Thanks bill and hilary clinton. The technology you sold to the Chinese may lead to "Pearl Harbor" EMP attack on our country.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Back in the 1990s bill and hilary clinton sold our classified technology to China for campaign of the many crimes of that disgusting pair of we find out that China is using this advanced technology in preparation for a "Pearl Harbor" style attack on the U.S. energy attack which would kill hundreds of millions of Americans in an extinction level event for our country...

Imagine the United States in the middle of a cold January winter.....and our power grid goes down.........and it goes down without any way to repair it......hundreds of millions would die of cold and starvation....

This is what the clinton's have allowed to happen...

With the help of stolen U.S. technology, China has developed at least three types of high-tech weapons to attack the electric grid and key technologies in a “surprise Pearl Harbor” assault that could send America into a deadly blackout, according to a new analysis.

According to the report from the independent EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, China has built a network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and “super-electromagnetic pulse” weapons that could melt down the U.S. electric network, fry critical communications, and stifle aircraft carrier groups.

According to the report, written by the task force’s executive director, Peter Pry, long an expert on EMP warfare, China developed the weapons as part of its “Total Information Warfare” that includes hacking raids on computers.

What’s more, despite China’s promises to attack only after being attacked, Pry revealed new data to show that the communist nation is lying and eager to shoot first with “high-altitude electromagnetic pulse,” or HEMP, weapons launched from satellites, ships, and land.

“China’s military doctrine — including numerous examples presented here of using HEMP attack
to win on the battlefield, defeat U.S. aircraft carriers, and achieve against the U.S. homeland a surprise ‘Pearl Harbor’ writ large — is replete with technical and operational planning consistent with a nuclear first-strike,” said Pry in his report provided to Secrets. It is shown below.

He added that while some believe China’s promise not to fire first, there are key U.S. officials who don’t buy it. For example, he cited February 2020 testimony from the chief of U.S. Strategic Command, Adm. Charles Richard, who said that he could “drive a truck through China’s no first use policy.”

Pry has helped awaken the nation to the threat posed by an EMP attack, either from a military foe or solar event. Once a concern that resulted in eye-rolling by officials in Washington, the Pentagon and President Trump take the threat seriously and are slowly moving to build protections from an attack.

Those efforts come as China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran move to build and deploy the weapons which, essentially, launch a nuclear weapon into the atmosphere to explode and disable electronics below, including flying aircraft.

A report done while Pry was a key member of a congressional EMP commission years ago found that an EMP attack on the East Coast electric grid could lead to the death of 90% of the population within a year from looting, a lack of food and water, and desperation attacks. Even short electric blackouts, such as one in New York in 1977, resulted in looting.

And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Back in the 1990s bill and hilary clinton sold our classified technology to China for campaign of the many crimes of that disgusting pair of we find out that China is using this advanced technology in preparation for a "Pearl Harbor" style attack on the U.S. energy attack which would kill hundreds of millions of Americans in an extinction level event for our country...

Imagine the United States in the middle of a cold January winter.....and our power grid goes down.........and it goes down without any way to repair it......hundreds of millions would die of cold and starvation....

This is what the clinton's have allowed to happen...

With the help of stolen U.S. technology, China has developed at least three types of high-tech weapons to attack the electric grid and key technologies in a “surprise Pearl Harbor” assault that could send America into a deadly blackout, according to a new analysis.

According to the report from the independent EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, China has built a network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and “super-electromagnetic pulse” weapons that could melt down the U.S. electric network, fry critical communications, and stifle aircraft carrier groups.

According to the report, written by the task force’s executive director, Peter Pry, long an expert on EMP warfare, China developed the weapons as part of its “Total Information Warfare” that includes hacking raids on computers.

What’s more, despite China’s promises to attack only after being attacked, Pry revealed new data to show that the communist nation is lying and eager to shoot first with “high-altitude electromagnetic pulse,” or HEMP, weapons launched from satellites, ships, and land.

“China’s military doctrine — including numerous examples presented here of using HEMP attack
to win on the battlefield, defeat U.S. aircraft carriers, and achieve against the U.S. homeland a surprise ‘Pearl Harbor’ writ large — is replete with technical and operational planning consistent with a nuclear first-strike,” said Pry in his report provided to Secrets. It is shown below.

