The adults had to step in.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
For Americans this election and it consequences have been an awakening that the Republican Party has become the party of adults while the Democratic Party is the party of pampered, protected children who have yet to learn that you can’t always get what you want. As the losing side in this past election struggles through the winter of its discontent we must explore this emergent paradigm and draw a conclusion that the adults have spoken and the children are going to have to live with their decision that the some of the toys they wanted are inappropriate and unaffordable. Saying no is never easy but there comes a time in the lives of spoiled offspring when the adults have to step in and utter that word. It is a painful collision with reality for the denied but a necessary lesson in life and politics. The adults have some responsibility because not saying “no” enough and following through on that word is what has spoiled the child.

The first response of the child is often the tantrum state which can be chaotic and disruptive. The anger, frustration and disappointment experienced by the child can cause behavior very similar to oppositional defiant disorder where no amount of imparted reasoning can supplant the instinctively destructive knee-jerk reaction to lash out at the authority figure that they believe has unjustly deprived them of something they wanted.

Riots and protests in Oregon, California, Washington, Pennsylvania and Connecticut have been in the news in the first days after the election as the enraged disaffected take to the streets and pitch a fit before the whole world. They burn flags, destroy property, disrupt traffic and taunt police. They do it not for some grand purpose like the demonstrator who stood in front of tanks in Tiananmen Square but because they wanted something and didn’t get it.

We have to go back to 1964 to see where this all started. Lyndon Johnson’s ear was dominated by academics and social left wingers when his War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society programs that went into effect in 1965. They managed to convince Johnson that it was possible to steer the behavior of the people and produce artificial outcomes for the benefit of society. This departure from the philosophies of free market strategies put the country on the same dark path of central planning that destroyed the Soviet Union.

The problem with central planners is that they stick to the plan in spite of compelling evidence that the plan doesn’t work. The imposition of a particular worldview is the driving force behind central planning so even in the face of failure and clear proof that the plan does more harm than good they stay the course. Colleges and universities in the United States have become fertile ground for central planning so there has been a subtle shift from traditional education to a kind of cultural mind poisoning to promote central planning as a preferred approach because these institutions benefit directly through taxation.

The Democrats are using academia to propagate humanity that is emotionally stunted to follow through with their Great Society plan. Several prestigious American universities have been offering therapy dogs, cry-ins, coloring books, Play Doh and hot chocolate served by staff to help students cope with the trauma shock of an election that didn’t go their way. You see, the fragile little snowflakes are distraught because the working class that pays for everything is not following the plan as it is written on the tablets of the Great Society.

This is not like the old days when those in charge just told you to suck it up and get over it. Now we have sensitivities and micro aggressions to consider. Our society, indeed our civilization was built by men like John Adams and Ben Franklin. The brats on many of today’s college campuses seem to have some kind of deranged preoccupation with Saul Alinsky and Peter Pan. It’s tough, it’s hard but we all have to grow up. The adults had to step in and now we are going to have a new president. Such is life-it’s not Armageddon.
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For Americans this election and it consequences have been an awakening that the Republican Party has become the party of adults while the Democratic Party is the party of pampered, protected children who have yet to learn that you can’t always get what you want. As the losing side in this past election struggles through the winter of its discontent we must explore this emergent paradigm and draw a conclusion that the adults have spoken and the children are going to have to live with their decision that the some of the toys they wanted are inappropriate and unaffordable. Saying no is never easy but there comes a time in the lives of spoiled offspring when the adults have to step in and utter that word. It is a painful collision with reality for the denied but a necessary lesson in life and politics. The adults have some responsibility because not saying “no” enough and following through on that word is what has spoiled the child.

The first response of the child is often the tantrum state which can be chaotic and disruptive. The anger, frustration and disappointment experienced by the child can cause behavior very similar to oppositional defiant disorder where no amount of imparted reasoning can supplant the instinctively destructive knee-jerk reaction to lash out at the authority figure that they believe has unjustly deprived them of something they wanted.

Riots and protests in Oregon, California, Washington, Pennsylvania and Connecticut have been in the news in the first days after the election as the enraged disaffected take to the streets and pitch a fit before the whole world. They burn flags, destroy property, disrupt traffic and taunt police. They do it not for some grand purpose like the demonstrator who stood in front of tanks in Tiananmen Square but because they wanted something and didn’t get it.

We have to go back to 1964 to see where this all started. Lyndon Johnson’s ear was dominated by academics and social left wingers when his War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society programs that went into effect in 1965. They managed to convince Johnson that it was possible to steer the behavior of the people and produce artificial outcomes for the benefit of society. This departure from the philosophies of free market strategies put the country on the same dark path of central planning that destroyed the Soviet Union.

The problem with central planners is that they stick to the plan in spite of compelling evidence that the plan doesn’t work. The imposition of a particular worldview is the driving force behind central planning so even in the face of failure and clear proof that the plan does more harm than good they stay the course. Colleges and universities in the United States have become fertile ground for central planning so there has been a subtle shift from traditional education to a kind of cultural mind poisoning to promote central planning as a preferred approach because these institutions benefit directly through taxation.

The Democrats are using academia to propagate humanity that is emotionally stunted to follow through with their Great Society plan. Several prestigious American universities have been offering therapy dogs, cry-ins, coloring books, Play Doh and hot chocolate served by staff to help students cope with the trauma shock of an election that didn’t go their way. You see, the fragile little snowflakes are distraught because the working class that pays for everything is not following the plan as it is written on the tablets of the Great Society.

This is not like the old days when those in charge just told you to suck it up and get over it. Now we have sensitivities and micro aggressions to consider. Our society, indeed our civilization was built by men like John Adams and Ben Franklin. The brats on many on today’s college campuses seem to have some kind of deranged preoccupation with Saul Alinsky and Peter Pan. It’s tough, it’s hard but we all have to grow up. The adults had to step in and now we are going to have a new president. Such is life-it’s not Armageddon.

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