of Liberty when she was attempting to contact units of the 6th Fleet about the attack? When Saratoga launched aircraft to assist Liberty why were they recalled upon orders through channels above SecNav? That would be McNamara/LBJ. All US Navy ships at sea under normal steaming emit an identification signal (IFF) just as aircraft in flight. I have already noted the very obvious ways the IDF should have ID'ed Liberty in the post to which you responded. The IDF knew Liberty was a US Navy vessel, and to even think of arguing otherwise from your position of ignorance is not very bright!

As to the why of the incident, I am not in a mind meld with the Zionist mind of Moshe Dayan of 1967. Anything I might conjecture in that regard would be silly on my part, but I do have suspicions.

The US Navy personnel aboard Liberty who observed the attack did recognize IDF marked aircraft and boats. Not all were marked, though. All of your questions could have been answered if you had performed due diligence through a few minutes of research. Instead, you made a complete ass of yourself making uninformed and ignorant assertions.

ThoughtCrimes <---- Shakes head in disbelief!
Monty, stop whining. :boohoo:

Nobody cares what you have to say. Your repetitive propaganda shows just bow brainwashed you really are.

It is you that is brainwashed. No propaganda, just facts. You spew the propaganda. Even Ban Ki-Moon agrees:

"Il segretario Onu ha anche sottolineato che non vi è alcun posto dove rifugiarsi a Gaza. Ban ha affermato che "ogni scuola e ogni rifugio è diventato un obiettivo".

Notte di raid su Gaza: vittime, donne e bambini Tel Aviv: sirene, intercettati razzi di Hamas -

Only foreign press, Italian in this case, provides real news.

A translation:

"The UN Secretary emphasized that there is no place to hide in Gaza, "every school and every shelter is a target" of the Israelis of course.
Monty, stop whining. :boohoo:

Nobody cares what you have to say. Your repetitive propaganda shows just bow brainwashed you really are.

It is you that is brainwashed. No propaganda, just facts. You spew the propaganda. Even Ban Ki-Moon agrees:

"Il segretario Onu ha anche sottolineato che non vi è alcun posto dove rifugiarsi a Gaza. Ban ha affermato che "ogni scuola e ogni rifugio è diventato un obiettivo".

Notte di raid su Gaza: vittime, donne e bambini Tel Aviv: sirene, intercettati razzi di Hamas -

Only foreign press, Italian in this case, provides real news.

A translation:

"The UN Secretary emphasized that there is no place to hide in Gaza, "every school and every shelter is a target" of the Israelis of course.

My Italian cousins have posted about the Infamia (Infamy) of the disgraceful Israelis killing civilians by bombings...

I wrote back, its because the Israelis don't have the balls to face the enemy one on one...E la Verita!
Monty, stop whining. :boohoo:

Nobody cares what you have to say. Your repetitive propaganda shows just bow brainwashed you really are.

It is you that is brainwashed. No propaganda, just facts. You spew the propaganda. Even Ban Ki-Moon agrees:

"Il segretario Onu ha anche sottolineato che non vi è alcun posto dove rifugiarsi a Gaza. Ban ha affermato che "ogni scuola e ogni rifugio è diventato un obiettivo".

Notte di raid su Gaza: vittime, donne e bambini Tel Aviv: sirene, intercettati razzi di Hamas -

Only foreign press, Italian in this case, provides real news.

A translation:

"The UN Secretary emphasized that there is no place to hide in Gaza, "every school and every shelter is a target" of the Israelis of course.

My Italian cousins have posted about the Infamia (Infamy) of the disgraceful Israelis killing civilians by bombings...

I wrote back, its because the Israelis don't have the balls to face the enemy one on one...E la Verita!

Sono d'accordo.
Pathetically you remind me of Abbas begging the UN to join military against Israel, cowards.
Pathetically you remind me of Abbas begging the UN to join military against Israel, cowards.

if it wasn't for American arms and technology, you would all be swimming back to the points of origin...
Pathetically you remind me of Abbas begging the UN to join military against Israel, cowards.

I think people with F16s, main battle tanks and naval artillery killing civilians that have a defense force with small arms are the cowards. But that's me.
Pathetically you remind me of Abbas begging the UN to join military against Israel, cowards.

I think people with F16s, main battle tanks and naval artillery killing civilians that have a defense force with small arms are the cowards. But that's me.
Take a look how every single time Palestinians get 1 inch of power and they start acting offensively, Israelis NEVER lynched a single Palestinian do you know that fact?
I don't really care about "unfair advantage" and not about what the rest of the world think, as IDF I was the one protecting the weaker, and the only cure for violence is more violence.
And if we - ISRAEL - made it in 67 years and you didn't - its your fault.

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And if we - ISRAEL - made it in 67 years and you didn't - its your fault.

The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem made it for more than 100 years, but eventually demographics and a great leader, Saladin, ended it.
Oh yeah and the funny part is the whining of the criminals facing someone stronger, like you both whine and complain now.


-Saladin- ARAB.
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Oh yeah and the funny part is the whining of the criminals facing someone stronger, like you both whine and complain now.


Who is whining, I am just presenting facts. As far as being mentally challenged, well think about it. I have demonstrated that you are a jackass.
Oh yeah and the funny part is the whining of the criminals facing someone stronger, like you both whine and complain now.


Who is whining, I am just presenting facts. As far as being mentally challenged, well think about it. I have demonstrated that you are a jackass.


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