Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?

In truth, this is not a good year to be doing holiday get-togethers. I think I'm going to have to at Christmas, but I wish I weren't faced with it.

It won't do any good, besides being incredibly intrusive and rude, to pry into people's vaccination status, because the virus is spreading despite vaccinations, TO vaccinated people and FROM vaccinated people. These people saying they are going to grill everyone along with their BBQ, given that it plainly doesn't matter at all in terms of spread, you know, why be so obnoxious? The way to cope is not to invite people over or go to parties in general. It's just not the time to pretend things are normal.

I just cannot imagine telling everyone coming to my house that they must be vaxxed. Guarantee you there will be a lot of new divisions created in families. I would just skip the whole thing, and hope next year things will be much more normal.
American attitudes are changing as they begin to understand that to support Trump's politics is to be hoodwinked into taking more chances with Covid.

Instead of then being rational by submitting to the obvious need to be responsible, Trump's devotees will stay home and turn to pulling the wings off of their housefly collections.

This madness must eventually come to an end!

Trump is pro-vaxx, and it was developed during his administration.
The Trump supporters that have chosen to not vax are doing so on their own.
Take your anti-Trump crap and shove it.
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Trump is pro-vaxx, and it was developed during his administration.
The Trump supporters that have chosen to not Vaxx are doing so on their own.
Take your anti-Trump crap and shove it.
Has Trump ever told people to get vaccinated?
I'm having a hard time figuring out the argument. If you are vaccinated are you still afraid you might be infected by unvaccinated family members or on the other hand are you afraid vaccinated people might infect unvaccinated family members?

For me, I would be concerned about bringing people together, and due to my invitation someone in the group who is unvaccinated ends up getting really sick or god forbid dies.
I have a feeling this is going to divide some families.
There will be some family gatherings that it will be just like any other Thanksgivings.
But there will be some families where, this being the first Thanksgiving since we have a vax, that will divide families. There will be some hurt feelings, if you host a gathering and require all those who plan to come be vaxxed.

The Big Question This Thanksgiving: Are You Vaccinated?​

One of my batshit crazy relatives wants everyone to not contact people the few days before and to take a test, even though he is vaccinated.

Completely nuts and I won’t do it.
Why should he..........he already had the virus........pffft.

Guess you don't read the Science.......hmmmm
WTF are you talking about?

He got vaccinated...well before most people

And "the science" says that even if you have had covid you need to get vaccinated
He's recommended that Americans get vaccinated.
Why would his administration put together 'Operation Ward Speed', then turn around and tell Americans to NOT get vaxxed?
Use your fucking head!
Duh...we're talking about Trump and you're looking for logic?
WTF are you talking about?

He got vaccinated...well before most people

And "the science" says that even if you have had covid you need to get vaccinated
BS......You just ignore the Science from Israel. Trump had the virus and didn't need the vaccine .......If he wants to take it 50 times............I really don't care.

But He would NEVER GO NAZI and order everyone in this country to take it or be Fired.

That is ALL YOU BRO..........

One of my batshit crazy relatives wants everyone to not contact people the few days before and to take a test, even though he is vaccinated.

Completely nuts and I won’t do it.

If they are that extreme about it, then they should be the one to just stay the fuck home and leave everyone else alone.
My feeling is, I recommend everyone get the vax, but I'm not going to force it on anyone.
My family who will be there for Thanksgiving are too smart not to all be vaccinated.
And we don't invite any more drunk, Trump Humping Uncles.
Nothing "experimental" about a vaccine that has been administered to 190 million people in this country alone

The 190 million people are the experiment. Hopefully there will be no fallout years from now, but we'll just have to wait and see.
Having said that, I would still go with the vax.
I have a relative that is wanting all to vaccinate to come to their home for dinner. I vaccinated, I just got over the virus last week and I declined the invite. I refuse to participate in dividing the vaccine and the unvaccinated. People have a right to make choices and I do as well.
I just cannot imagine telling everyone coming to my house that they must be vaxxed. Guarantee you there will be a lot of new divisions created in families. I would just skip the whole thing, and hope next year things will be much more normal.

Well, make it a COVID party and demand that everyone NOT be vaxed. You can serve horsey dewormer and hydroxychloroquine infused pumpkin pie for dessert. It'll be fun! :D

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