The answer to why the Boston bombers did it:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Sudden Jihad Syndrome

Sudden Jihad Syndrome is a term coined by Daniel Pipes to describe Muslims that suddenly or unexpectedly turn against civilized, Western society and engage in acts of terror. [1]. Pipes has argued that due to this phenomenon all Muslims must be considered potential terrorists. [2]
Examples include:
John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo, the so-called Washington snipers. John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim convert, but some people allege that his motivations may not have been religious. [3] [4]
Ali Hassan Abu Kamal, a Palestinian school teacher who engaged in a shooting rampage on top of the Empire State Building. He killed one and wounded six before taking his own life.[5]
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an American Muslim born in Tehran who ran over students at the University of North Carolina to punish the United States. Taheri-azar was the first terrorist to be explicitly called an example of Sudden Jihad Syndrome by Daniel Pipes.[6]
Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar who shot up a movie theater in Baltimore.[7], * Rashid Baz, a Lebanese can driver living in New York City who shot at a van full of Orthodox Jews. [8]. In a burst of political correctness, the FBI initially refused to label this act a terrorist act.[8]
Sulejman Talovic, a Bosnian Muslim, opened fire in a Salt Lake City mall, killing five poeple before being shot dead by police.[9]
Sudden Jihad Syndrome

The tendency among supposedly Westernized Muslims living in the United States to unexpectedly lash out violently in an act of self-initiated Islamic terrorism.

Also abbreviated to “SJS” or “S.J.S.” Examples include Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar who drove his SUV into a crowd at the University of North Carolina in 2006, Naveed Alzal Haq who shot people at a Jewish Federation Center in Seattle also in 2006, Hesham Mohammed Hadayet who murdered people at the El Al terminal in the Los Angeles Airport in 2002 — among many others.

In all of these instances, the perpetrators had no known direct connection to any established group, and because of this the authorities inevitably refrain from describing their actions as “terrorism” — hence the sarcastic term “Sudden Jihad Syndrome.”

Urban Dictionary: sudden jihad syndrome
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Sudden Jihad Syndrome in Vienna
by Srdja Trifkovic
Austrian authorities announced on October 2 that they arrested a second Bosnian-Muslim suspect in the plot to attack the American Embassy in Vienna. Mehmed D. (34) was apprehended following the arrest of Asim C. (42) last Monday, after the latter tried to enter the Embassy carrying a backpack packed with grenades, plastic explosives, nails, screws and other metal fragments. This was a classic case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome; and the Austrian authorities’ reaction to it is depressingly familiar to those of us who have been following the ongoing SJS epidemic here in America.

That reaction has four key elements:

1. Denial that the attack is motivated by Islam;
2. Strong hint that the attacker is insane;
3. Assurance that the attacker(s) acted alone, and that there is no al-Qaeda link;
4. Prominent publicity to the Muslim “community’s” expressions of shock & horror.
Claim that—if the attacker is a Bosnian Muslim—his behavior was caused by the trauma of the 1990s war in which his people were supposedly the victims.

Like in a predictable soap opera, all five elements are at work in Vienna. This confirms what I have been saying for years: that the same Jihad-enabling pathology is at work on both sides of the Atlantic.
Sudden Jihad Sundrome instances in USA, 2001 to 2009:

SUDDEN JIHAD SYNDROME (SJS): Sudden Jihad Syndrome is individual or small, un-attached groups of radicalized Islamics who decide to carry out Jihad, or Holy War, against those amongst whom they live. It usually involves a single person, but may include small groups, who are radicalized in their Mosques, their readings, their conversations, or otherwise, and who then decide on their own to wage war against those whom they live amongst.
It is a very real and very dangerous occurance that a nation ignores, or tries to explain away with other politically correct or sociological explanations at their grave peril and risk. What follows are instances of SJS within the US since 9/11/2001. This list will be added to as more are discovered to have happened, or as new instances occur.
(List is not exhaustive, does not include major organized terror attempts, un-reported SJS, so-called "Honor" killings, etc.)
Date Description & Location Perpetrtor & Weapon Killed Injured

2002-0105 Bank of America cessna crash, Tampa, FL Charles Bishra (Airplane) 00 00

