The Afterlife

What Happens After You Die?

  • Nothing (Decomposition)

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • You go to Heaven or Hell

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • You are born again as a human

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • You are born again as another living thing

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • You become spiritual oneness with the universe

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters
Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.
Christ is not consumed. And communion can and should be done at any time, anywhere and should be done often. It is merely a remembrance of what Christ did for our sake.
Do it in the morning with a piece of toast and a sip of coffee. It is not the protocol that is important. It is the act of remembering our Lord's sacrifice that we need to be thoughtful about.

You do not get the Eucharist , the real deal.

Honey, the Catholics have added to and taken away so much of the Bible, it is hardly recognizable any more. "Do this in remembrance of me" is Christ's reason for communion. That is all you need. All the rest is dogma.
Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.

He never seen Gods hand or Abraham never ate stew with him. My gosh do you understand figurative over literally interpretation. Do you understand men wrote this stuff. Christ's body no longer ages, who tells you this stuff.

When Moses was on the hill, this shadow passed over, in other woods the sun. Moses came down and had to wear a veil, as if he was a sun god.

Moses was ruthless leader and has many who did not follow him put to death, King David also. Do you not realize these are Jewish idols.
Christ is not consumed. And communion can and should be done at any time, anywhere and should be done often. It is merely a remembrance of what Christ did for our sake.
Do it in the morning with a piece of toast and a sip of coffee. It is not the protocol that is important. It is the act of remembering our Lord's sacrifice that we need to be thoughtful about.

You do not get the Eucharist , the real deal.

Honey, the Catholics have added to and taken away so much of the Bible, it is hardly recognizable any more. "Do this in remembrance of me" is Christ's reason for communion. That is all you need. All the rest is dogma.

They have taken away and added nothing to it. Just you Prots make it say what it doesn't.
Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.
No we know someone wrote that Moses said he saw god's hands.

See the difference there?

Add into the fact that the guy who wrote that Moses said he saw god's hands didn't hear it directly from Moses either but rather from a translation of a translation of a translation many many years after Moses was said to have lived.
Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.
No we know someone wrote that Moses said he saw god's hands.

See the difference there?

Add into the fact that the guy who wrote that Moses said he saw god's hands didn't hear it directly from Moses either but rather from a translation of a translation of a translation many many years after Moses was said to have lived.

No, Moses wrote about Moses. And the Torah remains intact. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the NT has remained in tact.
Whoever you think wrote it would have been the most prolific predicter that ever walked the earth. He would have been revered. You think someone just snuck a book full of eyewitness accounts in on us somehow?
I think that being disrespectful to Christianity is also being disrespectful to those who believe in that religion. If someone is scornful or intolerant of a religion then what does that say to those who follow it's beliefs and practices? It's like badmouthing a political point of view, those who support that view are going to feel disrespected. I didn't say you were an idiot, but what you believe in is really stupid. That is essentially what you're saying, but it doesn't fly.

Don't know about the company you keep, but in all my years I have never been threatened with damnation, hellfire, and brimstone if I don't accept Jesus Christ. Not once. If it happens then it's more a problem with the individual(s) doing the proselytizing than the religion. Did Jesus ever say to his disciples to go out into the world and scare the hell out of people to get them to believe? I'm not knowledgeable in the Bible, but where does it say in the New Testament to do that?

"I think that being disrespectful to Christianity is also being disrespectful to those who believe in that religion."

Could not disagree more. You are reserving special privileges for Christianity. If I criticized Astrology as utter nonsense and stupid, would you say the same? No. How about, a Ouija board? How about the idea that you will be rewarded with 72 virgins for blowing up infidels at a bus stop? You are reserving special privilege for Christianity. Now, before you get too defensive, that's not a value judgment. I haven't implied or argued there is anything wrong with reserving that special privilege. I am just trying to demonstrate the separation between criticizing a person and criticizing an idea, or a dogma.

I don't think disrespecting Astrology or Quija boards equates to dissing Christianity. A lotta people care very deeply about their Christian religion, not so many are gonna get too worked up over the other stuff Funny thing, people have a big problem with dissing Islam, can't hurt their feelings, oh no! Or any other religion for that matter. But no problem dissing Christianity, double standard maybe? Sometimes it appears as though every other religion is getting special privileges that Christianity isn't. When's the last time a gay person went into a muslim bakery and asked for a wedding cake? Why is that?

There's a difference between being critical and being intolerant and disrespectful. I can criticize Christianity for it's position on homosexuality, I think it's wrong, but that doesn't make them evil people or make Christianity an evil religion. That doesn't mean I can or should say some of the hateful things that have been posted in this thread about Christianity. Criticism is one thing, intolerance is another. You can be critical without being disrespectful; the same cannot be said about being intolerant.
So you afford special privileges to Christianity, because their followers are more sensitive. From where I stand, that's their problem, not ours.
Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.

He never seen Gods hand or Abraham never ate stew with him. My gosh do you understand figurative over literally interpretation. Do you understand men wrote this stuff. Christ's body no longer ages, who tells you this stuff.

