Thanks for nothing Donald Trump ... Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal

Find yourself tugging harder and longer than ever on those bootstraps for less and less these days?

Federal Minimum Wage in 1981 and increases thereafter....

  • $3.35
1990(first increase since'81, pt1)
  • $3.80
  • 45¢
1991(2nd half of '90 increase)
  • $4.25
  • 45¢
1996(5 years since the last increase in '91)
(First scheduled increase)
  • $4.75
  • 50¢
1997(2nd scheduled increase ^)
(sub minimum wage of $4.75 an hr is established for employees under 20 years of age during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer.)
  • $5.15
  • 40¢
2007(10 years since the last increase in '97)
(Over 3 years, 1st installment)
  • $5.85
  • 70¢
2008(2nd installment)
  • $6.55
  • 70¢
2009(3rd installment)
  • 7.25
  • 70¢
  • $7.25
  • There hasn't been an increase since '09, 11 years ago

There has been 7 increases to the federal minimum wage since 1981

Those 7 increases total $4.35

The 1990 increase would occur over 2 years, '90/'91

The 1996 increase would occur over 2 years, '96/'97

The last 2, in 2008 and 2009, were scheduled increments
from the increase and first installment in 2007

So, in all actuality, 2007 was the last increase and there has been
only 3 increases to the federal minimum wage since '81
for a total of $4.35

Rhonda lives in a rural area within a state
where the cost of living is low

In 1990, Rhonda was 20 when she started working for Bing Bang
as a full time employee, working 40 hrs a week, 1,920 hrs a year
In 1990, before taxes, she was making....
$152.00 a week
$608.00 a month
$7,296 a year

It is now 2020 and Rhonda is 50 years old
She still resides where she did 30 years ago
She happens to reside in 1 of the 21 states that has not enacted
state legislation increasing the mw beyond the federal mw of $7.25

She has been working for Bing Bang for 30 years now
There has been 6(3)fmw increases = $3.45 since she started in 1990
Now, in 2020, before taxes, she is making....
$290.00 a week
$1,160 a month
$13,920 a year

Over the course of 30 years, Rhonda's wages increased $3.45
After 30 years, she makes $6,624 more a year
than she did when she started in 1990

That amounts to....
$552 a month
$138 a week
$27.60 a day (5 days)

Congress Pay starting from 1987 and subsequent raises

  • $77,400 (House)
  • $89,500 (Senators)
1990 (year Rhonda started working)
  • $96,600 (House - $19,200 increase)
  • $98,400 (Senators- $8,900 increase)
  • $125,100(House - $28,500 increase, $50 k in 2 years)
  • $101,900(Senators- $3,500, 1/1)
  • $125,100(Senators- $23,200, 8/14, $36 k in 2 years)
  • $129,500
  • $4,400
  • $133,600
  • $4,100
  • $136,700
  • $3,100
  • $141,300
  • $4,600
  • $145,100
  • $3,800
  • $150,000
  • $4,900
  • $154,700
  • $4,700
  • $158,100
  • $3,400
  • $162,100
  • $4,000
  • $165,200
  • $3,100
2008(Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression)
(Paulson/Bernanke need $700 billion to prevent Next GD)
(the original proposal excluded foreign banks,
but was revised to include foreign financial institutions)
(By 2009, they committed $7.7 Trillion to rescue bailout
the financial system themselves)
(bailout estimates, low $24 Trillion, high $63 Trillion)
  • $169,300
  • $4,100
2009(Congress enacted recovery plan
Obama signs it into law, $800 Billion for....
shovel ready jobs, cash for clunckers, Solyndra)
  • $174,000
  • $4,700

Congress has had 14 raises since 1987, beginning in 1990,
the same year Rhonda started working, fmw $3.80
The last being in 2009, as well, fmw $7.25

In 1987, House members made $77,400
Senators made $89,500
Federal Minimum Wage was $3.35

In 1990, 3 years later, the fmw was raised 90¢
and would occur over 2 years, '90/'91
So, in 1990, there was a 45¢ increase, fmw $3.80

In 1990, House members also enjoyed an increase
A $19,200 increase and were now making $96,600
Senators wages increased $8,900, now making $98,400

1991, the following year, fmw increase pt.2, 45¢, fmw $4.25
That same year, House members got another raise too
A $28,500 raise, now making $125,100...2 years, $47,700
Senators got 2 raises, $3,500 & $23,200= $26,700,
also making $125,100 now...2 years, $35,600

Federal Minimum Wage increased 90¢ the same 2 years
that Congress gave themselves a combined, $83,300 in raises
Federal Minimum Wage wouldn't see another increase for 5 years

But, in 1992, a year later, another raise for Congress, $4,400
Both Houses making $129,500

Again, 1993, a year later, another raise, $4,100
Both Houses making $133,600

Over the course of 6 years, 1987-1993
Congress gave themselves 4 increases totaling $91,800
Over the course of those same 6 years
Congress raised the minimum hourly wages
that companies had to pay certain workers, once, for 90¢ over 2 years

I say certain workers because Federal Minimum Wage laws
are different for disabled and tipped workers.

I knew wait staff made shit because of tips, but I didn't know
there were fmw laws that allow companies to pay
disabled people and teenagers less money per hour
than someone who is not disabled or older

From 1987-2009 wages for the House
increased $96,600 since 1990, Senators $84,500
And that's just for regular joe shmoe members

That amounts to...
$8,050 a month
$2,012 a week
for House members

$7,042 a month
$1,760 a week
for Senators

From 1987-2009, federal minimum wages
increased for certain workers $4.35

That amounts to...
A 20¢ increase every year since 1987
Less than 2¢ a month

In 2016, Democrats adopted the $15 minimum wage
as part of their party platform for that year’s elections.

