The Argumnt for Trump


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
As time goes by and the MSM does its daily microscopic analysis of everything coming out of the Trumpster's mouth, looking for something that can be used to embarrass him (and he often obliges them), it is becoming more difficult to keep one's eye on the basic reasons to support him, and in effect the arguments that still support his possible Presidency.

If I may...

(1) It is desirable to have a Rich Guy in politics - someone who makes a significant financial sacrifices to run and hold office, and would happily return to the private sector (or retire) if successful, failing, or run out of office, one way or another. Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He gained nothing by being Governor, got his head handed to him by an ignorant public, and left. Cool.

Being Rich and/or Successful in the private sector makes one less "buy-able" by special interests, and able to make decisions on the basis of the betterment of the Nation, and not maximizing the chances of re-election.

(2) Trump is basically the only candidate who takes our immigration laws and our national sovereignty seriously. Whether the "illegals" can be forced to leave, bodily transported back to the borders from which they came, or simply starved out by being deprived of the benefits of our social "safety net" is not that important. The important things is that Trump has hit upon a major frustration with the Political Class: that they both accede to the invasion of illegals, each for their own purposes, and Trump "gets it."

(3) The same situation exists generally in the area of global "free" trade. The Political Class (except for certified morons, like Sanders) tell us that "free trade" is the Answer, but after a couple decades of being raped and pillaged by foreign entities dumping government-subsidized crap in our markets, we are no longer buying that line. Trump may not have the Answer, but he won't be coerced by business special interests to sign off on treaties that kill our manufacturing and STEM jobs, or invite foreigners in to take them away from Americans.

(4) The strongest argument for Trump always has been that the alternative is simply horrible. HRC will pack the USSC with clones of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, all in their 40's, and America, as we know it, will be disappearing rapidly into the fog of history. She will also figure out a way to get voter ID cards for the tens of millions of illegals currently within our borders (the "11 million" number is only a fraction of the real total). Within a couple years, all Federal GS employees will have full collective bargaining rights, including an unfettered right to strike.

So when Mr. Trump steps on his dick, figuratively speaking, like last week when he inexplicably made the case that the judge in the class action suit against Trump U should step down because his parents immigrated from Mexico...just swallow hard, acknowledge that he has a bad case of "Blitherer's Disease," and make your reservation to vote for him (and your local republican senate candidate) on November 1st. As bad as he might be, Hillary would be worse by far.
Why Trump should be unacceptable. He is even worse than Hillary, because of his view of the supreme court, regadless of whether you are liberal or conservative
Liberals think the judges are there to forward their agenda. No true American should vote for Hillary.
pol agenda perhaps but 4 trump its his personal financial agenda
How so? He'll be taking a pay cut.
Liberals will be paying President Trump's salary over the next eight years in terms of their losses in food stamps, welfare, etc. The party's almost over assholes. Hope you enjoyed your "Hope and Change" era.
Time for a man to take over.

Trump '16
Regarding the Supreme Court and its impact on American life, consider the past 60 years of American history.

EVERY MAJOR LIBERAL initiative has been forced on an unwilling American public by UNCONSTITUTIONAL USSC DECISIONS.

And when considering the following list, consider that under our Constitutional structure, the Judiciary HAS NO POWER to make policy. It does not exist. All of that power rests in CONGRESS.

Legalization of abortion,

Legalization of pornography,

Virtual abolition of the death penalty,

"Affirmative Action" (now called the pursuit of "diversity"),

Gay marriage,

Vast "safety net" entitlements to ILLEGALS,

"Birthright citizenship" (i.e., "anchor babies"),

Overturning sodomy laws.

In ALL of these cases, the power to make these major policy changes rests with the Congress and the legislatures of the 50 states. And the Left never even considers following the Constitutional route to implement its agenda, because that agenda HAS INSUFFICIENT POPULAR SUPPORT TO SUCCEED!

Make no mistake, a Supreme Court molded by HRC will quickly prohibit states from refusing voter ID cards to illegals, and will prevent them from securing even the most basic forms of identification to register. It will expand the assault on Judeo-Christian values, ultimately removing the tax exemption for Church property and activities, based on religious sects' refusal to accept gay marriage, and so on. Polygamy and incest will be legal within a decade, as mandated by the USSC's reading of the Constitution. Carbon fuels will be come as expensive a cigarettes, and the Court upholds more and more bizarre overreaches by the EPA.

Hold your nose if you must, but VOTE FOR TRUMP! The alternative is unthinkable!
Trump jumped in head first, mouth open. He made himself the center of public awareness. What he says and does matters. He isn't untouchable or immune from scrutiny. He's made the entire process all about him and not the issues. He's getting what he wanted and deserves.

Donnie and all of his Trumpbots need to put on their big boy pants, and suck it up, or STFU.
Great , he's rich . Might as well elect Kim Kardashian.

Trump is super unqualified ! We are talking the president , not some dopey congress seat .
DGS49 is scared of the boogeywoman.

