Zone1 The Alabama "boat brawl" has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Have any of you ever been around drunk boat people? They are totally obnoxious, aggressive and dumb as hell. Those guys would have atttacked anyone coming off that boat telling them to move . It had nothing to do with the guy being Black. He could have been White, Yellow, Brown, Red or Polka Dot and he would have been attacked. I've seen it at Lake Havasu and Cachuma Lake in Cali. Stupid drunk White people being stupid. But of course, this will be turned into another Trigger Bait video to fire up Democrats and their base just like I've been saying.
Have any of you ever been around drunk boat people? They are totally obnoxious, aggressive and dumb as hell. Those guys would have atttacked anyone coming off that boat telling them to move . It had nothing to do with the guy being Black. He could have been White, Yellow, Brown, Red or Polka Dot and he would have been attacked. I've seen it at Lake Havasu and Cachuma Lake in Cali. Stupid drunk White people being stupid. But of course, this will be turned into another Trigger Bait video to fire up Democrats and their base just like I've been saying.
It looks pretty bad with a bunch of white guys attack a lone black guy trying to do his job. Looked racial to me. I don't care if they were drunk or not.
It looks pretty bad with a bunch of white guys attack a lone black guy trying to do his job. Looked racial to me. I don't care if they were drunk or not.

From the video you could tell they were beating him him because of the color of his skin? Were you watching some special, different, video than the rest of us?
Would it look ok if a bunch of drunk white guys attacked a lone white guy?
No, but it would not look like mini-clan rally with an impromptu guest of honor. I hope they throw the book at those asshole.
From the video you could tell they were beating him him because of the color of his skin? Were you watching some special, different, video than the rest of us?
No. I guess you are just in to that kind of thing.
Probably, but so far the prosecutor has refrained from calling it a "hate crime".
Something tells me them crackers are equal opportunity shitbags.

I think the man who beat a little woman should get the worst charge.

Why is this in Zone1? Bah...
It looks pretty bad with a bunch of white guys attack a lone black guy trying to do his job. Looked racial to me. I don't care if they were drunk or not.
all that means is youre a racist because you leftist base everything on color of skin,,
Huh? I'll ask again, from the video how you could tell they were beating him him because of the color of his skin?
Looks can be deceiving, I admit, but more often than not, they aren't deceiving and what you see is what you got. It wouldn't be new thing down there in Alabama.

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