The Arab state was designed to fail by the UN.

As for the Israeli arrangement over the Temple Mount? I have no sympathy for religious nutters.

Wait. I am a religious nutter because I want to pray at the most holy site of my religious faith?
That sounds like the Hajj to me. Not surprising, considering yours is one of the 3 Abrahamic religions.

Oh and my answer to your question is yes. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you should exercise your faith by Hajjing to some 3,000 year old ruin that people keep murdering each other over. Does it say that in the Torah? I don't know I'm not Jewish.
As for the Israeli arrangement over the Temple Mount? I have no sympathy for religious nutters.

Wait. I am a religious nutter because I want to pray at the most holy site of my religious faith?
That sounds like the Hajj to me. Not surprising, considering yours is one of the 3 Abrahamic religions.

Oh and my answer to your question is yes. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you should exercise your faith by Hajjing to some 3,000 year old ruin that people keep murdering each other over. Does it say that in the Torah? I don't know I'm not Jewish.

The term 'Haj' comes from the hebrew-arameic HAG,meaning 'to circle' specifically from the first verses of Genesis where it writes about the role of the stars in culture as indicator of coming festivals.

However nothing like the hajj in Judaism, as in haj, as I understand it, the believers' soul attains forgiveness, cleaned of all sins...until the next haj. Nothing like that in Judaism. If you try to understand anything Jewish by comparing it to later variations of that traditions you'll miss the point entirely. Each one of them is totally different and the understanding of the nature of G-d is different too. Jews are not quick to convert those who ask or agitate their beliefs to others hence the mystery that helped antisemitism throughout centuries.

And of course it doesn't say it like that to the best of my knowledge.
However it's just that Jews have been praying and blessing their meals daily for centuries asking for the end of exile and rebuilding of Jerusalem-DAILY.

Also there're 613 commandments in the Torah, out of which a jew can participate only in about a half due to the condition of the temple. 3 of the main festivals in Judaism- Passover, Pentecost and Tebernacles occur in Jerusalem.

You see Judea- Jerusalem ( 669 times in the Torah )-Judaism, talking about Abraham (Binding Of Isaac on Temple Mount) all centered around ONE- Jerusalem.

Yet when Jews regain Jerusalem in modern times giving lands and religious rights to Armenian, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, Bahai religion, give the control of their most holy place to the Jordan/Palestinian Muslim Waqf that denies them any religious rights.

How asking for the same tollerance under those conditions unreasonable?
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The red and the green was the land allotted to the Christians and Muslims. Notice how the UN made sure that the Jews would have a contiguous state and the Christians and Muslims four non-contiguous territories, Jaffa is the tiny territory on the sea and was supposed to be part of the Arab state. How could it have survived? No matter how much of a partisan for Israel you are, you have to admit that the Christians and Muslims were screwed. No wonder they continue to fight.

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60 years later Israel turned sand into gold while the muslim blamed them for being better at everything than they are.

we are talking about an area about the same size as New Jersey, the muslims are long overdue to get the fuck over it, but they are stuck in the dark ages or earlier, where they have some nutty need for revenge for something one ancestor did to another 500 years ago.

damn, w/o the joos, the muslims would have killed each other off long ago, so show some fucking appreciation.
The red and the green was the land allotted to the Christians and Muslims. Notice how the UN made sure that the Jews would have a contiguous state and the Christians and Muslims four non-contiguous territories, Jaffa is the tiny territory on the sea and was supposed to be part of the Arab state. How could it have survived? No matter how much of a partisan for Israel you are, you have to admit that the Christians and Muslims were screwed. No wonder they continue to fight.

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Look again freddy and you see gaza an the west bank connected splitting the proposed Jewish state. But read the rules for 181 and you will see that they were not cast in stone borders but starting points for mutual discusions on borders. The arab muslims denied the plan and now have next to nothing left to play with
Yes, the British gave no thought to anything but their immediate interests. They did not consider the consequences of their actions on future generations. You can't blame the Jews with respect to Palestine, they took advantage of the situation they were presented with.

It was theirs by right after the sovereign owners gave them 22% of Palestine, why cant the arab muslims be happy with their 78% that is mostly unpopulated
If the architects behind the idea of creating Israel after WW2 could have seen the future and what would happen, there's no way they would have elected to go through with it. Of all the places in the world they could have chosen for European Jews, they chose the holiest, bloodiest, most war-torn strip of land in the history of mankind.

If the future could have been seen, Israel should have done what everyone else did at that time and expelled everyone who didn't match their political/nationalist criteria.

And maybe it would not be such a war-torn strip of "holy" land if the Muslims didn't decide to usurp the Jewish holy places.
Yes Israel should have mercilessly slaughtered it's way to sole ownership of the land. That is the way of the Holy Land after all. And has been for thousands of years. All part of God's plan I suppose.

