
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The axis of evil (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) have such contempt for Jews and Israel, they can’t even pretend to hide it.
"Why not boycott Egypt?" Tapper asked. "They have human rights— "

"Oh, I would boycott Egypt of course!" Tlaib claimed.

"But you keep saying you 'would,' you 'would,' you 'would' boycott Egypt — but you're not," Tapper shot back.
Jake Tapper would have to ask twice if Israel had even a right just to exist.

Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has 'right to exist.' Here's what she said.
I prefer it when anti-Semites don't hide it. I like them out and proud ...

They make much better targets.

"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
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"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.

You seem to forget the Israel is attacked all the time and that land they are on was their during the time of Christ.

Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood have no problem attacking Israel and Israel has no problem retaliating.

I'd be asking her the same questions.

You don't seem to mind that she's a jew hating racist. A real racist that should have been sentured for her racist remarks. I'd like Congress to take a vote on her remarks just like they took a vote on Trumps non racist remarks.

You can't cure stupid and you prove it with every one of your posts. Idiot.
The axis of evil (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) have such contempt for Jews and Israel, they can’t even pretend to hide it.
"Why not boycott Egypt?" Tapper asked. "They have human rights— "

"Oh, I would boycott Egypt of course!" Tlaib claimed.

"But you keep saying you 'would,' you 'would,' you 'would' boycott Egypt — but you're not," Tapper shot back.
Jake Tapper would have to ask twice if Israel had even a right just to exist.

Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has 'right to exist.' Here's what she said.

Its just another way that Democrats are like Nazis
Omar Ilhan is the most racist representative to ever hold public office in the United States....
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.
She hates the U.S. She's racist. And she engaged in every level of corruption imaginable. #SendHerBack

Cruz Fires Back After Omar Suggests Latinos Would Struggle in ‘Merit-Based’ Immigration System
Omar Ilhan is the most racist representative to ever hold public office in the United States....
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.
She hates the U.S. She's racist. And she engaged in every level of corruption imaginable. #SendHerBack
Cruz Fires Back After Omar Suggests Latinos Would Struggle in ‘Merit-Based’ Immigration System

She is a pig. She needs to be deported.
Omar Ilhan is the most racist representative to ever hold public office in the United States....
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.
She hates the U.S. She's racist. And she engaged in every level of corruption imaginable. #SendHerBack
Cruz Fires Back After Omar Suggests Latinos Would Struggle in ‘Merit-Based’ Immigration System

She is a pig. She needs to be deported.
She's also a criminal. She has committed multiple felonies.
Omar Ilhan is the most racist representative to ever hold public office in the United States....
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.
She hates the U.S. She's racist. And she engaged in every level of corruption imaginable. #SendHerBack
Cruz Fires Back After Omar Suggests Latinos Would Struggle in ‘Merit-Based’ Immigration System

She is a pig. She needs to be deported.
She's also a criminal. She has committed multiple felonies.

Like what crimes do you have in mind?
The antisemite squad is frustrated they can't get inside Israel to assist muslims with terrorist activities...

Israel Right to Shut Out the Hostile Voices of Tlaib and Omar

You seem confused when you used the term "antiSemite".
Which by the way required capitalization.
The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group.
So Tlaib and Omar are Semitic.
But most Jews in Israel, like Netanyahu, are not, because they are Ashkenazi, which has the Germanic Yiddish as their native language.
Another member of the anti-semite squad. I absolutely marvel at the Jews dumb enough to vote Dumbocrat - the people that hate them and want to destroy them.

Here's the thing. If you are a Jew living in America, you have no desire to live in Palestine next to people who want to kill you because you stole their land and killed some of them.

So whoever runs as the Democrat will STILL get 70% of the Jewish vote. Probably more.
Another member of the anti-semite squad. I absolutely marvel at the Jews dumb enough to vote Dumbocrat - the people that hate them and want to destroy them.

Here's the thing. If you are a Jew living in America, you have no desire to live in Palestine next to people who want to kill you because you stole their land and killed some of them.

So whoever runs as the Democrat will STILL get 70% of the Jewish vote. Probably more.

There is nothing bigoted about hating murderers and thieves

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