The actual truth? There is so little racism in America, democrat party race hustlers have to make it up..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte describes the sad state of race hustling in America....... they can't even fake a noose anymore....

When people desperately need something that is no longer available, they improvise, they invent, they make it up.

When Sharpton, Geist, and Wallace are so desperate to exploit an act of racism that they are willing to look that ridiculous inventing one, what we have here is a demand for racism that far exceeds the supply.

There is proof of this supply problem all over the place. For instanceā€¦

Did you know that the NASCAR ā€œnooseā€ is the ninth noose hoax in as many years?

This is the ninth time the media and the left have invented a noose hoax to frame America as racist.

As far as overall hate hoaxes, we are now in the hundredsā€¦ Thatā€™s right, in just a few years, there have literally been over a hundred hate hoaxes perpetrated by the media and the left to frame America as racist.

How great of a country is America?

How tolerant of a country is America?

How not-racist is America?

America is so great, is so not-racist, is so tolerant that in 2015, and in a country with more than 300 million people, the left and the media were forced to claim that a Hispanic man who shot and killed a black youth in self defense was a white racist hunting back people. The following year, the left and media were so lacking in actual acts of racism to exploit they were forced to use a coloring book called ā€œHands Up, Donā€™t Shoot.ā€

The leftā€™s demand for racism so far exceeds the demand thatā€¦

  • It is now racist to demand action to stop the violence in Chicago.
  • It is now racist to say ā€œAll Lives Matter.ā€
  • It is now racist to be colorblind.
  • It is now racist to not acknowledge the color of someone elseā€™s skin and not treat them different because their experiences are different, or something.
  • Abraham Lincoln is racist.
  • Ulysses S. Grant is racist.
  • Criticizing the burning and looting of predominantly black neighborhoods is racist.
  • Criticizing Barack Obama for anything is racist.
Thereā€™s so little racism in America that whenever the media happen upon an actual act of racism, itā€™s the biggest story in the world for days, sometimes weeks.

And hereā€™s my favoriteā€¦

The leftā€™s demand for racism so exceeds the supply, they have invented the coloring book of ā€œunconscious racismā€ or ā€œunconscious bias.ā€

John Nolte describes the sad state of race hustling in America....... they can't even fake a noose anymore....

When people desperately need something that is no longer available, they improvise, they invent, they make it up.

When Sharpton, Geist, and Wallace are so desperate to exploit an act of racism that they are willing to look that ridiculous inventing one, what we have here is a demand for racism that far exceeds the supply.

There is proof of this supply problem all over the place. For instanceā€¦

Did you know that the NASCAR ā€œnooseā€ is the ninth noose hoax in as many years?

This is the ninth time the media and the left have invented a noose hoax to frame America as racist.

As far as overall hate hoaxes, we are now in the hundredsā€¦ Thatā€™s right, in just a few years, there have literally been over a hundred hate hoaxes perpetrated by the media and the left to frame America as racist.

How great of a country is America?

How tolerant of a country is America?

How not-racist is America?

America is so great, is so not-racist, is so tolerant that in 2015, and in a country with more than 300 million people, the left and the media were forced to claim that a Hispanic man who shot and killed a black youth in self defense was a white racist hunting back people. The following year, the left and media were so lacking in actual acts of racism to exploit they were forced to use a coloring book called ā€œHands Up, Donā€™t Shoot.ā€

The leftā€™s demand for racism so far exceeds the demand thatā€¦

  • It is now racist to demand action to stop the violence in Chicago.
  • It is now racist to say ā€œAll Lives Matter.ā€
  • It is now racist to be colorblind.
  • It is now racist to not acknowledge the color of someone elseā€™s skin and not treat them different because their experiences are different, or something.
  • Abraham Lincoln is racist.
  • Ulysses S. Grant is racist.
  • Criticizing the burning and looting of predominantly black neighborhoods is racist.
  • Criticizing Barack Obama for anything is racist.
Thereā€™s so little racism in America that whenever the media happen upon an actual act of racism, itā€™s the biggest story in the world for days, sometimes weeks.