He added that while some believe China’s promise not to fire first, there are key U.S. officials who don’t buy it. For example, he cited February 2020 testimony from the chief of U.S. Strategic Command, Adm. Charles Richard, who said that he could “drive a truck through China’s no first use policy.”

Pry has helped awaken the nation to the threat posed by an EMP attack, either from a military foe or solar event. Once a concern that resulted in eye-rolling by officials in Washington, the Pentagon and President Trump take the threat seriously and are slowly moving to build protections from an attack.

Those efforts come as China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran move to build and deploy the weapons which, essentially, launch a nuclear weapon into the atmosphere to explode and disable electronics below, including flying aircraft.

A report done while Pry was a key member of a congressional EMP commission years ago found that an EMP attack on the East Coast electric grid could lead to the death of 90% of the population within a year from looting, a lack of food and water, and desperation attacks. Even short electric blackouts, such as one in New York in 1977, resulted in looting.

It figures. Thanks for the post.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.

They would kill hundreds of millions of Americans......and this country would then be open for Chinese colonization.........and Russians.........

And who would retaliate if biden was in office? Would he have the balls to order a nuclear strike against the Chinese in retaliation?
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.

They would kill hundreds of millions of Americans......and this country would then be open for Chinese colonization.........and Russians.........

And who would retaliate if biden was in office? Would he have the balls to order a nuclear strike against the Chinese in retaliation?
Great point.
Here's an article that details more of the history of the Clinton / Silicon Valley connection to China's technical advancement. First published in 1997 and republished 20 years later in 2017. It starts off...

IT WAS JUST ANOTHER WEST COAST FUND-RAISER, THE THIRD in a row that day for Bill Clinton. Guests nibbled on salmon and took turns saying hello to the president of the United States -- all for $ 10,000 a head. Liu Chao-ying's hand was just one among many extended, with a smile and a nod, to Clinton at the dinner in L.A. last July. The real question is, what exactly was she doing there?​

And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.

They would kill hundreds of millions of Americans......and this country would then be open for Chinese colonization.........and Russians.........

And who would retaliate if biden was in office? Would he have the balls to order a nuclear strike against the Chinese in retaliation?

No thank God he wouldn't and neither should tramp. Tramp loves XI and asked China to help him win the election,

now why do you figure that
"China owns joe biden and his family."

Also do you know what Stolen means?
Last edited:
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.

They would kill hundreds of millions of Americans......and this country would then be open for Chinese colonization.........and Russians.........

And who would retaliate if biden was in office? Would he have the balls to order a nuclear strike against the Chinese in retaliation?

No thank God he wouldn't and neither should tramp. Tramp loves XI and asked China to help him win the election,

now why do you figure that
"China owns joe biden and his family."

You truly are blind.....the clintons gave the Chinese the technology they are now using to target the United States with weapons than can murder hundreds of millions of moron.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.

They would kill hundreds of millions of Americans......and this country would then be open for Chinese colonization.........and Russians.........

And who would retaliate if biden was in office? Would he have the balls to order a nuclear strike against the Chinese in retaliation?

No thank God he wouldn't and neither should tramp. Tramp loves XI and asked China to help him win the election,

now why do you figure that
"China owns joe biden and his family."

You truly are blind.....the clintons gave the Chinese the technology they are now using to target the United States with weapons than can murder hundreds of millions of moron.
So you don't know what "stolen" means.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

Just dreadful.

This is a real threat.......these countries would not hesitate to use this technology to destroy the United States.......and the democrat party is behind it again...through sheer greed for money and power........

Keep in mind...China owns joe biden and his family.

In his new 14-page report, he outlined China’s weaponry.

First is a “Super-EMP” weapon, built with stolen U.S. military technology. It is a nuclear warhead on a missile that could be used against ships and on the battlefield, he said. He cited a Chinese Army news article that said an attack would be like a 21st century “Pearl Harbor.”
It said, “a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides. This is because the U.S. economy, from banks to telephone systems and from power plants to iron and steel works, relies entirely on computer network.”

Second are hypersonic weapons, including missiles, that can send a warhead at five-times the speed of sound to a target.

