Thank God for Putin.

If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?

Thank him for what?
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?

Thank him for what?
For telling the fake news what they won't tell half the brain dead ass holes in this country

Just wait for all his tricks........He is going to ask about Dr Fauci a lot too......lololol..The election....lolol

Trump/Putin 2024
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
God this is so hilarious. A murderous thug asking questions to the fake news they refuse to answer.

Wait til the Russian scam comes

Wait til Poot is asked about Hunter and the Moscow mayors wife for her 3 mil....................Did he fuck her for it.lolol
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
Funny that our own people of favor have a knife on the neck of half the citizens.
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
The truth sometimes comes from strange places....
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
Better Russian than democrat.
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
What's funny is you republicans will justify any time a cop kills a black but this one you can't seem to defend the cop for shooting this rioter.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt, the Office announced today.

Internal Affairs Division (IAD), conducted a thorough investigation of Ms. Babbitt’s shooting. Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy. Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution. Officials from IAD informed a representative of Ms. Babbitt’s family today of this determination.

The investigation determined that, on January 6, 2021, Ms. Babbitt joined a crowd of people that gathered on the U.S. Capitol grounds to protest the results of the 2020 presidential election. Inside the Capitol building, a Joint Session of Congress, convened to certify the results of the Electoral College vote, was underway. Members of the crowd outside the building, which was closed to the public during the Joint Session, eventually forced their way into the Capitol building and past U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers attempting to maintain order. The Joint Session was stopped, and the USCP began evacuating members of Congress.

The investigation further determined that Ms. Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside “Speaker’s Lobby,” which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways. USCP officers used furniture to barricade a set of glass doors separating the hallway and Speaker’s Lobby to try and stop the mob from entering the Speaker’s Lobby and the Chamber, and three officers positioned themselves between the doors and the mob. Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects. Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate. As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out. An officer inside the Speaker’s Lobby fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor. A USCP emergency response team, which had begun making its way into the hallway to try and subdue the mob, administered aid to Ms. Babbitt, who was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she succumbed to her injuries.
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
Better Russian than democrat.
Russia puts up with corrupt Putin and Republicans put up with corrupt Trump. We see the similarities. Scary. Sad. Pathetic.
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
Better Russian than democrat.
Russia puts up with corrupt Putin and Republicans put up with corrupt Trump. We see the similarities. Scary. Sad. Pathetic.
What's pathetic is Dr. Jill, the caregiver, telling Joey to pay attention.
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
Better Russian than democrat.
Russia puts up with corrupt Putin and Republicans put up with corrupt Trump. We see the similarities. Scary. Sad. Pathetic.
Biden is the corrupt one, what is pathetic is you don't see this.
Another "Putin's so dreamy" post...
2017-11-24 18.34.57.jpg

Shouldn't you guys be pissed at Putin because of how he tried to help Clinton win the 2016 election..and how he ultimately help Biden steal the election from your cult leader??

Or was that all bullshit the whole time
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?

Thank him for what?
For telling the fake news what they won't tell half the brain dead ass holes in this country

Just wait for all his tricks........He is going to ask about Dr Fauci a lot too......lololol..The election....lolol

Trump/Putin 2024

You are an absolute moron. This is the stupidity Putin's trolls target online.

Congratulations, here's your sign —————————> STOOPID
If only we had a leader like this. Take upChuckie Schumer out back and his corpse, President* Biden.

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

How about the protesters the (((FBI))) is hunting down right now?
Another Russia sympathizer in our midst.
Better Russian than democrat.
These people can't handle the truth we just love Putin way more than them...Look at all the frownies......lolol

All the shit these MFs pulled and still continue?

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