The are 2 Indians in Congress

and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia
There are 3.

You forgot about Chief Shitting Pants. She has .000003% Indian genetic makeup. The rest of it is lily-white, honkey-ass cracker.
Well I meant real Indians, if I included her, I would have to include all white folks.
and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia
There are 3.

You forgot about Chief Shitting Pants. She has .000003% Indian genetic makeup. The rest of it is lily-white, honkey-ass cracker.
Well I meant real Indians, if I included her, I would have to include all white folks.
And I am black.

and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia
Is that why the Cherokee Nation went off on Lizzie? They're all Republicans?

No, Moseley because they are greedy. Look at the cherokee nations website. Most of them have blond hair and blue eyes. Liz’s warden did not mess up by implying she was an injun, she messed up being famous and claiming she was an injun and not paying her dues. She would have done better if she said she was black.
and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia

Wiki sez there have been four other Senators with Native American blood, two Democrats and two Republicans, and sixteen in the House, nine Democrats, six Republicans and one Democratic-Republican.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And?

What fun. Let's survey how many of them had a middle initial that started with a vowel now.
The only Indian to serve as Vice President was a Republican as well. In fact, Charles Curtis was the first and only non-honky to serve in the 2nd Fiddle position.
and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia

Wiki sez there have been four other Senators with Native American blood, two Democrats and two Republicans, and sixteen in the House, nine Democrats, six Republicans and one Democratic-Republican.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And?

What fun. Let's survey how many of them had a middle initial that started with a vowel now.
Trying to keep it in my lifetime, im not 80.
and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia

Wiki sez there have been four other Senators with Native American blood, two Democrats and two Republicans, and sixteen in the House, nine Democrats, six Republicans and one Democratic-Republican.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And?

What fun. Let's survey how many of them had a middle initial that started with a vowel now.
Trying to keep it in my lifetime, im not 80.

Soooooooooooo what exactly is the point in this thread?

Does one even exist?
Did she apply for recognition as an American Indian ? No .
No she just claimed it for a job......nice

Harvard said that has nothing to do with hiring her .

Do you have her application?

"The Harvard Crimson reported similar information in 1998[3]:

Harvard Law School currently has only one tenured minority woman, Gottlieb Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren, who is Native American."

"Warren had put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools but dropped from that list when she gain tenure at Harvard in 1995..."

"When confronted with this information, Warren admitted[12] she had filled out forms listing herself as Native American, claiming she wanted to meet other Native Americans.."

"Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, fending off questions about whether she used her Native American heritage to advance her career, said today she enrolled herself as a minority in law school directories for nearly a decade because she hoped to meet other people with tribal roots.

“I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something that might happen with people who are like I am."

"“Being Native American has been part of my story I guess since the day I was born,” said Warren, who never mentioned her Native American heritage on the campaign trail even as she detailed much of her personal history to voters in speeches, statements and a video. “These are my family stories, I have lived in a family that has talked about Native American and talked about tribes since I was a little girl..."

"...the AALS faculty directory only listed Warren as “minority,” not as “Native American...”

"Later, reporters uncovered that Warren had represented herself to both U. Penn[17] and Harvard for federal reporting purposes[18] as Native American. Warren herself never disclosed that she had represented herself to U. Penn and Harvard as Native American, that information was discovered by reporters..."

"“The University of Pennsylvania, where Warren taught at the law school from 1987 through 1995, listed her as a minority in a “Minority Equity Report” posted on its website. The report, published in 2005, well after her departure, included her as the winner of a faculty award in 1994. Her name was highlighted in bold, the designation used for minorities in the report.”

Investigative reporter Michael Patrick Leahy of uncovered that in 1993, when Warren was a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School, the Harvard Women’s Law Journal included Warren on a list of Women of Color in Legal Academia.[20] It was the policy of the Law Journal to check with the persons on the list before they were listed.

Politico[21] uncovered that in 1997 The Fordham Law Journal listed Warren as Harvard Law School’s first “woman of color” on the faculty:

“There are few women of color who hold important positions in the academy, Fortune 500 companies, or other prominent fields or industries,” the piece says. “This is not inconsequential. Diversifying these arenas, in part by adding qualified women of color to their ranks, remains important for many reasons. For one, there are scant women of color as role models. In my three years at Stanford Law School, there were no professors who were women of color. Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995.””

"U. Penn and Harvard Made Federal Filings Based On Warren's Representations..."

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy - Elizabeth Warren Wiki
and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia
Is that why the Cherokee Nation went off on Lizzie? They're all Republicans?
No, they just understand the dangers of unlimited immigration is all.
and both are Republicans from Oklahoma

Markwayne Mullins- Cherokee Nation
Markwayne Mullin - Wikipedia

Tom Cole-Chickasaw Nation
Tom Cole - Wikipedia

And Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell was a senator from Colorado who was a democrat in the early 90s who became a republican. He was also the first Indian to head the Indian affairs committee.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Wikipedia
There are 3.

You forgot about Chief Shitting Pants. She has .000003% Indian genetic makeup. The rest of it is lily-white, honkey-ass cracker.
Well I meant real Indians, if I included her, I would have to include all white folks.
And I am black.

LOL, yeah, its rediculous

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