3 years later.....

Jan 16 2019, 2 bills were introduced, 1 passed
1 passed the House with 205 sponsors, placed in the Senate
The other bill had 31 sponsors but hasn't passed the House
Who introduced the bill...Bernie Sanders, his came first

These mother fuckers are something else

I have clearly shown they don't fucking care
They want another raise themselves...
They haven't had an increase in 10 years(first introduced)

Boo hoo, cry me a fucking river

And Bernie....well, what I laid out speaks for itself

House Democrats propose
$4,500 pay raise for Congress

House votes to raise federal minimum wage

Congress is saying they need a $4,500 raise.

History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates

H.R.582 - Raise the Wage Act

S.150 - Raise the Wage Act

OP and Lysterine...FUCK OFF

If you need to support a family, the solution isn't to get a crap job, and then demand a crap job pay like a middle class job. The solution is to get a middle class job.

The value of the labor, does not magically increase, because you demand it increase.

I'm not going to pay $20 for a cheap fast food burger, because you want $15/hour. I'm not going to do it. Period.

So if you raise the minimum wage, and people stop buying your labor, then you end up unemployed. Now you earn zero.

How are you better off?

Again, you correctly pointed out that the last time the minimum wage went up was 2007-2009. What happened during 2007-2009? Unemployment went up, and primarily at the low-wage level.

It's almost like, exactly what I said, played out perfectly.

Some say this was all due to the banks, and sub-prime loans. But that doesn't fit the facts. The sub-prime loan crash, doesn't cause Wendy's to stop selling burgers, and have to lay people off.

What causes Wendy's to lay people off, is they now cost too much to employ. And one reason they might cost too much, is the minimum wage went up.
I agree, that goes to people running our country into the ground
If they don't like what they're making, get another job

I work 2 jobs, make $20,000 a year,
support my mentally challenged son,
never gotten a dime child support and receive

I don't have a car, no cell phone,
I use a free phone app on my tablet,
no credit card credit cards

I cut my own hair and can cook chix 100 ways,
I don't have cable, I have Netflix and Hulu
I buy my clothes at thrift stores and we are fine

No one owes me shit, I live WITHIN my means
I don't think someone else should give me
what I NEED so I can indulge in what I WANT

When I started working in '84 my father told me....
Lynn Therese, I don't care if you're flipping burgers
You be the best burger flipper they have
Don't get a check, EARN your check
The one thing no one can take from you is your character

That is how I have worked my entire life
I work as hard for $12 & $10 hr as I would $20 or $30

I walk into Target, the store is trashed,
not because they are understaffed
because everyone I see is standing around on their phones

I ask for no cheese on my filet o fish,
there's extra cheese...

They want to make $15

If you work like shit for a little,
you'll work like shit for more

I'm against $15 min wage
and think Congress makes too much

You have definitely earned and deserve your $15 an hour. Enjoy.

Always good to see a left-winger talking down at the people they claim to be in favor of.
Obama handed off increasing deficits.

  • 2016 - $585 billion budget deficit
  • 2015 - $439 billion budget deficit
  • 2014 - $514 billion budget deficit
US Budget Deficit by Year Since 1969

Obama has been Trumped by $ Trillion deficits and rising. Donald Trump doesn't appear to understand that cutting taxes increases the deficit.

Revenues went up. How does more revenue increase deficits?
So the amount it goes up is irrelevant.
Corporate taxes still below 2017

So it doesn't matter.... revenue is up... but that doesn't matter.

New math? Common Core? Just wondering how you claim revenue being higher doesn't matter to deficits....

How can Amazon and it's ilk pay zero corporate tax?

So many of the biggest corporations are paying nothing.

Donald Trump is irate beccause EU and UK companies a re starting to implement taxes on US based corporations who conduct online business in their countries, including advertising and sales.

Big MNCs might eventually pay more tax in EU and UK than they do in the USA.

Are you saying that all the executives, and management of Amazon and Google, and all the other companies are not paying taxes?

The answer to your question is... you are a liar. That's how they pay zero tax. When you make up things that are not true, then they pay zero tax.
Welcome to the bogus economy and TSLS, Trump Shit Life Syndrome fueled by burgeoning debt and stoked by the First Loser.

You have to respect Donald Trump for being astute enough to recognize that the poorly-educated are a majority in US society and going after them.

Donald Trump is inflating the expectations of his howling mob by making promises he doesn't intend to keep and can't keep.

US debt has increased by $10,000 per worker during Trump's tenure while "53 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 earned a median wage of $10.22 per hour, or $18,000 per year" and have traveled backward. If Trump's debt trajectory continues, the 53 million Americans will soon have a net negative value as the debt balloons to stratospheric values.

The Donald Trump trajectory portends a horrendous recession which will make Lebanon and Zimbabwe look like desirable economic models.

Good jobs are rising slower than the population which means more and more Americans are doomed to TSLS, Trump Shit Life Syndrome.

Trump and his sycophantic associates still don't understand that the economy and job quality has not recovered from the Bush depression that caused many new graduates to lose the opportunity to establish a career in a chosen profession and many had to settle for low-quality low pay jobs. Many of these unfortunate people have not recovered from this setback and won't under Trump's leadership.

Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal - Legal Reader

Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal
DAWN ALLEN — January 27, 2020

Low-wage workers make up nearly half of the American workforce, and many of them are the sole breadwinners for their families.

