The 2020 Election: Is Common Sense Making a Comeback?

Who gets your vote in 2020?

  • Any Democrat candidate who wins the nomination

  • A Democrat if he/she is a common sense candidate

  • President Trump the Republican

  • President Trump who has earned a second term

  • President Trump the common sense candidate

  • Any Republican who wins the nomination

  • Any Republican who is a common sense candidate

  • Somebody else

  • I won't vote

Results are only viewable after voting.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
It is shocking that Trump did not win in a landslide. Apparently, the American people have a very high tolerance for corruption and political correctness.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
Democrat candidate IF it is Tulsi Gabbard if not then Patrick Little who I will write in. If I can't write him in Georgia I will look at Constitution Party candidate or not vote.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".

Not one of your 20 plus candidates has any common sense. Rumpy will run rings around them all.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".

Yep, billionaires always lack common sense don’t they?
I know this will just get blown off and probably provoke attacks on me, but I am NOT asking anybody to agree with the OP, but simply to comment on why you will vote for who you think you'll vote for come November 2020. And why.

If we could not make this one more thread to insult each other and/or recite assigned partisan rhetoric and talking points and catch phrases, it would be really appreciated.

For me, President Trump IS the common sense candidate. He lays out common sense goals and objectives whether or not those are politically expedient. And he has done a tremendous job of accomplishing many of those goals and objectives so far in the short 2-1/2 years he has had to do that. And he has done it in the most hostile environment and against the most vicious opposition against a President that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. (And my lifetime is probably considerably longer than most of yours.)

I didn't vote for him because he was proper or elegant or politically correct or shared my ideological perspective. I certainly did not vote for him as a paragon of virtue or role model for children and grandchildren. I see him as a flawed person but a decent person who has sinned as we all have, and also a person who happens to have great ability and a noble sense of purpose.

I voted for him because he offered a vision that I could believe in, and laid out specific objectives to accomplish that vision that I could mostly agree with. Yes he has had to abandon Plan A and go on to Plan B or C or D or whatever now and then. Yes he has had misspeaks and missteps along the way. Sometimes I think he makes the wrong choice. All Presidents do from time to time. But overall, his job performance scores very well in accomplishing what he said he intended to do.

And because of that, unless something significantly changes, I fully plan to vote for him again next year.
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I think Trump won mostly as the anti-Washington establishment candidate. But a lot of people voted against the blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption rather than for him, cuz if I remember right more people disliked him than liked him. I do think that common sense did win over ideology in 2016, but I don't know that the same will be said for 2020. His persona is wearing kinda thin on a lot of people, but the Dems are not running a viable opposing candidate IMHO. Much of what the Dems want to do is nowhere near what might be called common sense, so hopefully the American voters won't do something really stupid and elect one of them.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)

Simple Question….

Is President Trump a liar?
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)

Simple Question….

Is President Trump a liar?

So was Barry, Bitchlary, both Bushes, Bill and yes, even Ronnie. What's your point?
I know this will just get blown off and probably provoke attacks on me, but I am NOT asking anybody to agree with the OP, but simply to comment on why you will vote for who you think you'll vote for come November 2020. And why.

If we could not make this one more thread to insult each other and/or recite assigned partisan rhetoric and talking points and catch phrases, it would be really appreciated.

For me, President Trump IS the common sense candidate. He lays out common sense goals and objectives whether or not those are politically expedient. And he has done a tremendous job of accomplishing many of those goals and objectives so far in the short 2-1/2 years he has had to do that. And he has done it in the most hostile environment and against the most vicious opposition against a President that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. (And my lifetime is probably considerably longer than most of yours.)

I didn't vote for him because he was proper or elegant or politically correct or shared my ideological perspective. I certainly did not vote for him as a paragon of virtue or role model for children and grandchildren. I see him as a flawed person but a decent person has sinned as we all have, and a person who happens to have great ability and a noble sense of purpose.

I voted for him because he offered a vision that I could believe in, and laid out specific objectives to accomplish that vision that I could mostly agree with. Yes he has had to abandon Plan A and go on to Plan B or C or D or whatever now and then. Yes he has had misspeaks and missteps along the way. Sometimes I think he makes the wrong choice. All Presidents do from time to time. But overall, his job performance scores very well in accomplishing what he said he intended to do.

And because of that, unless something significantly changes, I fully plan to vote for him again next year.
Well said.

Trump will get my vote despite the backing of the GOP who show about as much common sense or common good for the American Citizen as their evenly corrupted counterparts in the DFL.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".

You wouldn't know common sense if it bit you in the ass.....

You're a Tard....

You support grown men using little girls bathrooms.

You support every perversion known to man.

I could go on and on but I don’t have all week.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)

Simple Question….

Is President Trump a liar?