And hereā€™s my favoriteā€¦

The leftā€™s demand for racism so exceeds the supply, they have invented the coloring book of ā€œunconscious racismā€ or ā€œunconscious bias.ā€

My best friend is in the picture of my avatar, my son is married to a Peruvian, my wife's cousins once removed are married to black men. Yet i am called a racist all the time, and i have no idea what it is like to be a black man. Of course a black man doesnt know what it is like to be a white man, who was discriminated against because i was young, white and a male, and was overlooked because the employer had a quota to fill...I left that job for anther one, and that black man was soon fired as being incompetent. Allow the left to instill fear in your company, that company will soon go under...That is liberal equality...
John Nolte describes the sad state of race hustling in America....... they can't even fake a noose anymore....

When people desperately need something that is no longer available, they improvise, they invent, they make it up.

When Sharpton, Geist, and Wallace are so desperate to exploit an act of racism that they are willing to look that ridiculous inventing one, what we have here is a demand for racism that far exceeds the supply.

There is proof of this supply problem all over the place. For instanceā€¦

Did you know that the NASCAR ā€œnooseā€ is the ninth noose hoax in as many years?

This is the ninth time the media and the left have invented a noose hoax to frame America as racist.

As far as overall hate hoaxes, we are now in the hundredsā€¦ Thatā€™s right, in just a few years, there have literally been over a hundred hate hoaxes perpetrated by the media and the left to frame America as racist.

How great of a country is America?

How tolerant of a country is America?

How not-racist is America?

America is so great, is so not-racist, is so tolerant that in 2015, and in a country with more than 300 million people, the left and the media were forced to claim that a Hispanic man who shot and killed a black youth in self defense was a white racist hunting back people. The following year, the left and media were so lacking in actual acts of racism to exploit they were forced to use a coloring book called ā€œHands Up, Donā€™t Shoot.ā€

The leftā€™s demand for racism so far exceeds the demand thatā€¦

  • It is now racist to demand action to stop the violence in Chicago.
  • It is now racist to say ā€œAll Lives Matter.ā€
  • It is now racist to be colorblind.
  • It is now racist to not acknowledge the color of someone elseā€™s skin and not treat them different because their experiences are different, or something.
  • Abraham Lincoln is racist.
  • Ulysses S. Grant is racist.
  • Criticizing the burning and looting of predominantly black neighborhoods is racist.
  • Criticizing Barack Obama for anything is racist.
Thereā€™s so little racism in America that whenever the media happen upon an actual act of racism, itā€™s the biggest story in the world for days, sometimes weeks.

And hereā€™s my favoriteā€¦

The leftā€™s demand for racism so exceeds the supply, they have invented the coloring book of ā€œunconscious racismā€ or ā€œunconscious bias.ā€

My best friend is in the picture of my avatar, my son is married to a Peruvian, my wife's cousins once removed are married to black men. Yet i am called a racist all the time, and i have no idea what it is like to be a black man. Of course a black man doesnt know what it is like to be a white man, who was discriminated against because i was young, white and a male, and was overlooked because the employer had a quota to fill...I left that job for anther one, and that black man was soon fired as being incompetent. Allow the left to instill fear in your company, that company will soon go under...That is liberal equality...

Well stated. No man can ever know what it's like to live in another man's shoes. Race's got nothing to do with it unless someone makes it about race.
A few years back we had charges of racism jump from college campus to college campus all summer...every single story was proven to be false.

Treyvon Martin and mike brown died of their own thuggery. Obamas AG eric holder said that "hands up don't shoot" was a lie.

Then you have jusse smolett...and now buba what's his face...the shit's getting old & tired! Time to give it a rest.
More white guys telling us about how there is no racism...Next you can tell us there is no sexism or elderly abuse...
prove racism is a greater problem than blacks committing crimes
....where is this HUGE problem of racism?
AND you make it seem like blacks are INHUMAN--they are perfect--they don't murder whites/commit hate crimes/are racist/etc
..whites 5 times the population of blacks:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 500
More white guys telling us about how there is no racism...Next you can tell us there is no sexism or elderly abuse...
..there is racism----- on both sides--but it is a very VERY small amount compared to what's in the news/etc
You ain't seen "racism" until those race hustlers (like the reverend on MSNBC) take over the country!
The funny thing....the party of racism...the democrat party, is openly discriminating against Asian Americans........and have the nerve to say they aren't the party of racism....

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