Last November, the Brookings Institution released a study concluding that nearly half of working age Americans are employed in low-wage jobs. They found that 53 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 earned a median wage of $10.22 per hour, or $18,000 per year.

The fact that 44% of the American workforce now finds itself in such a precarious economic situation might come as a surprise to those who imagine low-wage work to be the domain of teenagers, college students, the newly-hired, or those taking on side gigs for extra cash. Instead, these jobs are the main way that many people support their families, especially in smaller cities in the southern and western regions of the United States. 26% of low-wage earners are the sole breadwinners for their household, and another 25% live in households where all earners work in low-paying jobs.

Perhaps the most obvious solution to improving conditions for these workers is to provide education, retraining, and skill upgrades so that they qualify for better jobs. Indeed, 40% of low-wage workers between the ages of 25-64 have, at most, a high school diploma, while another 13% are young people without degrees who are not in school. That means, however, that nearly half of the workers in low-paying jobs already have higher levels of educational attainment.

Simply getting more education won’t cause jobs to magically appear, either. The Occupy movement was full of college-educated people who couldn’t find sufficient jobs to pay back crushing student debt. Perhaps it’s true that “they should have gotten STEM degrees,” (and not those pesky Women’s Studies or sociology majors) as those on the Libertarian/Conservative spectrum self-righteously preached in 2011, but remember how that sentiment morphed into right-wing trolls mocking laid-off “elite” journalists with the condescending mantra of “better learn to code, then” by 2019? (Besides, if everyone learned to code, it would become just another low-wage job.)

After 2008 the higher paying jobs disappeared and that is the new norm. People recovered by working 2&3 jobs. I seriously doubt they will comeback, no matter the President.

Trump has turned his howling mob into unpaid apprentices.
Federal Minimum Wage in 1981 and increases thereafter....

  • $3.35
1990(first increase since'81, pt1)
  • $3.80
  • 45¢
1991(2nd half of '90 increase)
  • $4.25
  • 45¢
1996(5 years since the last increase in '91)
(First scheduled increase)
  • $4.75
  • 50¢
1997(2nd scheduled increase ^)
(sub minimum wage of $4.75 an hr is established for employees under 20 years of age during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer.)
  • $5.15
  • 40¢
2007(10 years since the last increase in '97)
(Over 3 years, 1st installment)
  • $5.85
  • 70¢
2008(2nd installment)
  • $6.55
  • 70¢
2009(3rd installment)
  • 7.25
  • 70¢
  • $7.25
  • There hasn't been an increase since '09, 11 years ago

There has been 7 increases to the federal minimum wage since 1981

Those 7 increases total $4.35

The 1990 increase would occur over 2 years, '90/'91

The 1996 increase would occur over 2 years, '96/'97

The last 2, in 2008 and 2009, were scheduled increments
from the increase and first installment in 2007

So, in all actuality, 2007 was the last increase and there has been
only 3 increases to the federal minimum wage since '81
for a total of $4.35

Rhonda lives in a rural area within a state
where the cost of living is low

In 1990, Rhonda was 20 when she started working for Bing Bang
as a full time employee, working 40 hrs a week, 1,920 hrs a year
In 1990, before taxes, she was making....
$152.00 a week
$608.00 a month
$7,296 a year

It is now 2020 and Rhonda is 50 years old
She still resides where she did 30 years ago
She happens to reside in 1 of the 21 states that has not enacted
state legislation increasing the mw beyond the federal mw of $7.25

She has been working for Bing Bang for 30 years now
There has been 6(3)fmw increases = $3.45 since she started in 1990
Now, in 2020, before taxes, she is making....
$290.00 a week
$1,160 a month
$13,920 a year

Over the course of 30 years, Rhonda's wages increased $3.45
After 30 years, she makes $6,624 more a year
than she did when she started in 1990

That amounts to....
$552 a month
$138 a week
$27.60 a day (5 days)

Congress Pay starting from 1987 and subsequent raises

  • $77,400 (House)
  • $89,500 (Senators)
1990 (year Rhonda started working)
  • $96,600 (House - $19,200 increase)
  • $98,400 (Senators- $8,900 increase)
  • $125,100(House - $28,500 increase, $50 k in 2 years)
  • $101,900(Senators- $3,500, 1/1)
  • $125,100(Senators- $23,200, 8/14, $36 k in 2 years)
  • $129,500
  • $4,400
  • $133,600
  • $4,100
  • $136,700
  • $3,100
  • $141,300
  • $4,600
  • $145,100
  • $3,800
  • $150,000
  • $4,900
  • $154,700
  • $4,700
  • $158,100
  • $3,400
  • $162,100
  • $4,000
  • $165,200
  • $3,100
2008(Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression)
(Paulson/Bernanke need $700 billion to prevent Next GD)
(the original proposal excluded foreign banks,
but was revised to include foreign financial institutions)
(By 2009, they committed $7.7 Trillion to rescue bailout
the financial system themselves)
(bailout estimates, low $24 Trillion, high $63 Trillion)
  • $169,300
  • $4,100
2009(Congress enacted recovery plan
Obama signs it into law, $800 Billion for....
shovel ready jobs, cash for clunckers, Solyndra)
  • $174,000
  • $4,700

Congress has had 14 raises since 1987, beginning in 1990,
the same year Rhonda started working, fmw $3.80
The last being in 2009, as well, fmw $7.25

In 1987, House members made $77,400
Senators made $89,500
Federal Minimum Wage was $3.35

