The affirmative case for Christianity

Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. .

I couldn't read past the first sentence without calling you out on the BS & managing to not show any of these things you mention.
Shall we review the game tape?
Excuse the vulgarity it's as it was written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."
Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

4/12/16 7:39AM
Crusader Frank quoted:
Can you read the bile, venom and hatred dripping from their posts? Guno is a miserable old Commie fart who probably got the HIV from being passed back and forth from Fidel to Raoul

Proof they lie or like abusing disabled people;
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willingly repeated sins against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

2/29/2016 at 8:08 AM
hobelim quoted:
Take another harder look.
I said nothing too deep or complicated or arcane for even a grade school child to understand.

4/2/2016 at 9:54 AM
hobelim said:
Why is it that every time that I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out?

12:12pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted to some forum poster:
Christ had nothing to do with that. You are proof that crazies exist.
3:57 pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted:
Well fool, like I stated, that was a bunch of crazies years past. Now, in your own case, you are a present day nut job.

7:05 PM 2/10/16
HenryBHough Quoted:
So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!
No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

5:18PM 2/4/2016
Eaglewings quote:
You need a serious shower to wash off all that creepiness..

5:50 2/4/2016 Unsored2008 quoted:
So HOW much LSD did you take in the 60's?

12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

12/30/15 at 5:14 PM
1 death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joeseph Stalin
Othodox Jews have more than their share of moonbats in their midst.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

(Rest cut off-truncated too long list of evidence.)

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic just as they notice taking place in Political debates at how the left demonizes the opponents instead of addressing policies.
It's exactly why Ad Hominem responses to "unpopular truths" is an important first instruction chapter of my book. If you can't recognize how we avoid truths by tactical smokescreening then we can never allow truth to set us free from bondage of denial.
Last edited:
Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. .

I couldn't read past the first sentence without calling you out on the BS & managing to not show any of these things you mention.
Shall we review the game tape?
Excuse the vulgarity it's as it was written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."
Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

4/12/16 7:39AM
Crusader Frank quoted:
Can you read the bile, venom and hatred dripping from their posts? Guno is a miserable old Commie fart who probably got the HIV from being passed back and forth from Fidel to Raoul

Proof they lie or like abusing disabled people;
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willingly repeated sins against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

2/29/2016 at 8:08 AM
hobelim quoted:
Take another harder look.
I said nothing too deep or complicated or arcane for even a grade school child to understand.

4/2/2016 at 9:54 AM
hobelim said:
Why is it that every time that I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out?

12:12pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted to some forum poster:
Christ had nothing to do with that. You are proof that crazies exist.
3:57 pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted:
Well fool, like I stated, that was a bunch of crazies years past. Now, in your own case, you are a present day nut job.

7:05 PM 2/10/16
HenryBHough Quoted:
So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!
No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

5:18PM 2/4/2016
Eaglewings quote:
You need a serious shower to wash off all that creepiness..

5:50 2/4/2016 Unsored2008 quoted:
So HOW much LSD did you take in the 60's?

12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

12/30/15 at 5:14 PM
1 death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joeseph Stalin
Othodox Jews have more than their share of moonbats in their midst.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

(Rest cut off-truncated too long list of evidence.)

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic just as they notice taking place in Political debates at how the left demonizes the opponents instead of addressing policies.
It's exactly why Ad Hominem responses to "unpopular truths" is an important first instruction chapter of my book. If you can't recognize how we avoid truths by tactical smokescreening then we can never allow truth to set us free from bondage of denial.
That is quite a cultural Marxist critical theory argument you have going there. Unfortunately for you objectivity requires seeing the whole picture and by any objective measure Christianity has been a force for good.

Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Christianity is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Christians and Christian institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.Christians and Christian institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Christianity brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Christianity gave us America. Christianity gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
LOL, he stuck his head back in his shell and went into auto-repeat mode.
Winning arguments are winning hands. Would you rather I start discussing militant atheism? Of course there really is no affirmative case for militant atheism. So what I provide will be a factual examination of a failed behavior.
LOL, he stuck his head back in his shell and went into auto-repeat mode.
Winning arguments are winning hands. Would you rather I start discussing militant atheism? Of course there really is no affirmative case for militant atheism. So what I provide will be a factual examination of a failed behavior.
Except that you declared yourself the winner using your own criteria. You are highly dishonest. Who said anything about militant atheism? I haven't even said anything about atheism. The thread was supposed to make the case for Christianity and you've demonstrated that it's an arrogant condescending belief system. Why would one defeat their own argument?
The reply proved my point, no Teshuva seen in it, thus no recognition of guilt just excuses.
The Charity is Abrahamic and Torah influenced, however not all charity is for righteous reasons, look at how Radicals used charities as fronts to gain trust, support, and popularity. The church uses it for the same end game of not doing good for sake of good but to manipulate the people or situation for self gain by making it about Christian charity to sign up future contributors and supporters. (Harvesting future crops for future seed money=Baal scam 101).
In some cases the Charity is a front to funnel money like the Clintons did, and other times it is used to access and abuse children or used for political stances.
Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, etc all claim to do charity too.
You all have ulterior motives otherwise you would not need to announce it & take credit or seek validation of it.
-Phoebe Buffay (Friend's sitcom fictional character )
LOL, he stuck his head back in his shell and went into auto-repeat mode.
Winning arguments are winning hands. Would you rather I start discussing militant atheism? Of course there really is no affirmative case for militant atheism. So what I provide will be a factual examination of a failed behavior.
Except that you declared yourself the winner using your own criteria. You are highly dishonest. Who said anything about militant atheism? I haven't even said anything about atheism. The thread was supposed to make the case for Christianity and you've demonstrated that it's an arrogant condescending belief system. Why would one defeat their own argument?
No, I did not declare anything and it wouldn't change anything if I had. Winning hands are winning hands and until they no longer win will be winning hands. Of course I am going to repeat my beliefs, they are winning hands and of course you will cry about it for that very same reason.

In fact, here they are again. Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Christianity is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Christians and Christian institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.Christians and Christian institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Christianity brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Christianity gave us America. Christianity gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Last edited:
Nobody wins when Christian charity brings forth an extra 100 million Baal worshiping
pide pipers.
Nobody wins when Radical masked charitys brings forth an extra couple hundred thousand extremists.
Nobody wins when Christian charity brings forth an extra 100 million Baal worshiping
pide pipers.
Nobody wins when Radical masked charitys brings forth an extra couple hundred thousand extremists.
I seems that the Jews have a few extremest of their own. Aren't you the one who thinks he is God's top prophet? Or did I confuse you with another Jewish extremist?
So you are saying Jesus was an extremist?
Damn you like to hit your character going after others. It's like Watching
Wile E. Coyote of the theology forum.
Goodness you do have a hard time thinking in the spirit. People are extremist. Jesus works a work in them for they can be at peace.
Goodness you do have a hard time thinking in the spirit. People are extremist. Jesus works a work in them for they can be at peace.
He literally believes that he is God's top prophet. Ask him.
He literally believes that he is God's top prophet. Ask him.
Ding literally thinks the diaper wearing idol cross is his god.
Ask him who the idol's father is. :)
tmp_21715-king of ding1677336709.jpg
The Woman crowned by the SUN
shows off her hell fire flaming
Luciferous heart. Then turns to us and says:
"I can't believe it's not butter"
source for the:
mystery of the luciferous heart
“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this *as to a lamp shining in a dark place*, until the day dawns and the morning star (*LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19

*[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
The Woman crowned by the SUN
shows off her hell fire flaming
Luciferous heart. Then turns to us and says:
"I can't believe it's not butter"
View attachment 117385
source for the:
mystery of the luciferous heart
“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this *as to a lamp shining in a dark place*, until the day dawns and the morning star (*LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19

*[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
Are you The Archangel Michael?
Utter nonsense, self-serving and patently untrue. These days, and very likely throughout its history, christianity is nothing more than an excuse for hatred and bullying. I cannot remember the last time I heard of anything worthwhile or constructive being put forward or accomplished by religion.

The only thing that christianity does is preach hate for any who obey their screwy rules of what they arbitrarily decide is normal. If you don't fit in, you are ostracized and punished while they simultaneously demand you pony up at least 10% of your income, which in turn, is used to advertise so more are roped in.

Charities? Please. If churches gave a good god damn, the homeless would be welcome to be warm and fed. Instead they freeze to death while churches are locked up tight and parishioners pretend they care.

Religion does nothing to "bind communities together". Indeed, it's just opposite. The christian church has never held life to be sacred - unless, of course, you're a fetus. After birth, christians simply don't care all that much. Christianity did not work to end slavery. Individuals sought to end the buying and selling of people, but not Christianity, as a whole.

Because of slavery and other cruelty, Charles Darwin questioned his faith and, for some years, had nothing to do with religion.

I've thought a lot about this and the time I've seen a church actually do good in their community was a Hare Krishna compound who fed the homeless and hungry. I've volunteers for the homeless for years and I have yet to see christians involved. What I have seen many many times, are holier than thou people preaching about how much good they do.

IMO, real Christians let their actions speak for my experience, those who feel they must bray and brag about what good christians they are actually do little to nothing to leave the planet better for their having been here.

Self congratulating is not what Jesus taught.

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Are you The Archangel Michael?

Is that popsicle stick man hanging above your bedboard your god and does he approve of the things you do there or do you just place tape over his eyes or turn him around towards the wall??
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