Zone1 The anti-Christ will have a "church" and we can recognize it ("Seek and you will find")

There is another way.

Without adding or subtracting or changing a single word there is an entire story, hidden between the lines, which is what I believe because it conforms to reality.

For instance the story of the creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth or the first plants, animals, and human beings.

What it is about is a story about the Law being given as a light to the nations, instruction which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true or false, life and death which created division and an upper class among slaves living on a flat earth, meaning they were all just out of Egypt, all former slaves, all equal.

The law created judges of the law, the sinners, the righteous and every other sort of human archetype compared to lower beasts, wolves, sheep, cattle, dogs, bottom feeders, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, vultures, creepy things that creep, brown nosed dorks etc.,

These metaphor are still being in use and have been to either praise or insult other people by every people of every nation, kingdom, tribe, and language ever since people could talk.

Nothing mysterious. There is no greater joy than seeing what I believe confirmed by reality.
- The Book of Genesis is indeed about the creation of the Universe.

- Sort of. Genesis is both physical and spiritual.

- You are correct! The Law helped establish civilization on Earth.
Nonsense. God wasn't required to create the big bad wolf. Just an active imagination.

Satan, the talking serpent of old, is just a metaphor for a human archetype. Satan just like any of the wild beats of the field choose to become what they are. Some evolve into more highly advanced creatures, some degenerate into lower and lower forms of life, by choice.

God just provided the inhabitants of this world with instruction about how to remain sane.

Some act on that information, some never will. Either way the law is not about crime and punishment. It has always been about cause and effect. Do this, don't do that, if you set aside that instruction and do what was said to not do you will surely die, go insane, which is literally hell on earth. Some creatures thrive in the confusion of hell and the suffering of others just like any narcissist sadist tyrant dictator or despot which you can't claim is a creation of God.

Satan is a creation of faithless people. If people smartened up there would be no such thing, just like when any con is exposed and people wake up to the deception, the game is over.

I would expect better from you, a deep thinker.

"Satan" in almost every single ancient text known to mankind, means, "Adversary".

How can mankind create an "Adversary"? Or why would mankind create an "Adversary"?

In the Garden of Eden, mankind had no "Adversary"

....until the Serpent, (Who later became mankind's adversary) tempted mankind to fall.
The truth just is, people either accept or deny the truth. You might not have noticed but some people prefer darkness to light and will even attempt to put out the light by any means available so that darkness will continue to conceal their evil deeds. Does this shock you?

God doesn't need to do anything. God already spoke light, truth, into existence many thousands of years ago. Superior otherworldly intelligences found earth long before voyager was even conceived. People are responsible for themselves, for what they do or fail to do.

Some people wanted a perverted orange narcissistic megalomanic wannabe fascist dictator to lead, so thats what they got. If they realize they made a mistake that will not happen again.

What does God, real or imagined, have to do with any of that?

I don't know. If a giant being who is powerful enough to create the whole Universe showed up and laid down the law, I think everybody would believe that.

This supposedly superior being has also allowed Trump to exist. It's hard not question that.
If that wasn't clear enough for you I suggest its time for you to clean house. Purify your mind and be refined by extirpating every falsehood in your mind, every irrational unsubstantiated assumption, extirpate every idea planted in you that requires you to suspend disbelief and have blind faith. Jesus did not teach blind faith, he gave sight to the blind. Be open and see.

Like a computer with malware your brain has been hacked so that it doesn't function properly

Tend to the earth which is your mind. Make it fertile so that you may bear good fruit in plenty

Think of your consciousness as a vast ocean teeming with every sort of fish, some good to eat, some not, swimming every which way. Then sit on the beach and throw a great net into that ocean which is your mind and drag every fish ashore. Then calmly and methodically put the good fish in a bucket and throw the bad ones away, one by one, little by little, day by day.

There is no magic pill, no magic wand, no words that I can speak. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make it think. Do it and both God and Jesus will make themselves known to you.

Then stay awake and stand guard over the sanctity of your own mind for the rest of your life.

Its easy, but I can't do it for you.