In 1990, 3 years later, the fmw was raised 90¢
and would occur over 2 years, '90/'91
So, in 1990, there was a 45¢ increase, fmw $3.80

In 1990, House members also enjoyed an increase
A $19,200 increase and were now making $96,600
Senators wages increased $8,900, now making $98,400

1991, the following year, fmw increase pt.2, 45¢, fmw $4.25
That same year, House members got another raise too
A $28,500 raise, now making $125,100...2 years, $47,700
Senators got 2 raises, $3,500 & $23,200= $26,700,
also making $125,100 now...2 years, $35,600

Federal Minimum Wage increased 90¢ the same 2 years
that Congress gave themselves a combined, $83,300 in raises
Federal Minimum Wage wouldn't see another increase for 5 years

But, in 1992, a year later, another raise for Congress, $4,400
Both Houses making $129,500

Again, 1993, a year later, another raise, $4,100
Both Houses making $133,600

Over the course of 6 years, 1987-1993
Congress gave themselves 4 increases totaling $91,800
Over the course of those same 6 years
Congress raised the minimum hourly wages
that companies had to pay certain workers, once, for 90¢ over 2 years

I say certain workers because Federal Minimum Wage laws
are different for disabled and tipped workers.

I knew wait staff made shit because of tips, but I didn't know
there were fmw laws that allow companies to pay
disabled people and teenagers less money per hour
than someone who is not disabled or older

From 1987-2009 wages for the House
increased $96,600 since 1990, Senators $84,500
And that's just for regular joe shmoe members

That amounts to...
$8,050 a month
$2,012 a week
for House members

$7,042 a month
$1,760 a week
for Senators

From 1987-2009, federal minimum wages
increased for certain workers $4.35

That amounts to...
A 20¢ increase every year since 1987
Less than 2¢ a month

In 2016, Democrats adopted the $15 minimum wage
as part of their party platform for that year’s elections.

3 years later.....

Jan 16 2019, 2 bills were introduced, 1 passed
1 passed the House with 205 sponsors, placed in the Senate
The other bill had 31 sponsors but hasn't passed the House
Who introduced the bill...Bernie Sanders, his came first

These mother fuckers are something else

I have clearly shown they don't fucking care
They want another raise themselves...
They haven't had an increase in 10 years(first introduced)

Boo hoo, cry me a fucking river

And Bernie....well, what I laid out speaks for itself

House Democrats propose
$4,500 pay raise for Congress

House votes to raise federal minimum wage

Congress is saying they need a $4,500 raise.

History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates

H.R.582 - Raise the Wage Act

S.150 - Raise the Wage Act

OP and Lysterine...FUCK OFF

If you need to support a family, the solution isn't to get a crap job, and then demand a crap job pay like a middle class job. The solution is to get a middle class job.

The value of the labor, does not magically increase, because you demand it increase.

I'm not going to pay $20 for a cheap fast food burger, because you want $15/hour. I'm not going to do it. Period.

So if you raise the minimum wage, and people stop buying your labor, then you end up unemployed. Now you earn zero.

How are you better off?

Again, you correctly pointed out that the last time the minimum wage went up was 2007-2009. What happened during 2007-2009? Unemployment went up, and primarily at the low-wage level.

It's almost like, exactly what I said, played out perfectly.

Some say this was all due to the banks, and sub-prime loans. But that doesn't fit the facts. The sub-prime loan crash, doesn't cause Wendy's to stop selling burgers, and have to lay people off.

What causes Wendy's to lay people off, is they now cost too much to employ. And one reason they might cost too much, is the minimum wage went up.
I agree, that goes to people running our country into the ground
If they don't like what they're making, get another job

I work 2 jobs, make $20,000 a year,
support my mentally challenged son,
never gotten a dime child support and receive

I don't have a car, no cell phone,
I use a free phone app on my tablet,
no credit card credit cards

I cut my own hair and can cook chix 100 ways,
I don't have cable, I have Netflix and Hulu
I buy my clothes at thrift stores and we are fine

No one owes me shit, I live WITHIN my means
I don't think someone else should give me
what I NEED so I can indulge in what I WANT

When I started working in '84 my father told me....
Lynn Therese, I don't care if you're flipping burgers
You be the best burger flipper they have
Don't get a check, EARN your check
The one thing no one can take from you is your character

That is how I have worked my entire life
I work as hard for $12 & $10 hr as I would $20 or $30

I walk into Target, the store is trashed,
not because they are understaffed
because everyone I see is standing around on their phones

I ask for no cheese on my filet o fish,
there's extra cheese...

They want to make $15

If you work like shit for a little,
you'll work like shit for more

I'm against $15 min wage
and think Congress makes too much

You have definitely earned and deserve your $15 an hour. Enjoy.

Always good to see a left-winger talking down at the people they claim to be in favor of.

Comrade Trump? A perfect example of misery loves company.
Obama has been Trumped by $ Trillion deficits and rising. Donald Trump doesn't appear to understand that cutting taxes increases the deficit.

Revenues went up. How does more revenue increase deficits?
So the amount it goes up is irrelevant.
Corporate taxes still below 2017

So it doesn't matter.... revenue is up... but that doesn't matter.

New math? Common Core? Just wondering how you claim revenue being higher doesn't matter to deficits....

How can Amazon and it's ilk pay zero corporate tax?

So many of the biggest corporations are paying nothing.

Donald Trump is irate beccause EU and UK companies a re starting to implement taxes on US based corporations who conduct online business in their countries, including advertising and sales.

