The Apprentice- Christmas special


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Apprentice-
Christmas special.
Donald Trump calls Jesus into his office for evaluation of his work.

Donald asks Jesus:
"do you think you did a good job? "
I mean really, can they claim you savior for causing dispersement and getting your employees killed while causing your brethren to be slain as well?"
Your own workers Thomas and Luke have stated you failed miserably to deliver your workers and they sounded very dissapointed you weren't who you claimed or they hoped you'd be in this management position."
"Should we call you prince of peace even though that title belonged to King Hezekiah, and we had over thousands of wars in your name?"
"You think it's fair that they call you a good shepherd if you caused the sheep to be scattered, lost, stolen, and fleeced?"
"I hate to do this, because you are the only Jesus I would allow come into this country,
but Jesus, You're Fired!"
You are not a Jew and you are not a Christian. So Christmas is not your theme. Your theme is your hate. And Donald Trump is a supporter of water boarding = torture. Supporters of torture don't speak in the name of the christian religion. I would also not be astonished if you would support torture too. You would torture him he would torture you and all together have fun by torturing the whole world. This seems to be the new "american" dream: torture vs terror, terror vs torture.

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Hmmm.... wherever did that come from where is Michael is not a suporter of torture but if i remember correctly torture was a favorite tool of the church....Have you never heard of the spanish inqusition and their likes before.... You really shot yourself in the foot this time.....
Hmmm.... wherever did that come from where is Michael is not a suporter of torture but if i remember correctly torture was a favorite tool of the church....Have you never heard of the spanish inqusition and their likes before.... You really shot yourself in the foot this time.....

The USA tortures. Lots of the people of the USA think the USA has the right to torture. This people are wrong. Mr. Donald Trump is also wrong.

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Zang calls out against forum rules all Jews on this forum as "not Jews". That's his shtick and constant repeat sin to bear false testimony and reveal his German heritage of hate towards Jews. The irony is Zang is talking about U.S. torture while sitting in Germany in order to deflect The former RCC tortures and influence of hate in this world. That's why he's one of a few people on here I quickly iggied. He's a stalker hate monger, while also proving their god is not the same God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Zang calls out against forum rules all Jews on this forum as "not Jews". That's his shtick and constant repeat sin to bear false testimony and reveal his German heritage of hate towards Jews. The irony is Zang is talking about U.S. torture while sitting in Germany in order to deflect The former RCC tortures and influence of hate in this world. That's why he's one of a few people on here I quickly iggied. He's a stalker hate monger, while also proving their god is not the same God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

In our middle age city we builded a middle age torture chamber in the 19th century for english tourists. Torture instruments like for example the "iron maiden" were never used in the middle ages. Hollywood exists not only since Hollywood is existing. In general was the inquision always in history one of the most modern systems of law and order but indeed tortured the inqutiosn from teim to time - and this was wrong. But the reason to torture was often because the sytems of justice in former times mixed a therapeutic intervention within the system of law and order. Lots of People thought in former times unfortunatelly it's more important to save a souls than the body. Your stereotypes change nothing - I warn everyone: Torture is wrong.

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See Zang already forgot his German History regarding Nazis torture. Amazing.

But discussing his RCC torture beyond influencing Nazis through it's teaching and Synods.

For Heretics to go through readmisson into the Catholic church Raymond VII of Toulouse's and others were forced bare footed, a nose tied around the neck, and shirtless. (I am told this was how heretics were dressed before burnings).
They were paraded around the church a certain number of times and scourged by a church official.
Pope Innocent III 1161-1216 "Use against heretics the spiritual sword of excommunication, and if this does not prove effective, use the material sword."
The Art of Medieval Torture (this material sword) Torture was enthusiastically applied by early Church officials and noblemen in their employ for four reasons:
To force confessions or secret information from those accused of heresy or witchcraft, whether guilty or innocent; To punish or discourage dissent and intellectual freedom; To persuade Jews(who by the way they claim follow the same God), Muslims, and other non-believers to accept Christianity; and To enjoy the sadistic pleasure of inflicting agony, including experimenting with newly devised or perfected techniques of torture. Devices used by the Church: the foot was fitted into an oversized COPPER BOOT, boiling oil was slowly poured into the boot to strip the flesh from the bones.