The thousands of years the Christians and muslims have been in existence. Niether of which has any religious ties to Jerusalem
The red and the green was the land allotted to the Christians and Muslims. Notice how the UN made sure that the Jews would have a contiguous state and the Christians and Muslims four non-contiguous territories, Jaffa is the tiny territory on the sea and was supposed to be part of the Arab state. How could it have survived? No matter how much of a partisan for Israel you are, you have to admit that the Christians and Muslims were screwed. No wonder they continue to fight.

View attachment 68575
If the architects behind the idea of creating Israel after WW2 could have seen the future and what would happen, there's no way they would have elected to go through with it. Of all the places in the world they could have chosen for European Jews, they chose the holiest, bloodiest, most war-torn strip of land in the history of mankind.

it wasn't chosen randomly. it was always the jewish homeland and where the temple mount is.

It is also the Christian and Muslim homeland. Because that is where all 3 religions began. The temple mount can be claimed by all 3 religions. But it was handed to one, who had been long absent, and who have now established theocratic ownership of it. Natives of the land who are not Jewish have either been expelled or have lesser rights.

I know it sounds like I'm singling out Jewish people in Israel, but it's only because the ball is in their court and they hold all power there. The religious nutter of Palestinians is inexcusable, but let's not forget that the religious nutter of Jewish Israeli's adds plenty, if not most, of the fuel to the fire.

WRONG as islam started in Mecca and Medina, and the first mosque was not built on the Temple mount until 35 years after the founders death. Christianity started in Bethlehem which has nothing to do with the Temple mount. The Christians homeland happened to be Rome and the muslims was arabia. The Jews have had a presence on the land for almost 4,500 years and have never been fully removed.
Where have the non Jews been expelled then as 20% of Israel's population are non Jewish, and more are being added every day. Don't confuse Palestine with Israel as they are not the same place and are governed by two separate entities, so the Palestinians have lesser rights because their Palestinian government wont allow them more rights.
Don't get queasy on me Shusha.

Oh, rest assured, I'm not queasy. If I mean slaughter I assure you I will be most articulate and precise and say slaughter.
So you think the foreign Europeans that formed Israel would have succeeded by nicely asking the natives to leave and go... oh wherever; to hell for all they care. Just a few pleases and thank you's and no slaughter necessary? Is that what you think they should have done?

Well they did have the other 78% of Palestine to play with didn't they, that had been placed at their feet as a sort of peace offering. It was the Palestinians that started the slaughter after the LoN decided that they would honour the promises made before 1917. They could not live with the land returning to dar al harb after being dar al islam for nearly 500 years
...that is where all 3 religions began. The temple mount can be claimed by all 3 religions.
Uh. No.

Christianity is based on the end of sacrifice and the rejection of the Jewish teaching and thus they have NO claim to the Temple Mount or to any of the Jewish holy places. They DO have claim on the Christian holy places as adherents and worshipers of their faith, that is the places significant to the life of JC.

Islam began elsewhere, with a new and entirely different "revelation" which also not only rejected and misinterpreted the Jewish teachings but claimed them to be corrupt. They turned the Jewish people out of our own stories put themselves in place. They usurped the Temple Mount as a holy place, the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, and the whole of Jewish history and replaced it all with their own people and their own narrative -- pushing the Jewish people out of the line, as it were. (You do realize that the Jewish people are not permitted to pray or worship or even equally visit our own holy place because the Muslims get pissy about it, yes?)

What you wrote about the religions is completely wrong. They all have claim to the land that is currently modern Israel, even if the thought makes you vomit.

As for the Israeli arrangement over the Temple Mount? I have no sympathy for religious nutters. If you want the mount take it. If you want to share the mount befriend your neighbors.

All I want is for the U.S. to have zero concern over it.

BULLSHIT the muslims have no claims as they did not set foot there until 35 years after mo;mads death. It is just another corruption of historical reality by islamonazi propagandists. The Christians did not start until after the Romans left and took the dogma with them, then twisted it to suit their ways.

The Jews tried to make friends and allow the muslims access to the temple mount, while the Jews followed their religion on the streets below. The muslims don't want any other religion to exist so they start violence to frighten the Jews away
As for the Israeli arrangement over the Temple Mount? I have no sympathy for religious nutters.

Wait. I am a religious nutter because I want to pray at the most holy site of my religious faith?
That sounds like the Hajj to me. Not surprising, considering yours is one of the 3 Abrahamic religions.

Oh and my answer to your question is yes. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you should exercise your faith by Hajjing to some 3,000 year old ruin that people keep murdering each other over. Does it say that in the Torah? I don't know I'm not Jewish.

Nothing like the hajj at all, it is not a command to all Jews to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Yet Christianity and islam both command that their people make pilgrimages. And you have just shown that Palestine holds no significance for the muslims as it is not in Mecca.