I, on the other hand, can lead a horse to water but I can't make it drink. ;)
Went to RC schools 5th-12th. Was never told that God wills other religions to exist, rather He ALLOWS others to exist.
Sure he allows them to exist, Which is why he ordered his followers to slaughter Every man woman and child who refused to worship him in the old testament.
There is another way.

Without adding or subtracting or changing a single word there is an entire story, hidden between the lines, which is what I believe because it conforms to reality.

For instance the story of the creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth or the first plants, animals, and human beings.

What it is about is a story about the Law being given as a light to the nations, instruction which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true or false, life and death which created division and an upper class among slaves living on a flat earth, meaning they were all just out of Egypt, all former slaves, all equal.

The law created judges of the law, the sinners, the righteous and every other sort of human archetype compared to lower beasts, wolves, sheep, cattle, dogs, bottom feeders, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, vultures, creepy things that creep, brown nosed dorks etc.,

These metaphor are still being in use and have been to either praise or insult other people by every people of every nation, kingdom, tribe, and language ever since people could talk.

Nothing mysterious. There is no greater joy than seeing what I believe confirmed by reality.

So the bible can mean whatever you want it to mean

I always thought that because the bible was written by people and people invent religions which is why there have been so many different gods and religions in human history
Not exactly. Jewish people who wrote the Gospels witnessed the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life, and the enslavement, exile, and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men women and children. With these stories impossible to be understood by superstitious pagans they uploaded malware right into the belly of the beast which was Rome. It was their version of the nuclear option. Your mind is a mess because of it. See?

Still works like a charm.

If you want I can provide chapter and verse that proves that Jesus cursed 'the nations"

No, as I have already explained to you, what I have revealed that was hidden in the Bible vindicates the faith in Jesus that all Christians have had. It also vindicates the entire Jewish nation who have, from the beginning, rejected the fake Jesus created by Rome, and also vindicates every unbeliever who ever lived. I have created new firmament, a new basis and common ground where people of all faiths or no faith at all can come together and live in peace for at least 1000 years by putting the collective insanity of the shameful past away.

Unfortunately many will die clinging to their beloved delusions and religious flotsam. Oh well.


One will be taken, the other will be left behind.
More like prove His existence.
Why would he need to do that? Don't you think he knows he exists? Your problem is you have no realistic perception of God that anyone would accept as being reasonable approximation of such a complex abstract concept. That's why you are struggling and ask silly questions that you think proves something it doesn't.
I don't know. If a giant being who is powerful enough to create the whole Universe showed up and laid down the law, I think everybody would believe that.

This supposedly superior being has also allowed Trump to exist. It's hard not question that.
That's not all. This supposedly superior being allows children to die of cancer and get raped to death. It allowed terrorists to fly planes into the WTC. It allowed the coronavirus to kill millions of people. If you wanna be omniscient you gotta take responsibility,
That's not all. This supposedly superior being allows children to die of cancer and get raped to death. It allowed terrorists to fly planes into the WTC. It allowed the coronavirus to kill millions of people. If you wanna be omniscient you gotta take responsibility,
According to who? You would be wise to separate religion from God when pondering the existence of the first cause.
According to who? You would be wise to separate religion from God when pondering the existence of the first cause.
According to god. Omniscient? Omnipotent? Do you know what those words mean?
Why would he need to do that? Don't you think he knows he exists? Your problem is you have no realistic perception of God that anyone would accept as being reasonable approximation of such a complex abstract concept. That's why you are struggling and ask silly questions that you think proves something it doesn't.

I'm not struggling. It's pretty simple. Why can't God show himself and explain the true religion to all of us at the same time in all of our languages?
That's not all. This supposedly superior being allows children to die of cancer and get raped to death. It allowed terrorists to fly planes into the WTC. It allowed the coronavirus to kill millions of people. If you wanna be omniscient you gotta take responsibility,

Don't forget things like the earthquake in Morocco that killed thousands of people. Instead of stopping the earthquake, He apparently performed some miracles that saved 5 or 10 people instead.

That's some tough love.

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