Big MNCs might eventually pay more tax in EU and UK than they do in the USA.

Are you saying that all the executives, and management of Amazon and Google, and all the other companies are not paying taxes?

The answer to your question is... you are a liar. That's how they pay zero tax. When you make up things that are not true, then they pay zero tax.

No little buddy. You lie.

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it
Alyssa Pagano and Steve Kovach Feb 14, 2019, 10:07 PM

Amazon will not pay federal income tax for the second year in a row, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, despite being worth $793 billion. ...
Federal Minimum Wage in 1981 and increases thereafter....

  • $3.35
1990(first increase since'81, pt1)
  • $3.80
  • 45¢
1991(2nd half of '90 increase)
  • $4.25
  • 45¢
1996(5 years since the last increase in '91)
(First scheduled increase)
  • $4.75
  • 50¢
1997(2nd scheduled increase ^)
(sub minimum wage of $4.75 an hr is established for employees under 20 years of age during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer.)
  • $5.15
  • 40¢
2007(10 years since the last increase in '97)
(Over 3 years, 1st installment)
  • $5.85
  • 70¢
2008(2nd installment)
  • $6.55
  • 70¢
2009(3rd installment)
  • 7.25
  • 70¢
  • $7.25
  • There hasn't been an increase since '09, 11 years ago

There has been 7 increases to the federal minimum wage since 1981

Those 7 increases total $4.35

The 1990 increase would occur over 2 years, '90/'91

The 1996 increase would occur over 2 years, '96/'97

The last 2, in 2008 and 2009, were scheduled increments
from the increase and first installment in 2007

So, in all actuality, 2007 was the last increase and there has been
only 3 increases to the federal minimum wage since '81
for a total of $4.35

Rhonda lives in a rural area within a state
where the cost of living is low

In 1990, Rhonda was 20 when she started working for Bing Bang
as a full time employee, working 40 hrs a week, 1,920 hrs a year
In 1990, before taxes, she was making....
$152.00 a week
$608.00 a month
$7,296 a year

It is now 2020 and Rhonda is 50 years old
She still resides where she did 30 years ago
She happens to reside in 1 of the 21 states that has not enacted
state legislation increasing the mw beyond the federal mw of $7.25

She has been working for Bing Bang for 30 years now
There has been 6(3)fmw increases = $3.45 since she started in 1990
Now, in 2020, before taxes, she is making....
$290.00 a week
$1,160 a month
$13,920 a year

Over the course of 30 years, Rhonda's wages increased $3.45
After 30 years, she makes $6,624 more a year
than she did when she started in 1990

That amounts to....
$552 a month
$138 a week
$27.60 a day (5 days)

Congress Pay starting from 1987 and subsequent raises

  • $77,400 (House)
  • $89,500 (Senators)
1990 (year Rhonda started working)
  • $96,600 (House - $19,200 increase)
  • $98,400 (Senators- $8,900 increase)
  • $125,100(House - $28,500 increase, $50 k in 2 years)
  • $101,900(Senators- $3,500, 1/1)
  • $125,100(Senators- $23,200, 8/14, $36 k in 2 years)
  • $129,500
  • $4,400
  • $133,600
  • $4,100
  • $136,700
  • $3,100
  • $141,300
  • $4,600
  • $145,100
  • $3,800
  • $150,000
  • $4,900
  • $154,700
  • $4,700
  • $158,100
  • $3,400
  • $162,100
  • $4,000
  • $165,200
  • $3,100
2008(Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression)
(Paulson/Bernanke need $700 billion to prevent Next GD)
(the original proposal excluded foreign banks,
but was revised to include foreign financial institutions)
(By 2009, they committed $7.7 Trillion to rescue bailout
the financial system themselves)
(bailout estimates, low $24 Trillion, high $63 Trillion)
  • $169,300
  • $4,100
2009(Congress enacted recovery plan
Obama signs it into law, $800 Billion for....
shovel ready jobs, cash for clunckers, Solyndra)
  • $174,000
  • $4,700

Congress has had 14 raises since 1987, beginning in 1990,
the same year Rhonda started working, fmw $3.80
The last being in 2009, as well, fmw $7.25

In 1987, House members made $77,400
Senators made $89,500
Federal Minimum Wage was $3.35

In 1990, 3 years later, the fmw was raised 90¢
and would occur over 2 years, '90/'91
So, in 1990, there was a 45¢ increase, fmw $3.80

In 1990, House members also enjoyed an increase
A $19,200 increase and were now making $96,600
Senators wages increased $8,900, now making $98,400

1991, the following year, fmw increase pt.2, 45¢, fmw $4.25
That same year, House members got another raise too
A $28,500 raise, now making $125,100...2 years, $47,700
Senators got 2 raises, $3,500 & $23,200= $26,700,
also making $125,100 now...2 years, $35,600

Federal Minimum Wage increased 90¢ the same 2 years
that Congress gave themselves a combined, $83,300 in raises
Federal Minimum Wage wouldn't see another increase for 5 years

But, in 1992, a year later, another raise for Congress, $4,400
Both Houses making $129,500

Again, 1993, a year later, another raise, $4,100
Both Houses making $133,600

Over the course of 6 years, 1987-1993
Congress gave themselves 4 increases totaling $91,800
Over the course of those same 6 years
Congress raised the minimum hourly wages
that companies had to pay certain workers, once, for 90¢ over 2 years

I say certain workers because Federal Minimum Wage laws
are different for disabled and tipped workers.