Another device of the Church: was the infamous viselike FOOT PRESS which was slowly tightened by the crank to crush feet between its solid iron plates, which were lined with hundreds of razor-sharp spikes to make the torture even more intense. More sadistic torture could be found in the way they would devise FOOT ROASTING, which was the favorite torture of the Spanish Inquisition. Immobilized in the stocks, the soles of the victim's bare feet were thickly basted with lard and slowly broiled over red-hot coals.

Everyone has seen "the RACK" in movies: The rollers of this RACK pulled the victim's wrists and ankles in opposite directions to tear his body apart. A spiked drum might be installed to disembowel the face-downward victim. There was also a bench held which victim immobile while he was slowly SKINNED ALIVE with a scalpel-like instrument. Salt was rubbed into the raw flesh to make for a more horrifying experience.
They also had these toothed iron TESTICLE CRUSHERS slowly squeezed the victim's testicles until they were destroyed. *(note- today singers use these to hit their high notes)*

Surely we see there is a pattern here,
if it walks like satan, talks like satan, acts like satan & admits it is satan, off shoot sects admit the founders were satanist, then it is Satanic.
See Zang already forgot his German History regarding Nazis torture. ...

You convinced me it makes no sense to speak with you any longer. Nevertheless you are not a Jew and torture is wrong.

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See Zang already forgot his German History regarding Nazis torture. ...

You convinced me it makes no sense to speak with you any longer. Nevertheless you are not a Jew and torture is wrong.

Zaan faking some more war stories? He's trolling for sympathy, don't give him any, he's a nazi in fakers clothing.
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interesting times how the Donald is leading the polls....maybe he will become the DON of the american people the capo de cappo the vende de vende..... Capeshe.... Oh havent we travelled this road before but maybe this Don will make things right by removing what ails people and holds them back from bettering themselves one can only hope and that he would start right at the top of the list with Jesus and work his way down.....

Why is the lady is the video asking to "come and hurt her"?

Counterquestion: Why is it for you so unbelievable important to destroy the reputation of everyone who is a native english speaker? And why is hate the most important feeling for you? Why do you like the idea that everyone in the world should hate US-Americans?

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Why is the lady is the video asking to "come and hurt her"?

Counterquestion: Why is it for you so unbelievable important to destroy the reputation of everyone who is a native english speaker? And why is hate the most important feeling for you? Why do you like the idea that everyone in the world should hate US-Americans?

Why do you post violent videos?

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Why is the lady is the video asking to "come and hurt her"?

Counterquestion: Why is it for you so unbelievable important to destroy the reputation of everyone who is a native english speaker? And why is hate the most important feeling for you? Why do you like the idea that everyone in the world should hate US-Americans?

Why do you post violent videos?

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Then shut up you fucking idiot.

Why is the lady is the video asking to "come and hurt her"?

Counterquestion: Why is it for you so unbelievable important to destroy the reputation of everyone who is a native english speaker? And why is hate the most important feeling for you? Why do you like the idea that everyone in the world should hate US-Americans?

Why do you post violent videos?

no comment

Then shut up you fucking idiot.

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Why is the lady is the video asking to "come and hurt her"?

Counterquestion: Why is it for you so unbelievable important to destroy the reputation of everyone who is a native english speaker? And why is hate the most important feeling for you? Why do you like the idea that everyone in the world should hate US-Americans?

Why do you post violent videos?

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Then shut up you fucking idiot.

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You're a fucking retard who likes it when people tell you how worthless you are, since your people gassed all those people and you feel guilty about it.
Counterquestion: Why is it for you so unbelievable important to destroy the reputation of everyone who is a native english speaker? And why is hate the most important feeling for you? Why do you like the idea that everyone in the world should hate US-Americans?

Why do you post violent videos?

no comment

Then shut up you fucking idiot.

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You're a fucking retard who likes it when people tell you how worthless you are, since your people gassed all those people and you feel guilty about it.

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