Simple answer. The thread is not about whether President Trump is or is not a liar. There are any number of threads out there to talk about that. This thread is about who you plan to vote for in 2020 and why. Is there any teensy shred of hope to be had that you would be capable of that and not attempt to derail the thread?
If the election were held today, you could look at the crowds the candidates are bringing in to their fold to determine the election. All 800 people at a Biden event will vote for Biden. All those thousands of people waiting in line for days to support Trump will vote for Trump.
There ya go. :)
I know this will just get blown off and probably provoke attacks on me, but I am NOT asking anybody to agree with the OP, but simply to comment on why you will vote for who you think you'll vote for come November 2020. And why.

If we could not make this one more thread to insult each other and/or recite assigned partisan rhetoric and talking points and catch phrases, it would be really appreciated.

For me, President Trump IS the common sense candidate. He lays out common sense goals and objectives whether or not those are politically expedient. And he has done a tremendous job of accomplishing many of those goals and objectives so far in the short 2-1/2 years he has had to do that. And he has done it in the most hostile environment and against the most vicious opposition against a President that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. (And my lifetime is probably considerably longer than most of yours.)

I didn't vote for him because he was proper or elegant or politically correct or shared my ideological perspective. I certainly did not vote for him as a paragon of virtue or role model for children and grandchildren. I see him as a flawed person but a decent person has sinned as we all have, and a person who happens to have great ability and a noble sense of purpose.

I voted for him because he offered a vision that I could believe in, and laid out specific objectives to accomplish that vision that I could mostly agree with. Yes he has had to abandon Plan A and go on to Plan B or C or D or whatever now and then. Yes he has had misspeaks and missteps along the way. Sometimes I think he makes the wrong choice. All Presidents do from time to time. But overall, his job performance scores very well in accomplishing what he said he intended to do.

And because of that, unless something significantly changes, I fully plan to vote for him again next year.
Well said.

Trump will get my vote despite the backing of the GOP who show about as much common sense or common good for the American Citizen as their evenly corrupted counterparts in the DFL.

I do not identify as Republican myself though I do register Republican so that I can participate in our state primary elections. Unaffiliated voters can't vote in our primaries.

And I agree that the GOP is lousy with message and have been pretty darn feckless in getting things done. And with a few exceptions, most are solid members of the permanent political class whose number one priority is increasing their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth and otherwise are pretty feckless in getting things done. The only thing they have going for them is the constituency that they represent and therefore they throw different kinds of bones to keep that constituency quiet and complacent and forking over their campaign contributions and votes than what the Democrats throw at their constituents to accomplish the same thing.

I do require common sense in anybody I vote for.

I will most likely be voting for any Republican I can stomach come 2020 if for some reason President Trump is not the nominee. But if President Trump is the nominee, I will be voting for him because he has earned my vote rather than for any other reason. He IS the common sense candidate.
Who's in charge of defining what "common sense" means?

Is it the same person who's in charge of defining what "racism" and "socialism" mean?

Because if it is, holy crap, we're fucked!

And while I'm here, why isn't there a voting option for "It's 16 freaking months out, I don't know yet"?
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If the election were held today, you could look at the crowds the candidates are bringing in to their fold to determine the election. All 800 people at a Biden event will vote for Biden. All those thousands of people waiting in line for days to support Trump will vote for Trump.
There ya go. :)

That crowd on the Washington Mall yesterday--this is in a town that is so dark blue I doubt any Republican bothers to campaign there at all--was absolutely incredible. Many tens of thousands of people stood in the pouring rain to support the President's celebration of the greatness of America and the men and women who have contributed to make it that way.

And all of Trump's rallies draw standing room only crowds and he has to set up big screens for the overflow outside the venues. Unlike the Democrats, he doesn't feature entertainers, popular musicians or bands, etc. to lure the crowds. It is just him. And they come. The music was great yesterday but it all was accomplished with a great military band and choir.

Is that because they admire him as a person so much? I don't think so. I think they appreciate what he is accomplishing and they share his vision and the goals and objectives he has accomplished and/or is doing his damndest to accomplish. And they put themselves out there to support that vision. The great crowds attending Trump rallies are true Americans who love their country and want it to be great and strong and prosperous with real opportunity for all regardless of skin color or ethncity or gender or sexual orientation or creed or political leanings. He is the only person campaigning on that theme that many of us have been hungry for. We have wanted that for many years now.

What the alphabet media refused to cover yesterday:

Evenso I don't know that those amazing people will outnumber the leftists, indoctrinated, snowflakes, haters, and malcontents. I won't be confident until President Trump's second inauguration.
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Haven't decided yet.

If, come 2020 election day, I'll assess whether I figure I'll live another 4 years.

If I think I will then it'll be a vote for President Trump's Second Term.

If I think I won't then I'll vote Democrat as a sort of last thumbing-of-the-old snoot to help the current generation gets taxed, screwed and repressed as thoroughly as they so roundly deserve.

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