I knew wait staff made shit because of tips, but I didn't know
there were fmw laws that allow companies to pay
disabled people and teenagers less money per hour
than someone who is not disabled or older

From 1987-2009 wages for the House
increased $96,600 since 1990, Senators $84,500
And that's just for regular joe shmoe members

That amounts to...
$8,050 a month
$2,012 a week
for House members

$7,042 a month
$1,760 a week
for Senators

From 1987-2009, federal minimum wages
increased for certain workers $4.35

That amounts to...
A 20¢ increase every year since 1987
Less than 2¢ a month

In 2016, Democrats adopted the $15 minimum wage
as part of their party platform for that year’s elections.

3 years later.....

Jan 16 2019, 2 bills were introduced, 1 passed
1 passed the House with 205 sponsors, placed in the Senate
The other bill had 31 sponsors but hasn't passed the House
Who introduced the bill...Bernie Sanders, his came first

These mother fuckers are something else

I have clearly shown they don't fucking care
They want another raise themselves...
They haven't had an increase in 10 years(first introduced)

Boo hoo, cry me a fucking river

And Bernie....well, what I laid out speaks for itself

House Democrats propose
$4,500 pay raise for Congress

House votes to raise federal minimum wage

Congress is saying they need a $4,500 raise.

History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates

H.R.582 - Raise the Wage Act

S.150 - Raise the Wage Act

OP and Lysterine...FUCK OFF

If you need to support a family, the solution isn't to get a crap job, and then demand a crap job pay like a middle class job. The solution is to get a middle class job.

The value of the labor, does not magically increase, because you demand it increase.

I'm not going to pay $20 for a cheap fast food burger, because you want $15/hour. I'm not going to do it. Period.

So if you raise the minimum wage, and people stop buying your labor, then you end up unemployed. Now you earn zero.

How are you better off?

Again, you correctly pointed out that the last time the minimum wage went up was 2007-2009. What happened during 2007-2009? Unemployment went up, and primarily at the low-wage level.

It's almost like, exactly what I said, played out perfectly.

Some say this was all due to the banks, and sub-prime loans. But that doesn't fit the facts. The sub-prime loan crash, doesn't cause Wendy's to stop selling burgers, and have to lay people off.

What causes Wendy's to lay people off, is they now cost too much to employ. And one reason they might cost too much, is the minimum wage went up.
I agree, that goes to people running our country into the ground
If they don't like what they're making, get another job

I work 2 jobs, make $20,000 a year,
support my mentally challenged son,
never gotten a dime child support and receive

I don't have a car, no cell phone,
I use a free phone app on my tablet,
no credit card credit cards

I cut my own hair and can cook chix 100 ways,
I don't have cable, I have Netflix and Hulu
I buy my clothes at thrift stores and we are fine

No one owes me shit, I live WITHIN my means
I don't think someone else should give me
what I NEED so I can indulge in what I WANT

When I started working in '84 my father told me....
Lynn Therese, I don't care if you're flipping burgers
You be the best burger flipper they have
Don't get a check, EARN your check
The one thing no one can take from you is your character

That is how I have worked my entire life
I work as hard for $12 & $10 hr as I would $20 or $30

I walk into Target, the store is trashed,
not because they are understaffed
because everyone I see is standing around on their phones

I ask for no cheese on my filet o fish,
there's extra cheese...

They want to make $15

If you work like shit for a little,
you'll work like shit for more

I'm against $15 min wage
and think Congress makes too much

You have definitely earned and deserve your $15 an hour. Enjoy.

Always good to see a left-winger talking down at the people they claim to be in favor of.

Comrade Trump? A perfect example of misery loves company.

But neither of us is miserable. Regardless, it just shows the contempt you have for anyone that makes less money than, just like all Left-wing trash.
If you need to support a family, the solution isn't to get a crap job, and then demand a crap job pay like a middle class job. The solution is to get a middle class job.

The value of the labor, does not magically increase, because you demand it increase.

I'm not going to pay $20 for a cheap fast food burger, because you want $15/hour. I'm not going to do it. Period.

So if you raise the minimum wage, and people stop buying your labor, then you end up unemployed. Now you earn zero.

How are you better off?

Again, you correctly pointed out that the last time the minimum wage went up was 2007-2009. What happened during 2007-2009? Unemployment went up, and primarily at the low-wage level.

It's almost like, exactly what I said, played out perfectly.

Some say this was all due to the banks, and sub-prime loans. But that doesn't fit the facts. The sub-prime loan crash, doesn't cause Wendy's to stop selling burgers, and have to lay people off.

What causes Wendy's to lay people off, is they now cost too much to employ. And one reason they might cost too much, is the minimum wage went up.
I agree, that goes to people running our country into the ground
If they don't like what they're making, get another job

I work 2 jobs, make $20,000 a year,
support my mentally challenged son,
never gotten a dime child support and receive

I don't have a car, no cell phone,
I use a free phone app on my tablet,
no credit card credit cards

I cut my own hair and can cook chix 100 ways,
I don't have cable, I have Netflix and Hulu
I buy my clothes at thrift stores and we are fine

No one owes me shit, I live WITHIN my means
I don't think someone else should give me
what I NEED so I can indulge in what I WANT

When I started working in '84 my father told me....
Lynn Therese, I don't care if you're flipping burgers
You be the best burger flipper they have
Don't get a check, EARN your check
The one thing no one can take from you is your character

That is how I have worked my entire life
I work as hard for $12 & $10 hr as I would $20 or $30

I walk into Target, the store is trashed,
not because they are understaffed
because everyone I see is standing around on their phones

I ask for no cheese on my filet o fish,
there's extra cheese...