When Moses was on the hill, this shadow passed over, in other woods the sun. Moses came down and had to wear a veil, as if he was a sun god.

Moses was ruthless leader and has many who did not follow him put to death, King David also. Do you not realize these are Jewish idols.

I absolutely know the difference in the two styles of writing, and can also identify them both in scripture. Not everything in the Bible can be explained by writing it off as being figurative.
What I think is odd is a partial belief. You believe there was a Moses, just not the one led by God. You believe in the Bible, just not what it says. If some idiot wrote it, why do you reference it? If the author made Moses into a good guy, following God, and you think Moses was a confused by a cloud serial killer, why believe anything else this clever trickster said? Why do you believe Moses had to shield himself from the sun? Who said?
And clever he was. Because he knew things that no man could verify until archeology could confirm it. And then predict thousands of years in advance? What What a guy! How has he kept his anonymity?

I have to get supper started, but I'll come back here in a little while.
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Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.

He never seen Gods hand or Abraham never ate stew with him. My gosh do you understand figurative over literally interpretation. Do you understand men wrote this stuff. Christ's body no longer ages, who tells you this stuff.

When Moses was on the hill, this shadow passed over, in other woods the sun. Moses came down and had to wear a veil, as if he was a sun god.

Moses was ruthless leader and has many who did not follow him put to death, King David also. Do you not realize these are Jewish idols.

I absolutely know the difference in the two styles of writing, and can also identify them both in scripture. Not everything in the Bible can be explained by writing it off as being figurative.
What I think is odd is a partial belief. You believe there was a Moses, just not the one led by God. You believe in the Bible, just not what it says. If some idiot wrote it, why do you reference it? If the author made Moses into a good guy, following God, and you think Moses was a confused by a cloud serial killer, why believe anything else this clever trickster said? Why do you believe Moses had to shield himself from the sun? Who said?
And clever he was. Because he knew things that no man could verify until archeology could confirm it. And then predict thousands of years in advance? What What a guy! How has he kept his anonymity?

I have to get supper started, but I'll come back here in a little while.

Whoever Moses was and yes a killer. High up on a mountain, for so long , yes I imagine he did. The exodus never happened as told in the books. Its all man made, stories elaborated and passed down and then wrote down. Moses might of led some lepers out of a town, they may of been kicked out. They believed leprosy was the cause of sin and pr pigs.
Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods. The people, who had been collected after diligent search, finding themselves left in a desert, sat for the most part in a stupor of grief, till one of the exiles, Moyses by name, warned them not to look for any relief from God or man, forsaken as they were of both, but to trust to themselves, taking for their heaven-sent leader that man who should first help them to be quit of their present misery. They agreed, and in utter ignorance began to advance at random. Nothing, however, distressed them so much as the scarcity of water, and they had sunk ready to perish in all directions over the plain, when a herd of wild asses was seen to retire from their pasture to a rock shaded by trees. Moyses followed them, and, guided by the appearance of a grassy spot, discovered an abundant spring of water. This furnished relief. After a continuous journey for six days, on the seventh they possessed themselves of a country, from which they expelled the inhabitants, and in which they founded a city and a temple.

Moyses, wishing to secure for the future his authority over the nation, gave them a novel form of worship, opposed to all that is practised by other men. Things sacred with us, with them have no sanctity, while they allow what with us is forbidden. In their holy place they have consecrated an image of the animal by whose guidance they found deliverance from their long and thirsty wanderings. They slay the ram, seemingly in derision of Hammon, and they sacrifice the ox, because the Egyptians worship it as Apis. They abstain from swine's flesh, in consideration of what they suffered when they were infected by the leprosy to which this animal is liable. By their frequent fasts they still bear witness to the long hunger of former days, and the Jewish bread, made without leaven, is retained as a memorial of their hurried seizure of corn. We are told that the rest of the seventh day was adopted, because this day brought with it a termination of their toils; after a while the charm of indolence beguilded them into giving up the seventh year also to inaction. But others say that it is an observance in honour of Saturn, either from the primitive elements of their faith having been transmitted from the Idaei, who are said to have shared the flight of that God, and to have founded the race, or from the circumstance that of the seven stars which rule the destinies of men Saturn moves in the highest orbit and with the mightiest power, and that many of the heavenly bodies complete their revolutions and courses in multiples of seven.

The Internet Classics Archive | The Histories by Tacitus
Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.
No we know someone wrote that Moses said he saw god's hands.

See the difference there?

Add into the fact that the guy who wrote that Moses said he saw god's hands didn't hear it directly from Moses either but rather from a translation of a translation of a translation many many years after Moses was said to have lived.

No, Moses wrote about Moses. And the Torah remains intact. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the NT has remained in tact.
Whoever you think wrote it would have been the most prolific predicter that ever walked the earth. He would have been revered. You think someone just snuck a book full of eyewitness accounts in on us somehow?

There were no eyewitness accounts.

Everything in the bible is fifth or sixth hand at best
When we die, we go to the world of spirits. The world of spirits is on this earth and is a place for those who are disembodied spirits who have lived on this earth. It is there that they await their resurrection and judgment. But it is not just a waiting place but also a place where men and women who did not hear the gospel in this life have a chance to hear it before their judgment. For this reason was the gospel preached to those who are dead.

