Texas Republicans approve platform rejecting Biden's election as illegitimate

From the article......

The more than 270 resolutions were presented in a 40-page document that states the Texas Republican Party believes the election of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States violated the Constitution and that there was "substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas."

The party approved the unfounded and debunked election fraud allegations while calling on all Republicans to "ensure election integrity."

"Ensure election integrity" being a euphemism for "only our votes count."
Your opinion matters not.
How come the 10 Commandments....particularly the one about not bearing false witness is rejected by today's christians?
Progs like you Bodi have managed to rid god and the Bible out of nearly every facet of American life, and just look where it has led us…Now you blaspheme it by invoking it in Alinski fashion? Fuck you.
ummm, I posted in reference to Texas idiots seeking to secede
I know.

My point was that TX doesn't need to secede, in fact we could take more than 75% of all US territory with us and force the small areas infested with leftist parasites OUT of the union. Basically just build walls around several major cities and declare their "independence" for them. It would be about a year later after the bed wetters are cannibalized by the criminal thug trash which will be wiped out in search of new victims outside "autonomous zones" that we could clean up the democrook mess and forget about "pronouns", gun control, gay weddings, and other insidious policies that are designed to destroy America.

People in Texas take pride in their extreme ignorance. It wouldn't surprise me if she never read a single word in the Bible.

Ronald Reagan: It's not that our Democrat friends are ignorant. It's that they just know so many things that aren't so.

Not living in your leftist fantasy world is just paying attention
God (ok, I know that offends you) forbid you ever visit our planet!

What offends me is when a Golden Cows is worshipped and you call him GOD. God doesn't offend me. I do offend God at times and hope he forgives me. But you using God like you do tells me that God has his hands full with you. I won't call you a blasmepher because that would mean that I would be judging you. I leasve that up to God. But you keep trying to put yourself into God's image and passing judgement. Your God is a false one and it's Orange for crying out loud.
Texas is right, Democrats stole the election

I keep asking and waiting for the proof. Where is it. It's being covered right now in the J6 hearing and no one seems to be coming forward. And Rump gets closer to being indicted on Felonious acts. But if you actually believe what you are typing, put it on a State Ballot and run with it. But think of this, the rest of the nation will be watching to make sure you don't cheat any more than you already do. If the Voters of Texas (not you fruitcakes) decide to leave the Nation then we break Texas up. You can't have it just one way.
I know.

My point was that TX doesn't need to secede, in fact we could take more than 75% of all US territory with us and force the small areas infested with leftist parasites OUT of the union. Basically just build walls around several major cities and declare their "independence" for them. It would be about a year later after the bed wetters are cannibalized by the criminal thug trash which will be wiped out in search of new victims outside "autonomous zones" that we could clean up the democrook mess and forget about "pronouns", gun control, gay weddings, and other insidious policies that are designed to destroy America.

In 2020, there were approximately 57.23 million people living in rural areas in the United States, compared to about 272.91 million people living in urban areas.
In 2020, there were approximately 57.23 million people living in rural areas in the United States, compared to about 272.91 million people living in urban areas.

Please stop hammering him with Reason and Truth. Math is a science and the MAGA Rumpster Terrorists and Traitors have already discounted the sciences.
Please stop hammering him with Reason and Truth. Math is a science and the MAGA Rumpster Terrorists and Traitors have already discounted the sciences.
Lot of weapons in the Cities too.
And that's what we think! We think Biden's election was illegitimate due to 2,000 damn Deep State mules who saw to it President Trump would be buried by their illegal voting ballots. They were supported by evil weevils of the press. Urp!

Oddly enough, Republican state officials in AZ and GA found the election results to be accurate despite what the Narcissist in Chief spewed out of his pie hole.
Oddly enough, Republican state officials in AZ and GA found the election results to be accurate despite what the Narcissist in Chief spewed out of his pie hole.
Mean while at Folsum Stadium

Not against America First candidates. If it's between a RINO, Dem or true Libertarian, the Libertarian will get my vote every time

There are no America First candidates that belong to either of the factions of the duopoly.
There are no America First candidates that belong to either of the factions of the duopoly.
Sure there are, there's just far too few to make a real difference.
Plus, the longer they are in that swamp, the more likely they are to become corrupted, good intentions or not.
DC operates on blackmail & corruption. Any weak point is exploited for compromise.
Not against America First candidates. If it's between a RINO, Dem or true Libertarian, the Libertarian will get my vote every time
If it's a choice between:

A) anyone nominated by the DNC.


B) a random name from a 1980's phone book, Cthulhu, A strange woman lying in a pond throwing swords at people, a "RINO", a chimpanzee or leaving the office unoccupied.

I'll still go with (B).

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