Trump The attack on vaping.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
FDA declares youth vaping an epidemic, announces investigation, new enforcement

Just more government overreach. I thought Trump was going to do away with regulations. He trumpets that all the time at his political rallies and constant tweets. Where is he when you need him; playing golf or watching Faux News.

This attack is a slap in the face to tobacco farmers in Trump territory, North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky. As the tobacco industry has known and practised for decades, you got to get them while they are young. And vaping, specifically marketed to kids is a proven method of starting the nicotine addiction process with graduation to full tobacco products.

Come on Trump. Get it in gear and protect the tobacco industry! They vote for you!
The reduction in smoking has provided the greatest health benefits to Americans in the last 50 years
The reduction in smoking has provided the greatest health benefits to Americans in the last 50 years

And vaping reduces smoking.

This isn't a Republican/Democrat thing, it's a control freak vs. non-control freak thing.
FDA declares youth vaping an epidemic, announces investigation, new enforcement

Just more government overreach. I thought Trump was going to do away with regulations. He trumpets that all the time at his political rallies and constant tweets. Where is he when you need him; playing golf or watching Faux News.

This attack is a slap in the face to tobacco farmers in Trump territory, North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky. As the tobacco industry has known and practised for decades, you got to get them while they are young. And vaping, specifically marketed to kids is a proven method of starting the nicotine addiction process with graduation to full tobacco products.

Come on Trump. Get it in gear and protect the tobacco industry! They vote for you!
/----/ Trump is not fixing the Gubmint screwups fast enough for you?I hear ya. BTW Congress set up the agencies so they could work independent of elected officials.
I'd rather see millions of smokers prolonging their lives by switching to a far less hazardous source of nicotine like vaping.

And therein lies the problem. The tobacco industry doesn't want to see that happen because they want lifeling consumers of their tobacco. They're some of the biggest lobbyists in Washington. I imagine they have people working over at the FDA. There's pretty much a revolving door between industry and the FDA.

Abolish the FDA.
FDA declares youth vaping an epidemic, announces investigation, new enforcement

Just more government overreach. I thought Trump was going to do away with regulations. He trumpets that all the time at his political rallies and constant tweets. Where is he when you need him; playing golf or watching Faux News.

This attack is a slap in the face to tobacco farmers in Trump territory, North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky. As the tobacco industry has known and practised for decades, you got to get them while they are young. And vaping, specifically marketed to kids is a proven method of starting the nicotine addiction process with graduation to full tobacco products.

Come on Trump. Get it in gear and protect the tobacco industry! They vote for you!

day late and a dollar short

one of the biggest payoffs to big tobacco

in a long long time
FDA declares youth vaping an epidemic, announces investigation, new enforcement

Just more government overreach. I thought Trump was going to do away with regulations. He trumpets that all the time at his political rallies and constant tweets. Where is he when you need him; playing golf or watching Faux News.

This attack is a slap in the face to tobacco farmers in Trump territory, North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky. As the tobacco industry has known and practised for decades, you got to get them while they are young. And vaping, specifically marketed to kids is a proven method of starting the nicotine addiction process with graduation to full tobacco products.

Come on Trump. Get it in gear and protect the tobacco industry! They vote for you!

So in your mind vaping is a gateway drug now? LMFAO

Post the link kids switch to smoking tobacco...
The reduction in smoking has provided the greatest health benefits to Americans in the last 50 years

And vaping reduces smoking.

This isn't a Republican/Democrat thing, it's a control freak vs. non-control freak thing.

I think it is a case of choosing your demons
Vaping may have its negatives....but nowhere close to cigarettes
The reduction in smoking has provided the greatest health benefits to Americans in the last 50 years

So much so, fat ass liberals are over taking lung cancer as the number one preventable disease..


I don’t understand your point

Yeah gaping is slightly better then smoking. Kind to f like 10 foot of water in your house is better then 12 foot.

It still uses the the same addictive substance nicotine. Because of flavorings and other things it still has dangers. Some think it is better then cigarettes.

Try reading this information

WebMd thinks everything is cancer....

The biggest issue with smoking isn't the nicotine, it's the combustion products.

Vaping eliminates combustion, hence combustion products.
"tobacco farmers in Trump territory, North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky"?

Umm, you've been out of touch for a while (and by "South Carolina" you mean "Tennessee").

Those used to be tobacco country. Farmers have been running away in droves. They're planting actual productive stuff now.
Yeah gaping is slightly better then smoking. Kind to f like 10 foot of water in your house is better then 12 foot.

It still uses the the same addictive substance nicotine. Because of flavorings and other things it still has dangers. Some think it is better then cigarettes.

Try reading this information

WebMd thinks everything is cancer....

The biggest issue with smoking isn't the nicotine, it's the combustion products.

Vaping eliminates combustion, hence combustion products.
Nicotine lozenges and gum will be next on the sin tax list

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