1 Peter 4:6
6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

In this way God is fair to all his children and gives them a chance to receive his gospel and enter his kingdom. He also has made it possible for them to receive ordinances such as baptism and this is why we baptize for the dead as was taught by the Apostle Paul.

1 Corinthians 15:29
29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

Eventually every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. Once everyone has had the chance to hear the gospel and decide to accept or reject it, they will stand before the Lord in judgment and be judged according their works.

2 Corinthians 5:10
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

Upon judgment, we will go to either a celestial, terrestrial, or telestial kingdom if we have not committed the unpardonable sin. In the case of those who commit an unpardonable sin, they will go to outer darkness.

A detailed revelation on the subject can be found here: D & C 76

One4, if that is true then Christ lied. He said His Father's place has many mansions, and that was where He was going. To build mansions for us. Then He said He was coming back for those that belong to Him. He will be in the air when He calls us home. His feet never touch the ground. They will touch the ground when He returns to end WW3. And HIS bride, those who accepted His gift of propitiation, will be right behind him. And in the flesh. Just like Him.
The rest of your interpretation isn't recognizable as scripture. You simply made up the end or your post.
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The spiritualist view (which is supported by speaking with the spirit world) is that we do indeed go to a higher dimension after we die. But that is the real world and the physical universe is simply a plane of experience.
We spend some time in the spirit world and most of us eventually realize we cannot evolve further unless we reincarnate. Because there is no pressure in the spirit world and we cannot resolve our karma.
So we reincarnate as humans (not lower animals) and continue to evolve through as many incarnations as it takes to reach a state of grace where we no longer need further incarnations. After that we continue to evolve as immortal spirits.
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?
Don't forget Purgatory.

You are obviously not up on your Catholic doctrine.

Or else you slept through catechism.

Catholicism is cultish and very damaging

No Catholicism is not a cult, it the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, what is a cult is Evangelicals and Fundamentalist. Without RC you would not have the Bible or Christianity.
Oh please. *eye roll*
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?
Don't forget Purgatory.

You are obviously not up on your Catholic doctrine.

Or else you slept through catechism.

Catholicism is cultish and very damaging

No Catholicism is not a cult, it the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, what is a cult is Evangelicals and Fundamentalist. Without RC you would not have the Bible or Christianity.
Oh please. *eye roll*

Oh please, :rolleyes:, Evangelicals and Prots are the cults of Christianity.

As the oldest form of Christianity, along with the ancient Orthodox Church, the non-Chalcedonian or Oriental Churches and the Church of the East,[1] the history of the Roman Catholic Church is integral to the history of Christianity as a whole. This article covers a period of just under two thousand years.

Over time, schisms have disrupted the unity of Christianity. The major divisions occurred in c.144 with Marcionism,[2] 318 with Arianism, 1054 to 1449 (see East–West Schism) during which time the Orthodox Churches of the East parted ways with the Western Church over doctrinal issues (see the filioque) and papal primacy, and in 1517 with the Protestant Reformation. The Roman Catholic Church has been the driving force behind some of the major events of world history including the Christianization of Western and Central Europe and Latin America, the spreading of literacy and the foundation of the universities, hospitals, the Western tradition of monasticism, the development of art and music, literature, architecture, contributions to the scientific method, just war theory and trial by jury. Roman Catholicism has played a powerful role in global affairs, including the Reconquista, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Investiture Controversy, the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire, and the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe in the late 20th century

Timeline of the Catholic Church - Wikipedia
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The Roman Catholic Church claims that salvation is by grace through the shed blood of Christ on the cross. But in practice and other teachings, how true is their affirmation of that crucial doctrine?

Historically, Roman Catholicism has maintained that Jesus merely made the way open for salvation. But to enter into that salvation, one must live in obedience to the authority of the papacy. In addition, Jesus' provision for salvation not being complete, the Church offers other means to assure one's salvation.

It is through the Roman Catholic Church alone that salvation in its fullest sense can be attained.
Most of you who despise the RCC should really go by Judaic and Muslim afterlife as that is what you'd be if not for the RCC.
The Roman Catholic Church claims that salvation is by grace through the shed blood of Christ on the cross. But in practice and other teachings, how true is their affirmation of that crucial doctrine?

Historically, Roman Catholicism has maintained that Jesus merely made the way open for salvation. But to enter into that salvation, one must live in obedience to the authority of the papacy. In addition, Jesus' provision for salvation not being complete, the Church offers other means to assure one's salvation.

It is through the Roman Catholic Church alone that salvation in its fullest sense can be attained.

You darn right we believe in our actions and the Pope doesn't expect anything of one that a preacher does not.
I have yet to meet a pope and also a Priest never bossed me around. We are taught free will. We depend on the honor system.
Indulgence - Wikipedia

You have a problem with living a life of integrity, and want to depend on what Jesus did at the cross, all your sins are upon him, is a real true cop out,
same as predestination , gives one an excuse for anything they want to do. We all have free will.

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