And third is the development of EMP satellites armed with nuclear weapons that can float for years in the sky. Said Pry, “The U.S. should be very concerned about a scenario where China uses nuclear space weapons, perhaps ICBMs and IRBMs with specialized warheads, to quickly sweep the skies of U.S. satellites, even at the risk of losing PRC satellites, which could then be replaced with a surge of satellites launched by China to capture the ‘high frontier’ and cripple U.S. military capabilities.”
The Biden connection with China is VERY troubling, to say the least.

They would kill hundreds of millions of Americans......and this country would then be open for Chinese colonization.........and Russians.........

And who would retaliate if biden was in office? Would he have the balls to order a nuclear strike against the Chinese in retaliation?

No thank God he wouldn't and neither should tramp. Tramp loves XI and asked China to help him win the election,

now why do you figure that
"China owns joe biden and his family."

You truly are blind.....the clintons gave the Chinese the technology they are now using to target the United States with weapons than can murder hundreds of millions of moron.
So you don't know what "stolen" means.

Moron, the clintons allowed the Chinese to get the technology......they signed off on the technology transfers back in the 1990s for bags of campaign cash.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

pay window can't read and you knew that and used it anyway
So far
Back in the 1990s bill and hilary clinton sold our classified technology to China for campaign of the many crimes of that disgusting pair of we find out that China is using this advanced technology in preparation for a "Pearl Harbor" style attack on the U.S. energy attack which would kill hundreds of millions of Americans in an extinction level event for our country...

Imagine the United States in the middle of a cold January winter.....and our power grid goes down.........and it goes down without any way to repair it......hundreds of millions would die of cold and starvation....

This is what the clinton's have allowed to happen...

With the help of stolen U.S. technology, China has developed at least three types of high-tech weapons to attack the electric grid and key technologies in a “surprise Pearl Harbor” assault that could send America into a deadly blackout, according to a new analysis.

According to the report from the independent EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, China has built a network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and “super-electromagnetic pulse” weapons that could melt down the U.S. electric network, fry critical communications, and stifle aircraft carrier groups.

According to the report, written by the task force’s executive director, Peter Pry, long an expert on EMP warfare, China developed the weapons as part of its “Total Information Warfare” that includes hacking raids on computers.

What’s more, despite China’s promises to attack only after being attacked, Pry revealed new data to show that the communist nation is lying and eager to shoot first with “high-altitude electromagnetic pulse,” or HEMP, weapons launched from satellites, ships, and land.

“China’s military doctrine — including numerous examples presented here of using HEMP attack
to win on the battlefield, defeat U.S. aircraft carriers, and achieve against the U.S. homeland a surprise ‘Pearl Harbor’ writ large — is replete with technical and operational planning consistent with a nuclear first-strike,” said Pry in his report provided to Secrets. It is shown below.

He added that while some believe China’s promise not to fire first, there are key U.S. officials who don’t buy it. For example, he cited February 2020 testimony from the chief of U.S. Strategic Command, Adm. Charles Richard, who said that he could “drive a truck through China’s no first use policy.”

Pry has helped awaken the nation to the threat posed by an EMP attack, either from a military foe or solar event. Once a concern that resulted in eye-rolling by officials in Washington, the Pentagon and President Trump take the threat seriously and are slowly moving to build protections from an attack.

Those efforts come as China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran move to build and deploy the weapons which, essentially, launch a nuclear weapon into the atmosphere to explode and disable electronics below, including flying aircraft.

A report done while Pry was a key member of a congressional EMP commission years ago found that an EMP attack on the East Coast electric grid could lead to the death of 90% of the population within a year from looting, a lack of food and water, and desperation attacks. Even short electric blackouts, such as one in New York in 1977, resulted in looting.

EMP's are nothing new and we have known about then since the 1970's other nations know about EMP's also. All I can say is buy electronics that are made to withstand EMP's just like the military does.
And this was the transfer of our technology to China.....which the clinton's allowed to happen for Chinese campaign cash in the 1990s........

Their greed and lust for power has endangered the entire country.....

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

pay window can't read and you knew that and used it anyway

There isn't a pay window.......I don't get that when I go there...and I don't pay for anything....

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