I am scared of her to-
As time goes by and the MSM does its daily microscopic analysis of everything coming out of the Trumpster's mouth, looking for something that can be used to embarrass him (and he often obliges them), it is becoming more difficult to keep one's eye on the basic reasons to support him, and in effect the arguments that still support his possible Presidency.

If I may...

(1) It is desirable to have a Rich Guy in politics - someone who makes a significant financial sacrifices to run and hold office, and would happily return to the private sector (or retire) if successful, failing, or run out of office, one way or another. Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He gained nothing by being Governor, got his head handed to him by an ignorant public, and left. Cool.

Being Rich and/or Successful in the private sector makes one less "buy-able" by special interests, and able to make decisions on the basis of the betterment of the Nation, and not maximizing the chances of re-election.

(2) Trump is basically the only candidate who takes our immigration laws and our national sovereignty seriously. Whether the "illegals" can be forced to leave, bodily transported back to the borders from which they came, or simply starved out by being deprived of the benefits of our social "safety net" is not that important. The important things is that Trump has hit upon a major frustration with the Political Class: that they both accede to the invasion of illegals, each for their own purposes, and Trump "gets it."

(3) The same situation exists generally in the area of global "free" trade. The Political Class (except for certified morons, like Sanders) tell us that "free trade" is the Answer, but after a couple decades of being raped and pillaged by foreign entities dumping government-subsidized crap in our markets, we are no longer buying that line. Trump may not have the Answer, but he won't be coerced by business special interests to sign off on treaties that kill our manufacturing and STEM jobs, or invite foreigners in to take them away from Americans.

(4) The strongest argument for Trump always has been that the alternative is simply horrible. HRC will pack the USSC with clones of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, all in their 40's, and America, as we know it, will be disappearing rapidly into the fog of history. She will also figure out a way to get voter ID cards for the tens of millions of illegals currently within our borders (the "11 million" number is only a fraction of the real total). Within a couple years, all Federal GS employees will have full collective bargaining rights, including an unfettered right to strike.

So when Mr. Trump steps on his dick, figuratively speaking, like last week when he inexplicably made the case that the judge in the class action suit against Trump U should step down because his parents immigrated from Mexico...just swallow hard, acknowledge that he has a bad case of "Blitherer's Disease," and make your reservation to vote for him (and your local republican senate candidate) on November 1st. As bad as he might be, Hillary would be worse by far.

That is a lot of words when all you really can say with any certainty is his only real qualification is he is not that pantsuit bull dyke.
As time goes by and the MSM does its daily microscopic analysis of everything coming out of the Trumpster's mouth, looking for something that can be used to embarrass him (and he often obliges them), it is becoming more difficult to keep one's eye on the basic reasons to support him, and in effect the arguments that still support his possible Presidency.

If I may...

(1) It is desirable to have a Rich Guy in politics - someone who makes a significant financial sacrifices to run and hold office, and would happily return to the private sector (or retire) if successful, failing, or run out of office, one way or another. Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He gained nothing by being Governor, got his head handed to him by an ignorant public, and left. Cool.

Being Rich and/or Successful in the private sector makes one less "buy-able" by special interests, and able to make decisions on the basis of the betterment of the Nation, and not maximizing the chances of re-election.

(2) Trump is basically the only candidate who takes our immigration laws and our national sovereignty seriously. Whether the "illegals" can be forced to leave, bodily transported back to the borders from which they came, or simply starved out by being deprived of the benefits of our social "safety net" is not that important. The important things is that Trump has hit upon a major frustration with the Political Class: that they both accede to the invasion of illegals, each for their own purposes, and Trump "gets it."

(3) The same situation exists generally in the area of global "free" trade. The Political Class (except for certified morons, like Sanders) tell us that "free trade" is the Answer, but after a couple decades of being raped and pillaged by foreign entities dumping government-subsidized crap in our markets, we are no longer buying that line. Trump may not have the Answer, but he won't be coerced by business special interests to sign off on treaties that kill our manufacturing and STEM jobs, or invite foreigners in to take them away from Americans.

(4) The strongest argument for Trump always has been that the alternative is simply horrible. HRC will pack the USSC with clones of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, all in their 40's, and America, as we know it, will be disappearing rapidly into the fog of history. She will also figure out a way to get voter ID cards for the tens of millions of illegals currently within our borders (the "11 million" number is only a fraction of the real total). Within a couple years, all Federal GS employees will have full collective bargaining rights, including an unfettered right to strike.

So when Mr. Trump steps on his dick, figuratively speaking, like last week when he inexplicably made the case that the judge in the class action suit against Trump U should step down because his parents immigrated from Mexico...just swallow hard, acknowledge that he has a bad case of "Blitherer's Disease," and make your reservation to vote for him (and your local republican senate candidate) on November 1st. As bad as he might be, Hillary would be worse by far.

That is a lot of words when all you really can say with any certainty is his only real qualification is he is not that pantsuit bull dyke.
Only in the mind of a bull dyke like you.

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