They want to make $15

If you work like shit for a little,
you'll work like shit for more

I'm against $15 min wage
and think Congress makes too much

You have definitely earned and deserve your $15 an hour. Enjoy.

Always good to see a left-winger talking down at the people they claim to be in favor of.

Comrade Trump? A perfect example of misery loves company.

But neither of us is miserable. Regardless, it just shows the contempt you have for anyone that makes less money than, just like all Left-wing trash.

Us? You and your multiple personalities?

Here's a tip. Invest in your human capital and you might profit.
I agree, that goes to people running our country into the ground
If they don't like what they're making, get another job

I work 2 jobs, make $20,000 a year,
support my mentally challenged son,
never gotten a dime child support and receive

I don't have a car, no cell phone,
I use a free phone app on my tablet,
no credit card credit cards

I cut my own hair and can cook chix 100 ways,
I don't have cable, I have Netflix and Hulu
I buy my clothes at thrift stores and we are fine

No one owes me shit, I live WITHIN my means
I don't think someone else should give me
what I NEED so I can indulge in what I WANT

When I started working in '84 my father told me....
Lynn Therese, I don't care if you're flipping burgers
You be the best burger flipper they have
Don't get a check, EARN your check
The one thing no one can take from you is your character

That is how I have worked my entire life
I work as hard for $12 & $10 hr as I would $20 or $30

I walk into Target, the store is trashed,
not because they are understaffed
because everyone I see is standing around on their phones

I ask for no cheese on my filet o fish,
there's extra cheese...

They want to make $15

If you work like shit for a little,
you'll work like shit for more

I'm against $15 min wage
and think Congress makes too much

You have definitely earned and deserve your $15 an hour. Enjoy.

Always good to see a left-winger talking down at the people they claim to be in favor of.

Comrade Trump? A perfect example of misery loves company.

But neither of us is miserable. Regardless, it just shows the contempt you have for anyone that makes less money than, just like all Left-wing trash.

Us? You and your multiple personalities?

Here's a tip. Invest in your human capital and you might profit.
Revenues went up. How does more revenue increase deficits?
So the amount it goes up is irrelevant.
Corporate taxes still below 2017

So it doesn't matter.... revenue is up... but that doesn't matter.

New math? Common Core? Just wondering how you claim revenue being higher doesn't matter to deficits....

How can Amazon and it's ilk pay zero corporate tax?

So many of the biggest corporations are paying nothing.

Donald Trump is irate beccause EU and UK companies a re starting to implement taxes on US based corporations who conduct online business in their countries, including advertising and sales.

Big MNCs might eventually pay more tax in EU and UK than they do in the USA.

Are you saying that all the executives, and management of Amazon and Google, and all the other companies are not paying taxes?

The answer to your question is... you are a liar. That's how they pay zero tax. When you make up things that are not true, then they pay zero tax.

No little buddy. You lie.

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it
Alyssa Pagano and Steve Kovach Feb 14, 2019, 10:07 PM

Amazon will not pay federal income tax for the second year in a row, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, despite being worth $793 billion. ...

So what? From whom does the money come from that companies use to pay those taxes?
Last edited:
Welcome to the bogus economy and TSLS, Trump Shit Life Syndrome fueled by burgeoning debt and stoked by the First Loser.

You have to respect Donald Trump for being astute enough to recognize that the poorly-educated are a majority in US society and going after them.

Donald Trump is inflating the expectations of his howling mob by making promises he doesn't intend to keep and can't keep.

US debt has increased by $10,000 per worker during Trump's tenure while "53 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 earned a median wage of $10.22 per hour, or $18,000 per year" and have traveled backward. If Trump's debt trajectory continues, the 53 million Americans will soon have a net negative value as the debt balloons to stratospheric values.

The Donald Trump trajectory portends a horrendous recession which will make Lebanon and Zimbabwe look like desirable economic models.

Good jobs are rising slower than the population which means more and more Americans are doomed to TSLS, Trump Shit Life Syndrome.

Trump and his sycophantic associates still don't understand that the economy and job quality has not recovered from the Bush depression that caused many new graduates to lose the opportunity to establish a career in a chosen profession and many had to settle for low-quality low pay jobs. Many of these unfortunate people have not recovered from this setback and won't under Trump's leadership.

Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal - Legal Reader

Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal
DAWN ALLEN — January 27, 2020

Low-wage workers make up nearly half of the American workforce, and many of them are the sole breadwinners for their families.

Last November, the Brookings Institution released a study concluding that nearly half of working age Americans are employed in low-wage jobs. They found that 53 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 earned a median wage of $10.22 per hour, or $18,000 per year.

The fact that 44% of the American workforce now finds itself in such a precarious economic situation might come as a surprise to those who imagine low-wage work to be the domain of teenagers, college students, the newly-hired, or those taking on side gigs for extra cash. Instead, these jobs are the main way that many people support their families, especially in smaller cities in the southern and western regions of the United States. 26% of low-wage earners are the sole breadwinners for their household, and another 25% live in households where all earners work in low-paying jobs.

Perhaps the most obvious solution to improving conditions for these workers is to provide education, retraining, and skill upgrades so that they qualify for better jobs. Indeed, 40% of low-wage workers between the ages of 25-64 have, at most, a high school diploma, while another 13% are young people without degrees who are not in school. That means, however, that nearly half of the workers in low-paying jobs already have higher levels of educational attainment.