2002-0522 Armstrong International Airport shootings, New Orleans, LA Patrick Gott (gun) 01 01

2002-0705 LAX Airline counter shootings, Los Angeles, CA Hesham Mohamed Hadayet (gun) 02 05

2002-0908 Cleveland Heights bicycle shooter, Cleveland, OH Yusef DeJarnette (gun) 00 02

2002-1002 Beltway (& other) shootings, CA, AZ, TX, AL, MD, DC John Mohammed, Lee Malvo (gun) 17 05

2003-0323 Camp Pennsylvania sapper attack, Kuwait Sgt. Hasan Akbar (grenade, gun) 02 14

2004-0806 Muslim convert kills his Jewish friend, Houston, TX Mohammed Ali Alayed (knife) 01 00

2005-0111 Goodwin House retirement attack, Alexandria, VA Mustafa Mohamed (knife) 00 06

2005-1001 Univ of Oklahoma stadium bombing, Norman, OK Joel Henry Hinrichs III (bomb) 00 00

2005-1218 Home Depot car attack, Chandler, AZ Ali R. Warrayat (car, fire-bombs) 00 00

2006-0303 SUV attack, Univ of North Carolina, Chapill Hill, NC Mohammed Taheri-azar (car) 00 09

2006-0615 Movie Theater shooting, Baltimore, MD Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar (gun) 01 00

2006-0625 Safeway Warehouse shooting, Denver, CO Michael Julius Ford (gun) 01 05

2006-0728 Jewish Federation shooting, Seattle, WA Naveed Afzal Haq (gun) 01 05

2006-0830 SUV rampage, San Francisco, CA Omeed Aziz Popal (car) 01 19

2007-0212 Trolley Square Mall shooting, Salt Lake City, UT Sulejman Talovic (gun) 05 04

2007-0220 Vanderbilt car rampage, Nashville, TN Ibrahim Ahmed (car) 00 02

2007-1023 Homestead Air Force Base gate attack, Miami, FL Tahmeed Ahmad (knife-fire bomb) 00 00

2008-0812 Hospital employees attacked, Minneapolis, MN Somali Teens (minors not named) 00 02

2008-0908 Subway hammer attack, Philidelphia, PA Thomas Scantling (hammer) 00 01

2008-1103 Jewish Students attacked at UC Berkely, CA Husam Zakharia (fists) 00 02

2009-0601 Army recruiting station shooting, Little Rock, AR Abdulhakim Muhammad (gun) 01 01

2009-1105 Ft. Hood, Texas mass shooting, Killen, TX Major Nidal Hasan (gun) 13 29
Well with the recent bombings in Boston,it might not have been so sudden. Tonight's news now says they are looking into the murder of the older brothers roommate and two of his friends. They are also looking at violence that occurred overseas when the brother was visiting.
Well with the recent bombings in Boston,it might not have been so sudden. Tonight's news now says they are looking into the murder of the older brothers roommate and two of his friends. They are also looking at violence that occurred overseas when the brother was visiting.
Most of these jihadis can be stopped if we just stop the PC bullshit and start examining everything that goes on with Muslims more closely. They are simply using and abusing the inherent weaknesses within open society democracies such as the USA, in order to carry it these heinous acts.

Imagine if Christian infiltrators were running around in Muslim countries, blowing up totally innocent people in this fashion? Wow, I can't even imagine what Muslims would do to Christians. Non Muslims are already being persecuted and killed in Muslim countries, and they haven't even done anything!
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Well with the recent bombings in Boston,it might not have been so sudden. Tonight's news now says they are looking into the murder of the older brothers roommate and two of his friends. They are also looking at violence that occurred overseas when the brother was visiting.
Most of these jihadis can be stopped if we just stop the PC bullshit and start examining everything that goes on with Muslims more closely. They are simply using and abusing the inherent weaknesses within open society democracies such as the USA, in order to carry it these heinous acts.

Imagine if Christian infiltrators were running around in Muslim countries, blowing up totally innocent people in this fashion? Wow, I can't even imagine what Muslims would do to Christians. Non Muslims are already being persecuted and killed in Muslim countries, and they haven't even done anything!

Unfortunately it may take a few more attacks before Americans get to that point.

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