The ACA Taffy Pull


Sep 23, 2010
[ame=]Taffy Puller Machine - YouTube[/ame]​

The Affordable Care Act is a taffy pulling machine to Democrats. Keep it running until the parasites get what they want —— then force the public to eat the taffy piece by piece.

A long running lie says the ACA is forcing hospitals to fire staff, or so the lie goes. Now that defunding the ACA is in the news the old lie is being moved up to big news. Yesterday there was a story all over TV about a large hospital being force to cut staff, and services, etc. I don’t recall which hospital it was. No matter. The lie covers them all:

Medicare Cuts, Obamacare Prompt Hospital Layoffs
BY: Mary Lou Byrd
September 13, 2013 12:00 pm

Medicare Cuts, Obamacare Prompt Hospital Layoffs | Washington Free Beacon

I can’t speak to patient care, but Democrat liars plan on replacing discharged hospital workers with some of Nancy Pelosi’s 4,000,000 “new jobs.” Don’t worry folks. There will be plenty of new jobs for first time parasites when Pelosi’s four million rises to ten million in the next decade.

[ame=" _detailpage"] _detailpage[/ame]​

Unions leaders are also pushing for relief from the ACA; meaning they want their union members in the healthcare industry paid with tax dollars rather than paid out of a hospital’s income. In short: Discharge hospital staff temporarily then rehire them at the expense of taxpayers. Naturally, incomes will skyrocket once taxpayers are picking up the tab. Increases in union dues will pay for more contributions to friendly politicians. That’s called “relief” in union lingo.

I’ll close with a suggestion. If the ACA is not defunded and repealed how about trying this. Pass a law that says not one tax dollar can go directly or indirectly to any entity that is traded on any stock market. I would include severe criminal and financial penalties on everybody caught breaking that law. In plain English get absentee owners out of healthcare.
The taffy machine is working overtime for Democrats as the MSM tries to stretch blame beyond credibility. I’m not so sure Mark Halperin is right about this:

. . . there's one thing on which the President is surely right. In devising his strategy for dealing with the shutdown, the prez can count on the MSM to blame Republicans.

Halperin: Obama's Shutdown Strategy Banks On The Press Blaming Republicans Like They Did In the
By Mark Finkelstein | September 30, 2013 | 07:54

Halperin: Obama's Shutdown Strategy Banks On The Press Blaming Republicans Like They Did In the '90s | NewsBusters

The issue favoring Republicans notwithstanding, pundits seem to be forgetting the Internet that did not exist when Bill Clinton shutdown the government. So the media will pull the plug on the taffy machine before they are seen as the losers in a head to head battle with social media. I guarantee one thing. Rather than counting on media skullduggery Democrats will be singing this great old tune the minute talking heads go into Protect My Ass mode:

[ame=]The Mills Brothers sing "Don't Blame Me" - YouTube[/ame]​
I can’t speak to patient care, but Democrat liars plan on replacing discharged hospital workers with some of Nancy Pelosi’s 4,000,000 “new jobs.” Don’t worry folks. There will be plenty of new jobs for first time parasites when Pelosi’s four million rises to ten million in the next decade.

Am right or am I right?

. . . about a third of the job cuts by Nashville-based Vanderbilt, Howser says.

Still, J.P. Fingado, CEO of API Healthcare, a consulting firm for hospitals, says the layoffs are shortsighted because the providers likely will have to add staff as soon as next year to handle increased patient volumes resulting from the health care law.

"The cuts are a particularly short-term reaction," he says.

A job engine sputters as hospitals cut staff
Paul Davidson and Barbara Hansen, USA TODAY 7:34 p.m. EDT October 13, 2013

A job engine sputters as hospitals cut staff

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