Simply getting more education won’t cause jobs to magically appear, either. The Occupy movement was full of college-educated people who couldn’t find sufficient jobs to pay back crushing student debt. Perhaps it’s true that “they should have gotten STEM degrees,” (and not those pesky Women’s Studies or sociology majors) as those on the Libertarian/Conservative spectrum self-righteously preached in 2011, but remember how that sentiment morphed into right-wing trolls mocking laid-off “elite” journalists with the condescending mantra of “better learn to code, then” by 2019? (Besides, if everyone learned to code, it would become just another low-wage job.)
Stop going into debt. Try it.
So the amount it goes up is irrelevant.
Corporate taxes still below 2017

So it doesn't matter.... revenue is up... but that doesn't matter.

New math? Common Core? Just wondering how you claim revenue being higher doesn't matter to deficits....

How can Amazon and it's ilk pay zero corporate tax?

So many of the biggest corporations are paying nothing.

Donald Trump is irate beccause EU and UK companies a re starting to implement taxes on US based corporations who conduct online business in their countries, including advertising and sales.

Big MNCs might eventually pay more tax in EU and UK than they do in the USA.

Are you saying that all the executives, and management of Amazon and Google, and all the other companies are not paying taxes?

The answer to your question is... you are a liar. That's how they pay zero tax. When you make up things that are not true, then they pay zero tax.

No little buddy. You lie.

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it
Alyssa Pagano and Steve Kovach Feb 14, 2019, 10:07 PM

Amazon will not pay federal income tax for the second year in a row, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, despite being worth $793 billion. ...

So what? From whom does the money come from that companies use to pay those taxes?

Profits that are otherwise applied to share buybacks.
Obama or deumpf... the numbers are not telling the whole story. Millions have low paying jobs and cant afford basics. Heck 70% or so have no savings or emergency funds. I dont why drumpf is happy with the low unemployment number. I would be very concerned of the quality of life that's taking a beating in recent years.
God save America from the orange dolt.


I am glad Trump makes you sad.

Defiling yourself appears to make you happier.
Doesn’t change that Trump makes you sad. Shows your weak constitution.
Watching your fat assed orange buddy destroy America does make me sad.

Why not you?
Where's the destruction? Nothing but new construction and want ads where I live. You must live in one of those sanctuary cities.
Welcome to the bogus economy and TSLS, Trump Shit Life Syndrome fueled by burgeoning debt and stoked by the First Loser.

You have to respect Donald Trump for being astute enough to recognize that the poorly-educated are a majority in US society and going after them.

Donald Trump is inflating the expectations of his howling mob by making promises he doesn't intend to keep and can't keep.

US debt has increased by $10,000 per worker during Trump's tenure while "53 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 earned a median wage of $10.22 per hour, or $18,000 per year" and have traveled backward. If Trump's debt trajectory continues, the 53 million Americans will soon have a net negative value as the debt balloons to stratospheric values.

The Donald Trump trajectory portends a horrendous recession which will make Lebanon and Zimbabwe look like desirable economic models.

Good jobs are rising slower than the population which means more and more Americans are doomed to TSLS, Trump Shit Life Syndrome.

Trump and his sycophantic associates still don't understand that the economy and job quality has not recovered from the Bush depression that caused many new graduates to lose the opportunity to establish a career in a chosen profession and many had to settle for low-quality low pay jobs. Many of these unfortunate people have not recovered from this setback and won't under Trump's leadership.

Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal - Legal Reader

Low-Wage Jobs are the New American Normal
DAWN ALLEN — January 27, 2020

Low-wage workers make up nearly half of the American workforce, and many of them are the sole breadwinners for their families.

Last November, the Brookings Institution released a study concluding that nearly half of working age Americans are employed in low-wage jobs. They found that 53 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 earned a median wage of $10.22 per hour, or $18,000 per year.

The fact that 44% of the American workforce now finds itself in such a precarious economic situation might come as a surprise to those who imagine low-wage work to be the domain of teenagers, college students, the newly-hired, or those taking on side gigs for extra cash. Instead, these jobs are the main way that many people support their families, especially in smaller cities in the southern and western regions of the United States. 26% of low-wage earners are the sole breadwinners for their household, and another 25% live in households where all earners work in low-paying jobs.

Perhaps the most obvious solution to improving conditions for these workers is to provide education, retraining, and skill upgrades so that they qualify for better jobs. Indeed, 40% of low-wage workers between the ages of 25-64 have, at most, a high school diploma, while another 13% are young people without degrees who are not in school. That means, however, that nearly half of the workers in low-paying jobs already have higher levels of educational attainment.

Simply getting more education won’t cause jobs to magically appear, either. The Occupy movement was full of college-educated people who couldn’t find sufficient jobs to pay back crushing student debt. Perhaps it’s true that “they should have gotten STEM degrees,” (and not those pesky Women’s Studies or sociology majors) as those on the Libertarian/Conservative spectrum self-righteously preached in 2011, but remember how that sentiment morphed into right-wing trolls mocking laid-off “elite” journalists with the condescending mantra of “better learn to code, then” by 2019? (Besides, if everyone learned to code, it would become just another low-wage job.)

After 2008 the higher paying jobs disappeared and that is the new norm. People recovered by working 2&3 jobs. I seriously doubt they will comeback, no matter the President.

Trump has turned his howling mob into unpaid apprentices.

It’s not any different then under Obama, Obama didn’t have a TV show is the only difference. I am making more now than I did under Obama. My kids are making more under Trump than they did under Obama. I do realize there is a segment that is struggling, however they struggled under Obama as well.

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