The Jews only want the right to worship freely as detailed in International laws, not to have exclusive rights to every religious site in the world
The red and the green was the land allotted to the Christians and Muslims. Notice how the UN made sure that the Jews would have a contiguous state and the Christians and Muslims four non-contiguous territories, Jaffa is the tiny territory on the sea and was supposed to be part of the Arab state. How could it have survived? No matter how much of a partisan for Israel you are, you have to admit that the Christians and Muslims were screwed. No wonder they continue to fight.

View attachment 68575
This is the map that was presented in 1947. Many things have changed since then. It's time to move on.
The red and the green was the land allotted to the Christians and Muslims. Notice how the UN made sure that the Jews would have a contiguous state and the Christians and Muslims four non-contiguous territories, Jaffa is the tiny territory on the sea and was supposed to be part of the Arab state. How could it have survived? No matter how much of a partisan for Israel you are, you have to admit that the Christians and Muslims were screwed. No wonder they continue to fight.

View attachment 68575
If the architects behind the idea of creating Israel after WW2 could have seen the future and what would happen, there's no way they would have elected to go through with it. Of all the places in the world they could have chosen for European Jews, they chose the holiest, bloodiest, most war-torn strip of land in the history of mankind.

it wasn't chosen randomly. it was always the jewish homeland and where the temple mount is.

It is also the Christian and Muslim homeland. Because that is where all 3 religions began. The temple mount can be claimed by all 3 religions. But it was handed to one, who had been long absent, and who have now established theocratic ownership of it. Natives of the land who are not Jewish have either been expelled or have lesser rights.

I know it sounds like I'm singling out Jewish people in Israel, but it's only because the ball is in their court and they hold all power there. The religious nutter of Palestinians is inexcusable, but let's not forget that the religious nutter of Jewish Israeli's adds plenty, if not most, of the fuel to the fire.

jerusalem isn't mentioned a single time in the koran. and christians and jews have no problems with regard to israel.
Even though untrue, (Al Quds is mentioned in the Koran.) why would it matter if Jerusalem were mentioned in the Koran or not? The native people of Palestine, Jerusalem included, were Christians and Muslims before the European Jew invasion started in the 1800s. Even in 1896, when the first filming of Palestine took place, the Christians and Muslims were the overwhelming majority in Palestine after decades of European Jew invasion.

Even though untrue, (Al Quds is mentioned in the Koran.) why would it matter if Jerusalem were mentioned in the Koran or not? The native people of Palestine, Jerusalem included, were Christians and Muslims before the European Jew invasion started in the 1800s. Even in 1896, when the first filming of Palestine took place, the Christians and Muslims were the overwhelming majority in Palestine after decades of European Jew invasion.

Al Quds is not mentioned in the Koran. Some English translations have inserted it there. Only "the Furthest Mosque" is mentioned and, more than likely, it was referring to a mosque in Yathrib (Medina).
Even though untrue, (Al Quds is mentioned in the Koran.) why would it matter if Jerusalem were mentioned in the Koran or not? The native people of Palestine, Jerusalem included, were Christians and Muslims before the European Jew invasion started in the 1800s. Even in 1896, when the first filming of Palestine took place, the Christians and Muslims were the overwhelming majority in Palestine after decades of European Jew invasion.

Immigration is not the same as "invasion". People have immigrated throughout continents for generations. If you live in Canada, you are no doubt descended from immigrants.
Immigration is not the same as "invasion". People have immigrated throughout continents for generations. If you live in Canada, you are no doubt descended from immigrants.

Yeah, but by their arguments that makes us the indigenous people of Canada.
Even though untrue, (Al Quds is mentioned in the Koran.) why would it matter if Jerusalem were mentioned in the Koran or not? The native people of Palestine, Jerusalem included, were Christians and Muslims before the European Jew invasion started in the 1800s. Even in 1896, when the first filming of Palestine took place, the Christians and Muslims were the overwhelming majority in Palestine after decades of European Jew invasion.

And al quds means the holy or holy sanctuary, so could be the black block the muslims worship in mecca. It does not transliterate to Jerusalem at all. When mo'mad spoke of his drug induced hallucination and told of flying to the farthest mosque it was believed at the time to be the one on the road between Mecca and Medina.

Still cant see the words Jew, Christian or muslim on the backs of the people allegedly filmed in Palestine. Once again you use ambiguous videos that don't prove anything, relying on the narrative appended 100 years later
Even though untrue, (Al Quds is mentioned in the Koran.) why would it matter if Jerusalem were mentioned in the Koran or not? The native people of Palestine, Jerusalem included, were Christians and Muslims before the European Jew invasion started in the 1800s. Even in 1896, when the first filming of Palestine took place, the Christians and Muslims were the overwhelming majority in Palestine after decades of European Jew invasion.

Immigration is not the same as "invasion". People have immigrated throughout continents for generations. If you live in Canada, you are no doubt descended from immigrants.

Don't forget if he claims the Jews invaded then he is also admitting that he invaded America. This makes him a hypocrite because he does not do as he demands the Jews do.

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