The Alternative Lifestyle: Some Good Advice for Women

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
It's Time to Change Parenting Expectations
By Lori Borgman, Indianapolis Star
December 10, 2007

We have let go of the expectation that the men who create babies will step up to the plate and become responsible husbands and fathers.

You know why the men skate? Because women let them. In unprecedented numbers, women are giving away the milk for free and then wondering why the bulls wander off to greener pastures.

And then the woman left with a child welcomes yet another man into the equation. The minute he saunters through the door, those children are 50 times as likely to die of inflicted injuries than if they were living with two biological parents. So says the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics

A few "boyfriend" news items from recent months:

In California, 6-year-old Oscar Jimenez Jr. was beaten to death, then buried under fertilizer and concrete.

In Arizona, Devon Shackleford, 2, was drowned in a swimming pool.

In Utah, 2-year-old Jayden Cangro died after being thrown across a room.

In Pennsylvania, police said a man watching his girlfriend's 14-month-old baby put the baby's head in the crook of his arm and squeezed until he "heard a popping noise," killing the child.

The boyfriend "accidentally" burns the baby's feet in the tub, "accidentally" lets the baby fall off the kitchen counter, or mom comes home from work and finds the kid "accidentally" got a black eye, bloody nose and skull fracture. And the woman lies, makes excuses, covers and chooses the boyfriend over her own flesh and blood.

It's time for women to grow a backbone and shove "accidental" out the door. It's time to rebuild a consensus of expectations, to quit pretending that all these alternative living arrangements have equal value.

No, I'm not judging a lifestyle. The lifestyle speaks for itself. Tragically, there's not always someone to speak for the kids.

for full article:
It's Time to Change Parenting Expectations
By Lori Borgman, Indianapolis Star
December 10, 2007

We have let go of the expectation that the men who create babies will step up to the plate and become responsible husbands and fathers.

You know why the men skate? Because women let them. In unprecedented numbers, women are giving away the milk for free and then wondering why the bulls wander off to greener pastures.

And then the woman left with a child welcomes yet another man into the equation. The minute he saunters through the door, those children are 50 times as likely to die of inflicted injuries than if they were living with two biological parents. So says the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics

A few "boyfriend" news items from recent months:

In California, 6-year-old Oscar Jimenez Jr. was beaten to death, then buried under fertilizer and concrete.

In Arizona, Devon Shackleford, 2, was drowned in a swimming pool.

In Utah, 2-year-old Jayden Cangro died after being thrown across a room.

In Pennsylvania, police said a man watching his girlfriend's 14-month-old baby put the baby's head in the crook of his arm and squeezed until he "heard a popping noise," killing the child.

The boyfriend "accidentally" burns the baby's feet in the tub, "accidentally" lets the baby fall off the kitchen counter, or mom comes home from work and finds the kid "accidentally" got a black eye, bloody nose and skull fracture. And the woman lies, makes excuses, covers and chooses the boyfriend over her own flesh and blood.

It's time for women to grow a backbone and shove "accidental" out the door. It's time to rebuild a consensus of expectations, to quit pretending that all these alternative living arrangements have equal value.

No, I'm not judging a lifestyle. The lifestyle speaks for itself. Tragically, there's not always someone to speak for the kids.

for full article:

Unfortunately, this is all much too true.
When women become truly liberated, they will stop sleeping around or settling for just any handsome face driving an expensive sports car. They will become self confident and highly selective in who they date and certainly who they consider for marriage. They will look for a guy who appreciates and respects women, who loves her, who wants a marriage for a lifetime and doesn't marry with the idea that if it doesn't work out, well divorce is quick and cheap anymore. She will look for a guy who expects to support a family, who loves kids, and who knows the importance of being a responsible role model for them and who wants a stable and lasting legacy for his grandchildren.

And she will see it as her obligation and pleasant duty to give such a man as much love, respect, encouragement, and support as he needs to fulfill his obligations to the family, and she will put the welfare of her children first knowing that in so doing, she is then truly free to then pursue guilt free whatever creative or meaningful goals she chooses to pursue.

In my opinion, such women are the happiest women on Earth, and men who marry them have the greatest chance for the greatest happiness, and the kids have the best possible circumstances anybody could want for them.

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